2,270 research outputs found

    Are solar maximum fan streamers a consequence of twisting sheet structures?

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    Context.Fan streamers are often observed at low to mid latitudes in the corona at solar maximum, appearing narrow in latitudinal extent near the Sun, and fanning out with height, adopting an approximately linear, but not necessarily radial, configuration above ~3 R⊙R_{\odot}. Aims.We offer arguments to support the conjecture that such structures may sometimes consist of high density, non-uniform sheets, viewed edge-on near the Sun, and twisting to a more face-on alignment by 3 R⊙R_{\odot}. Methods.EUV and white light observations of a fan streamer observed on 2000/12/05 are analyzed. A simple 3D density model is used to recreate the streamer structure. Results.EIT images show a thin bright sheet at the base of the streamer. The continuation of this structure through the EIT, MLSO MKIV coronameter, and LASCO C2 fields of view, suggests that this sheet is formed mostly of open magnetic field lines. The overall large-scale appearance of the streamer is well simulated by a simple model of a twisting high-density sheet. If the twisting-sheet conjecture is valid, there is a correlation between the distribution of enhanced rays within the streamer viewed in white light, and the distribution of small regions of enhanced brightness seen on the disk in EIT 171 Å at the position of the streamer base. Conclusions.We suggest that the apparent poleward divergence of equatorial coronal rays, or threads, seen during solar maximum above active regions, may sometimes be a consequence of such a twisting sheet topology

    Aplikasi Kriptografi Database MySQL Menggunakan Metode Markel Helman

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    Keamanan merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting dalam penyimpanan data, khususnya penyimpanan data pada Database yang didalamnya terdapat banyak ancaman dari pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Kriptografi merupakan metode dengan menyandikan isi informasi (plaintext) menjadi isi yang sulit atau bahkan tidak dipahami melalui proses enkripsi. Untuk memperoleh kembali informasi yang asli dapat dilakukan dengan proses dekripsi, yang tentunya dengan menggunakan kunci yang benar. Untuk melindungi akses data dari pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan tersebut maka sangat diperlukan enkripsi dan dekripsi. Agar dapat dilakukan dengan baik, dibutuhkan suatu algoritma untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi. Metode yang digunakan disini adalah Metode Merkle Hellman

    Kearifan Lokal Tingkepan: Kajian Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam

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    Children are not only endearment but also the determinant for afterlife happiness. In addition, they are successors of the former generation, a family's pride and evidence when humans are on the judgement day of yaumulmakhsyar. Such claims are available on holly scriptures including Al Quran. Since children are so highly valued, every single mother hopes to raise excellent children. In such perspective, pregnancy and child birth become among life cycles most paid attention to. A ritual for such event, tingkepan, is therefore, usually very well arranged to do. Parents, however, are advised to be well informed about the ritual to find bless rather than sins. They are to select values good for themselves as well as for their young such as through prayers in accordance with Islamic teaching and Javanese local wisdom. Both, Islamic teaching and Javanese local wisdom have been the worldview of Javanese ancestors who are faithful to Lord God

    Relationship between magnetic susceptibility and elemental composition of Guano from Solek Cave, West Sumatera

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    We measured the magnetic properties and geochemistry of guano on a vertical profile from Solek Cave in West Sumatera. The aim of study was to evaluate whether there was a relation between magnetic susceptibility and the elemental composition of guano. Samples were collected at depth every 5 cm a depth of 230 cm where bedrock was reached. Magnetic susceptibility was measured by using susceptibility meter type Bartington MS2B and the element composition of guano samples was measured by X-Ray Fluoroscence (XRF). Percentage frequency dependence magnetic susceptibility was calculated from the percentage ratio of χ lf - χ hf. The results showed that the magnetic susceptibility varied between 86.8 × 10-8 m3/kg to 2204.2 x 10-8 m3/kg. The results of the frequency dependence magnetic susceptibility indicates that the samples were dominated by multi domain magnetic grains. Additionally, guano samples were found to contain several elements such as Mg, Al, Si, Ca, K, P, Fe and Ti. In We find that there is weak correlation between magnetic susceptibility and elemental composition, particularly Fe and Ti. It indirectly shows the presence of authigenic minerals

    Anatomi Daun Dan Taksonomi Jenis-jenis Vanda

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    Salah satu marga anggrek yang penting dari segi hortikultura ialah Vanda R. Br. Marga ini mempunyai anggota kiia-kira 60 jenis yang tersebar luas mulai dari India. Asia Tenggara sampai ke Papua Nugini. Berdasaikan bentuk daunnya Vanda dap at dibedakan dalam dua kelompok. Yang pertama adalah kelompok Vanda pensil, memiliki daun yang berbentuk tabling seperti pensil, penampang melintang daunnya bundar (contoh : Vanda hookerana Rchb.f., Vanda teres (Roxb.) Lindl. dan Vanda tricuspidata J.J.S. Kelompok kedua disebut Vanda sabuk, mempunyai daun lebai yang memanjang seperti sabuk dan penampang melintang daunnya sepertikupu-kupu atauburung terbang (contoh: Vanda helvola BL, Vanda dearii Rchb.f., Vanda insignis BL, Vanda sumatrana Schlt., Vanda limbata BL Vanda suavis Rchb.f., Vanda celebica Rolfe dan Vanda tricolor Lindl.)

