3,101 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Dengan Pembelajaran Stad Pada Pembelajaran IPS Siswa Kelas IV Min Manisrejo Kota Madiun

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    This research aims to improve student achievement by improving the learning process using methods that make students more active in participating on social studies and improve the quality of teachers in the subject of social studies at MIN Manisrejo. This study uses a class action research design composing of two cycles and pre-action. In each cycle has steps of planning, action, observation and reflection. Research subjects used are IVC grade students of MIN Manisrejo consisting of 28 students. Learning model used is STAD, which is in collaboration with a social studies teacher IVC grade of MIN Manisrejo. The results showed that the STAD can be used as a means to increase student achievement in describing an overview of natural disasters in social studies, namely the average total score of 47.87 in the pre-action increased to 61.87 in the first cycle which uses only media images and the second cycle which uses STAD increased 74.8. Learning at the pre-action is considered ineffective, while the first cycle that uses media images is considered effective enough. The first cycle that uses STAD is considered very effective. Based on the research results, it can be suggested that in social studies learning at IV grade of MIN Manisrejo especially in subjects describing the causes of natural disasters using STAD. In addition, the results of study can also be used as guidelines for further research

    Studi Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Komunitas Adat Terpencil (Kat) Di Kecamatan Rio Pakava Kabupaten Donggala

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    This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the Remote Indigenous Communities (KAT), evaluates the condition and handling practices that have been taken by the government as well as the obstacles encountered during the process of empowerment KAT since 2010-2014, formulate a poverty reduction strategy is right for KAT in the district of Rio Pakava. As this study is categorised as survey research, data were obtained by conducted interview with respondents using interview guidelines, and the list of questionnaire. This study apply quantitative. Then, Microsoft Excell is used as tool to analyse the data of this study. This study found that the characteristics of existing poverty in the district of Rio Pakava (KAT ) include (1) human resources issues, there are some key issues in this obstacle, namely: Education and Knowledge, Technology, Health, and past orientation of KAT society; (2) KAT programs that had been done since 2010-2014 are: renovating facilities and Infrastructure, improving Education, Health Care, activities in the Remote and Border, Road Infrastructure to remote indigenous community area (KAT), Improving Agricultural Extension Activity and Economic Empowerment; (3) Based on the analysis found that the IFE and EFE matrix IFE's total of strength is higher than weakness by 3.90592, which means that the District of Rio Pakava fully able to overcome the existing weaknesses by using the advantages to reduce poverty in remote indigeneous (KAT) area. Moderate to EFE matrix was found that the factor of chance based on the calculation is equal to 2.78101, with the difference in value between the total score of the opportunities and threats is 0.89481. This shows that the respondents give a high response to the opportunity factor and lower response to threat factor. The total value weighted for external strategic factor by 2.78101, mean that the District of Rio Pakava can take advantage of existing opportunities and avoid the threat of poverty alleviation efforts for KAT; and (4) Based on the matrix of IFE and matrix EFE, suitable formulation strategy to reduce poverty for KAT in the district of Rio Pakava with SWOT analysis, as follows: Building partnerships and cooperation by utilizing local natural resources that exist, Using customs and culture as a bond to strengthening the unity and cohesion, more intensively to disseminate to the public about the creative economy, agriculture and PKAT, Optimizing all the potential that exists to address accessibility issues to remote indigenous area KAT and improving all the existing facilities and infrastructures. The recommendation of this study is to further optimize the system of mentoring as one of the factors supporting the success of this program

    CD4+CD25+ T Cells Maintain Homeostasis by Promoting TER-119 Cell Development and Inhibiting T Cell Activation

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    CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells involved in the regulation of self-tolerance and normality of homeostasis. CD122 deficient mice are model animals that have an abnormal immune system characteristically have a high number of activated T cells and TER-119 cell decreased. Here we showed evidence that the transfer of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells derived from normal mice to CD122-defficient neonates prevent the development of activated memory T cells and elicit TER-119 differentiation. Bone marrow reconstitution derived from CD122-/- mice to normal mice resulting tolerance to individual that genetically different. Importantly, CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells derived from normal mice can replace CD4+CD25+ cells derived from CD122-/- mice. The results of this experiment suggest that regulatory T cells from normal mice exert a critical role in maintaining peripheral tolerance and controlling hematopoietic disorder


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    ABSTRAK   Latar belakang dan tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui fenomena, serta kesimpulan mengenai pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kedisiplinan terhadap Motivasi serta dampaknya terhadap Kinerja di lingkungan kerja kantor Desa Tegal Kunir Lor Kecamatan Mauk – Tangerang.Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian asosiatif Kausal, teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : uji kualitas data validitas dan reliabilitas, analisis deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik normalitas, multikolinieritas dan heterokendatisitas, analisis regresi yaitu regresi sederhana dan berganda, parsial t, simultan F dan koefesien determinasi. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Riduwan (2013;64) dengan signifikan 0.05. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pegawai kantor Desa Tegal Kunir Lor yang berjumlah 125 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefesien determinasi pada variabel Kepemimpinan 0,805 atau 80,5%, sedangkan variabel Kedisiplinan 0,793  atau 79,3%, dan variabel Motivasi 0,808 atau  80,8%, sedangkan sisanya dari masing-masing variabel merupakan variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Nilai F Hitung  = 293,741 jika dibandingkan dengan nilai t tabel (1,960), maka F Hitung (293,741) > T Tabel (1,960).   Kata Kunci: Gaya Kepemimpinan, Disiplin, Motivasi, dan Kinerja

    On Dual Actuation in Atomic Force Microscopes

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    In this paper, the problem of dual actuation in the atomic force microscope (AFM) is analyzed. The use of two actuators to balance the trade-off between bandwidth, range, and precision has been recently extended to nano-positioning systems. Despite existing demands, this concept undergoes fundamental limitations towards its extension to AFMs. This is attributed to the non-conventional requirement imposed on the control signal response, as it used to create the image of the characterized surface.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA