1,567 research outputs found


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    RINGKASAN Kalorimetri yaitu cara penentuan kalor reaksi dengan menggunakan calorimeter. Kalorimeter terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu calorimeter bom dan calorimeter sederhana. Kalorimeter bom adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur jumlah kalor (nilai kalori) yang dibebaskan pada pembakaran sempurna (dalam O2 berlebih) suatu senyawa, bahan makanan, bahan bakar atau khusus digunakan untuk menentukan kalor dari reaksi-reaksi pembakaran. Kalorimeter makanan biasanya dipakai untuk mengukur kalor reaksi yang reaksinya berlangsung dalam fase larutan (misalnya reaksi netralisasi asam–basa/netralisasi, pelarutan dan pengendapan). Calorimeter sederhana dilakukan pada tekanan tetap yang dibuat dari gelas stirofoam. Uji kinerja alat bom calorimeter ini dilakukan pada pengukuran nilai kalori bahan makanan. Pengukuran nilai kalori ini dilakukan untuk tepung sagu,tepung terigu,dan gula. Untuk membandingkan energy yang mampu dihasilkan oleh masing-masing bahan makanan tersebut, maka dilakukan pengukuran nilai kalori yang dikandung tepung sagu,tepung terigu,dan gula Hasil yang diperoleh dari praktikum menyatakan bahwa dari ketiga macam jenis bahan makanan tersebut yaitu tepung sagu,tepung terigu,dan gula, nilai kalori tertinggi terkandung pada gula. artinya bahwa Gula merupakan bahan makanan yang berkalori tinggi di bandingkan dengan tepung sagu dan tepung terigu,Gula paling berpotensi menyebabkan obesitas,yang kemungkinan besar dapat menyabakkan penyakit Diabete

    Is Acquisition Everything? Protecting the Rights of Occupants Under the Fair Housing Act

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    This article addresses a recent trend among the federal courts to deny housing discrimination claims under the Fair Housing Act in cases where the plaintiff was an occupant of the housing at the time the discrimination occurred. Put another way, the courts have begun to read the FHA as protecting only the right to obtain housing, not the right to occupy that housing free of discrimination.The trend began with a 2004 Seventh Circuit opinion authored by Judge Richard Posner in the case of Halprin v. The Prairie Single Family Homes. Halprin dismissed most of the claims of a Jewish couple who alleged that the President of their Homeowner\u27s Association discriminated against them in a variety of ways. The sole reason for the dismissal was that the couple already owned their home and, according to Judge Posner, the FHA is concerned only with access to housing. Nearly a dozen federal courts have since followed suit.This article argues that Halprin was wrongly decided, and critiques the reasoning Judge Posner used to reach his conclusion. Next, the article proposes a better method of determining how the Act should apply: specifically, that language in the FHA which limits the application of particular provisions to the sale or rental of housing is intended to refer to the relationship between the parties, and not to a particular point in time. This interpretation has the advantage of reaching not only landlords who discriminate against tenants, but also defendants such as Homeowner\u27s Associations and municipalities, which are capable of discriminating against individuals who have purchased their homes. Halprin\u27s analysis will have potentially disastrous consequences for fair housing law, and it represents a departure from the manner in which remedial civil rights statutes have heretofore been interpreted. The Article concludes by situating Halprin within the broader debate between neoconservatives and Critical Race scholars about the proper aims of civil rights law in this post civil rights era

    Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Landlords, Latinos, Anti-Illegal Immigrant Ordinances, and Housing Discrimination

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    In the face of federal inability to effectively police our national borders and to remove unauthorized immigrants, many local governments have recently sought to take measures into their own hands by passing anti-illegal immigrant ( AII ) ordinances. These ordinances usually contain a combination of provisions restricting housing, employment, and public benefits for unauthorized immigrants, among other things.This Article focuses on AII provisions that are targeted at private rental housing, which typically take the form of sanctions against landlords who rent to unauthorized immigrants

    Are Disparate Impact Claims Cognizable under the Fair Housing Act: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project

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    The Fair Housing Act (FHA) makes it illegal to refuse to sell or rent or to otherwise make unlawful or deny housing to a person because of a protected characteristic, including race. The case asks the Court to determine whether the FHA covers disparate impact claims, where a plaintiff alleges discrimination based on the disparate impact that a defendant\u27s facially neutral practice has on members of a group who share a protected characteristic
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