    Community Structure of Seagrass Meadows in Mantehage Island Waters, North Sulawesi

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    Research on the structure of seagrass communities in the waters of the island Mantehage was conducted in September 2010. The purpose of this study is to collect data and information on the structure of seagrass communities. Observations includes the identification seagrass species, measuring the number of individual/stand, cover percentage of each type/species on the transect. 6 types of seagrass found, i.e. Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassodendron ciliatum, Cymodocea rotundata and Syringodium isoetifolium. Seagrass species composition and distribution varies at each location and is dominated by the presence of Thalassia hemprichii (48.14%) with coverage percentage ranges between 15.91% to 35.11%. Diversity index values ranged from 0.79 to 1.69 ; evenness index between 0.57 to 0.94 and the index of dominance between 0.20 to 0.56. In conclusion, the condition of seagrass meadows in Mantehage island is relatively good and can support marine life adequately

    Hubungan Antara Persepsi Terhadap Harga Dengan Intensi Membeli Private Label Indomaret Pada Ibu-ibu Di Kecamatan Margadana Kota Tegal

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    Penggunaan strategi pasar ritel dengan menawarkan private label banyak digunakan oleh ritel di Indonesia untuk menarik konsumen. Intensi membeli private label Indomaret merupakan niat konsumen untuk melakukan pengambilan keputusan membeli private label Indomaret sebagai upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Persepsi terhadap harga merupakan penilaian konsumen akan harga yang ditetapkan oleh produsen atau ritel sebagai harga yang rendah, tinggi atau wajar. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi konsumen mengenai harga private label Indomaret terhadap intensi membeli private label Indomaret di Kecamatan Margadana Kota Tegal. Subyek penelitian adalah konsumen di Kecamatan Margadana Kota Tegal. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling dengan 220 konsumen di Kecamatan Margadana Kota Tegal. Pengambilan data penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 skala psikologi model Likert, yaitu skala intensi membeli private label Indomaret (39 aitem valid, = 0,955) dan skala persepsi terhadap harga private label Indomaret (20 aitem valid, = 0,893). Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi sederhana. Data penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan nilai koefisien korelasi persepsi konsumen mengenai harga private label Indomaret terhadap intensi membeli private label Indomaret sebesar 0,872 dengan p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Nilai korelasi tersebut menunjukkan arah hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara variabel persepsi terhadap harga dengan intensi membeli private label Indomaret. Hipotesis penelitian ini dapat diterima. Koefisien Determinasi sebesar 0,760 memberi pengertian bahwa persepsi terhadap harga memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 76% terhadap intensi membeli private label Indomaret dan 24% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diungkapkan dalam penelitian ini

    The Effect of Soil Tillage System and Weeding TIME on the Growth of Weed and Yield of Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merril)

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    The growth and yield of soybeans can decrease due to competition from weeds. Various efforts have been made to control the growth of weeds such as land preparation and weeding periods. An experiment to study the effect of soil tillage systems and weeding time on the growth of weeds and soybean crop yield (Glycine max (L.) Merril) has been done in Wringinsongo Village, Tumpang Sub-District, Malang Regency from February to May 2017. The split-plot design with three replicates was used with the soil tillage system as the main plot consisting of three levels, T0: no tillage, T1: minimum tillage, and T2: conventional tillage, and weeding time as the sub plot consisting of 4 levels, P0: no weeding, P1: weeding 1 time, P2: weeding two times and P3: weeding three times. The results showed that the dominant weed species before treatment were Amaranthus spinosus (Spiny amaranth), Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass), Cyperus rotundus (Purple nutsedge), Ageratum conyzoides (Billygoat weed), and Portulaca oleracea (Common purslane). After treatment, the dominant weed species were Cyperus rotundus (Purple nutsedge), Amaranthus spinosus (Spiny amaranth), Ageratum conyzoides (Billygoat weed), Physalis Peruviana (Cape gooseberry), and Eclipta alba (False daisy). There was no significant difference of the dry weight of weeds in conventional tillage followed by weeding 3 times at 15, 30 and 45 days after planting, and minimum tillage and no tillage. For the yield of soybeans, conventional tillage followed by weeding 3 times at 15, 30 and 45 days after planting were not significant with that of minimum tillage. The yield of soybeans was lower than that of with no tillage and no weeding
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