416 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of the hardcore Bose-Hubbard model on a checkerboard superlattice

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    We obtain the complete phase diagram of the hardcore Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of a period-two superlattice in two and three dimensions. First we acquire the phase boundaries between the superfluid phase and the `trivial' insulating phases of the model (the completely-empty and completely-filled lattices) analytically. Next, the boundary between the superfluid phase and the half-filled Mott-insulating phase is obtained numerically, using the stochastic series expansion (SSE) algorithm followed by finite-size scaling. We also compare our numerical results against the predictions of several approximation schemes, including two mean-field approaches and a fourth-order strong-coupling expansion (SCE), where we show that the latter method in particular is successful in producing an accurate picture of the phase diagram. Finally, we examine the extent to which several approximation schemes, such as the random phase approximation and the strong-coupling expansion, give an accurate description of the momentum distribution of the bosons inside the insulating phases.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Supersolids in confined fermions on one-dimensional optical lattices

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    Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we show that density-density and pairing correlation functions of the one-dimensional attractive fermionic Hubbard model in a harmonic confinement potential are characterized by the anomalous dimension KρK_\rho of a corresponding periodic system, and hence display quantum critical behavior. The corresponding fluctuations render the SU(2) symmetry breaking by the confining potential irrelevant, leading to structure form factors for both correlation functions that scale with the same exponent upon increasing the system size, thus giving rise to a (quasi)supersolid.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Quantum quenches in disordered systems: Approach to thermal equilibrium without a typical relaxation time

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    We study spectral properties and the dynamics after a quench of one-dimensional spinless fermions with short-range interactions and long-range random hopping. We show that a sufficiently fast decay of the hopping term promotes localization effects at finite temperature, which prevents thermalization even if the classical motion is chaotic. For slower decays, we find that thermalization does occur. However, within this model, the latter regime falls in an unexpected universality class, namely, observables exhibit a power-law (as opposed to an exponential) approach to their thermal expectation values.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Collective Oscillations of Strongly Correlated One-Dimensional Bosons on a Lattice

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    We study the dipole oscillations of strongly correlated 1D bosons, in the hard-core limit, on a lattice, by an exact numerical approach. We show that far from the regime where a Mott insulator appears in the system, damping is always present and increases for larger initial displacements of the trap, causing dramatic changes in the momentum distribution, nkn_k. When a Mott insulator sets in the middle of the trap, the center of mass barely moves after an initial displacement, and nkn_k remains very similar to the one in the ground state. We also study changes introduced by the damping in the natural orbital occupations, and the revival of the center of mass oscillations after long times.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, published versio

    Degenerate Fermi gas in a combined harmonic-lattice potential

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    In this paper we derive an analytic approximation to the density of states for atoms in a combined optical lattice and harmonic trap potential as used in current experiments with quantum degenerate gases. We compare this analytic density of states to numerical solutions and demonstrate its validity regime. Our work explicitly considers the role of higher bands and when they are important in quantitative analysis of this system. Applying our density of states to a degenerate Fermi gas we consider how adiabatic loading from a harmonic trap into the combined harmonic-lattice potential affects the degeneracy temperature. Our results suggest that occupation of excited bands during loading should lead to more favourable conditions for realizing degenerate Fermi gases in optical lattices.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Free expansion of impenetrable bosons on one-dimensional optical lattices

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    We review recent exact results for the free expansion of impenetrable bosons on one-dimensional lattices, after switching off a confining potential. When the system is initially in a superfluid state, far from the regime in which the Mott-insulator appears in the middle of the trap, the momentum distribution of the expanding bosons rapidly approaches the momentum distribution of noninteracting fermions. Remarkably, no loss in coherence is observed in the system as reflected by a large occupation of the lowest eigenstate of the one-particle density matrix. In the opposite limit, when the initial system is a pure Mott insulator with one particle per lattice site, the expansion leads to the emergence of quasicondensates at finite momentum. In this case, one-particle correlations like the ones shown to be universal in the equilibrium case develop in the system. We show that the out-of-equilibrium behavior of the Shannon information entropy in momentum space, and its contrast with the one of noninteracting fermions, allows to differentiate the two different regimes of interest. It also helps in understanding the crossover between them.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, invited brief revie

    Time of flight observables and the formation of Mott domains of fermions and bosons on optical lattices

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    We study, using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, the energetics of the formation of Mott domains of fermions and bosons trapped on one-dimensional lattices. We show that, in both cases, the sum of kinetic and interaction energies exhibits minima when Mott domains appear in the trap. In addition, we examine the derivatives of the kinetic and interaction energies, and of their sum, which display clear signatures of the Mott transition. We discuss the relevance of these findings to time-of-flight experiments that could allow the detection of the metal--Mott-insulator transition in confined fermions on optical lattices, and support established results on the superfluid--Mott-insulator transition in confined bosons on optical lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, published versio

    Coherent matter waves emerging from Mott-insulators

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    We study the formation of (quasi-)coherent matter waves emerging from a Mott insulator for strongly interacting bosons on a one-dimensional lattice. It has been shown previously that a quasi-condensate emerges at momentum k=\pi/2a, where a is the lattice constant, in the limit of infinitely strong repulsion (hard-core bosons). Here we show that this phenomenon persists for all values of the repulsive interaction that lead to a Mott insulator at a commensurate filling. The non-equilibrium dynamics of hard-core bosons is treated exactly by means of a Jordan-Wigner transformation, and the generic case is studied using a time-dependent density matrix renormalization group technique. Different methods for controlling the emerging matter wave are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Published versio

    Exact coherent states of a harmonically confined Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    Using a scaling transformation we exactly determine the dynamics of an harmonically confined Tonks-Girardeau gas under arbitrary time variations of the trap frequency. We show how during a one-dimensional expansion a ``dynamical fermionization'' occurs as the momentum distribution rapidly approaches an ideal Fermi gas distribution, and that under a sudden change of the trap frequency the gas undergoes undamped breathing oscillations displaying alternating bosonic and fermionic character in momentum space. The absence of damping in the oscillations is a peculiarity of the truly Tonks regime.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published versio