22 research outputs found

    Распределение валентной электронной плотности в системе цирконий-водород c вакансией

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    The first-principle calculations of valence electron distribution in the zirconium-hydrogen system with vacancy have been carried out. The formation of the hydrogen-vacancy subsystems in the Zr-H leads to strongly anisotropic redistribution of the metal charge density. It is shown that the location of hydrogen in the interstitial near the vacancy is characterized by strong chemical binding of hydrogen with zirconium

    Bir kır eğlentisi

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    Reşat Nuri'nin Yarasa takma adıyla Kelebek'te tefrika edilen Bir Kır Eğlentisi adlı romanıTelif hakları nedeniyle romanın tam metni verilememiştir

    Prospective CERAD Neuropsychological Assessment in Patients With Multiple System Atrophy

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    The objective of the study was to characterize the pattern of cognitive dysfunction in patients with multiple system atrophy (MSA) applying a standardized neuropsychological assessment. A total of 20 patients with the diagnosis of probable or possible MSA were enrolled for neuropsychological assessment applying the CERAD plus battery. All patients were tested at baseline and 14/20 patients received additional follow-up assessments (median follow-up of 24 months). Additionally, relationship between cortical thickness values/subcortical gray matter volumes and CERAD subitems was evaluated at baseline in a subgroup of 13/20 patients. Trail Making Test (TMT) was the most sensitive CERAD item at baseline with abnormal performance (z-score < −1.28) in one or both pathological TMT items (TMT-A, TMT-B) in 60% of patients with MSA. Additionally, there was a significant inverse correlation between the volume of the left and the right accumbens area and the TMT A item after adjusting for age (left side: p = 0.0009; right side p = 0.003). Comparing both subtypes, patients with MSA-C had significant lower values in phonemic verbal fluency (p = 0.04) and a trend for lower values in semantic verbal fluency (p = 0.06) compared to MSA-P. Additionally, patients with MSA-C showed significantly worse performance in the TMT-B task (p = 0.04) and a trend for worse performance in the TMT-A task (p = 0.06). Concerning longitudinal follow-up, a significant worsening in the TMT-B (p = 0.03) can be reported in MSA. In conclusion, frontal-executive dysfunction presents the hallmark of cognitive impairment in MSA

    Rats overexpressing the dopamine transporter display behavioral and neurobiological abnormalities with relevance to repetitive disorders

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    The dopamine transporter (DAT) plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal dopamine signaling. DAT-overactivity has been linked to various neuropsychiatric disorders yet so far the direct pathological consequences of it has not been fully assessed. We here generated a transgenic rat model that via pronuclear microinjection overexpresses the DAT gene. Our results demonstrate that DAT-overexpression induces multiple neurobiological effects that exceeded the expected alterations in the corticostriatal dopamine system. Furthermore, transgenic rats specifically exhibited behavioral and pharmaco-therapeutic profiles phenotypic of repetitive disorders. Together our findings suggest that the DAT rat model will constitute a valuable tool for further investigations into the pathological influence of DAT overexpression on neural systems relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders

    The spectrum of involuntary vocalizations in humans: A video atlas

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    In clinical practice, involuntary vocalizing behaviors are typically associated with Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders. However, they may also be encountered throughout the entire tenor of neuropsychiatry, movement disorders, and neurodevelopmental syndromes. Importantly, involuntary vocalizing behaviors may often constitute a predominant clinical sign, and, therefore, their early recognition and appropriate classification are necessary to guide diagnosis and treatment. Clinical literature and video-documented cases on the topic are surprisingly scarce. Here, we pooled data from 5 expert centers of movement disorders, with instructive video material to cover the entire range of involuntary vocalizations in humans. Medical literature was also reviewed to document the range of possible etiologies associated with the different types of vocalizing behaviors and to explore treatment options. We propose a phenomenological classification of involuntary vocalizations within different categorical domains, including (1) tics and tic-like vocalizations, (2) vocalizations as part of stereotypies, (3) vocalizations as part of dystonia or chorea, (4) continuous vocalizing behaviors such as groaning or grunting, (5) pathological laughter and crying, (6) vocalizations resembling physiological reflexes, and (7) other vocalizations, for example, those associated with exaggerated startle responses, as part of epilepsy and sleep-related phenomena. We provide comprehensive lists of their associated etiologies, including neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, neuroimmunological, and structural causes and clinical clues. We then expand on the pathophysiology of the different vocalizing behaviors and comment on available treatment options. Finally, we present an algorithmic approach that covers the wide range of involuntary vocalizations in humans, with the ultimate goal of improving diagnostic accuracy and guiding appropriate treatment

    Continuous deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens reduces food intake but does not affect body weight in mice fed a high-fat diet

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    Abstract Obesity is an enormous health problem, and many patients do not respond to any of the available therapies. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is currently investigated as a potential treatment for morbid obesity. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that high-frequency DBS targeting the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell region reduces food intake and weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet. We implanted male C57BL/6J mice with bilateral electrodes and a head-mounted microstimulator enabling continuous stimulation for up to 5 weeks. In successfully operated animals (n = 9 per group, high-frequency vs. sham stimulation), we investigated immediate and long-term stimulation effects on metabolic and behavioral phenotypes. Here we show that stimulation acutely induced a transient reduction in energy expenditure and locomotor activity but did not significantly affect spontaneous food intake, social interaction, anxiety or exploratory behaviors. In contrast, continuous stimulation over 5 weeks led to a decrease in food intake and thigmotaxis (the tendency to stay near walls in an open lit arena). However, chronic stimulation did not substantially change weight gain in mice fed a high-fat diet. Our results do not support the use of continuous high-frequency NAc shell DBS as a treatment for obesity. However, DBS can alter obesity-related parameters with differing short and long-term effects. Therefore, future research should employ time and context-sensitive experimental designs to assess the potential of DBS for clinical translation in this area

    High-fat diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance are characterized by differential beta oscillatory signaling of the limbic cortico-basal ganglia loop

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    Abstract The concept of brain circuit disorders has been proposed for a variety of neuropsychiatric diseases, characterized by pathological disturbances of neuronal networks including changes in oscillatory signaling of re-entrant cortico-subcortical loops in the basal ganglia system. Parts of this circuitry play a pivotal role in energy homeostasis. We therefore investigated whether high-fat diet (HFD) induced obesity is associated with changes in oscillatory signaling in the limbic cortico-basal ganglia loop. We performed multi-site in-vivo electrophysiological recordings of local field potentials within this network under urethane anesthesia in adult rats after 4 weeks of HFD feeding compared to age-matched controls. Recordings were performed at baseline and during systemic glucose challenge. Our analysis demonstrates increased oscillatory beta power in the nucleus accumbens (NAC) associated with decreased beta coherence between cortex and NAC in animals fed a HFD. Spontaneous beta oscillatory power strongly correlated with endocrine markers of obesity. The glucose challenge increased beta oscillations in control animals but not in animals receiving the HFD. Furthermore direct intracerebroventricular insulin injection increased beta oscillations in the NAC. The present study provides evidence for aberrant oscillatory signaling in the limbic cortico-basal ganglia loop that might contribute to the dysfunctional information processing in obesity