118 research outputs found

    Advanced Fluorescence Correlation Techniques to Study Membrane Dynamics

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    Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) is a powerful tool to measure important physical quantities such as concentrations, diffusion coefficients, diffusion modes or binding parameters, both in solution and in membranes. However, it can suffer from severe artifacts, especially in non-ideal systems. Here we develop several novel implementations of FCS which overcome these limitations and facilitate accurate and quantitative determination of dynamic parameters in membranes. Two-focus FCS with camera-detection allows for accurate and calibration-free determination of diffusion coefficients. Confocal FCS using a laser scanning microscope provides an unprecedented positioning accuracy which enabled us to study, for the first time with FCS, dynamics in bacterial membranes. Scanning FCS with a scan path perpendicular to the membrane plane allows to correct for instabilities permitting long measurement times necessary to study slow diffusion. It can easily be extended to measure calibration-free diffusion coefficients with two-focus scanning FCS and to quantify binding with dual color scanning FCS. Spectral crosstalk can be avoided effectively by using alternating excitation. Using this method we were able to perform measurements in systems previously not accessible with FCS, such as yeast cell membranes or membranes of living zebrafish embryos. Line-scan FCS with a scan path in the membrane plane uses the parallel acquisition along the line to increase the statistical accuracy and decrease the measurement times. Knowledge of the scan speed serves as an internal calibration, enabling accurate diffusion and concentration measurements within seconds, hardly affected by photobleaching. Both realizations of scanning FCS can be easily implemented with commercial laser scanning microscopes. Often, a fluorescence background around the membrane cannot be avoided. The high surface selectivity needed in this case can be achieved efficiently by using a novel objective for FCS, the supercritical angle objective, which produces a very flat and laterally confined detection volume. Another technique with similar surface selectivity is FCS with total internal reflection excitation (TIRFCS). Due to the lack of a correct model, the accurate analysis of TIR-FCS data was previously not possible. In this work we develop such a model, enabling quantitative measurements of membrane dynamics with TIR-FCS. The novel FCS techniques developed here will have a high impact on the use of FCS to address key questions in biological systems, previously inaccessible by other methods.Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie (FCS) ist eine mĂ€chtige Methode, um wichtige physikalische Parameter wie Konzentrationen, Diffusionskoeffizienten, Diffusionsarten oder Bindungsparameter in Lösung und in Modell- oder Zellmembranen zu bestimmen. In nichtidealen Systemen ist FCS fehleranfĂ€llig. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir mehrere neuartige Realisierungen von FCS, welche diese Fehlerquellen umgehen und die genaue und quantitative Messung dynamischer Parameter in Membranen ermöglichen. Zwei-Fokus FCS mit Kamera-Detektion erlaubt eine genaue und kalibrationsfreie Messung von Diffusionskoeffizienten. Konfokale FCS mit einem Laserscanningmikroskop besitzt eine bislang unerreichte Positionsgenauigkeit, welche uns erstmals dynamische Messungen in Bakterienmembranen mit FCS ermöglichte. Scanning FCS mit einem Scanweg senkrecht zur Membran ermöglicht eine Korrektur von InstabilitĂ€ten und damit lange Messzeiten, die zur Bestimmung langsamer Diffusionskoeffizienten notwendig sind. Eine Erweiterung zur kalibrationsfreien Messung von Diffusionskoeffizienten mit Zwei-Fokus Scanning FCS und von Bindungsparametern mit Zwei-Farben Scanning FCS ist einfach. Mit diesen Methoden konnten wir in Systemen messen, die bislang FCS nicht zugĂ€nglich waren, so in Hefezellmembranen oder in Membranen lebender Zebrafischembryonen. Line-scan FCS besitzt einen Scanweg parallel zur Membran. Die parallele Messung entlang der ganzen Linie fĂŒhrt zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung der Statistik und damit zu kurzen Messzeiten. Die Kenntnis der Scangeschwindigkeit dient einer internen Kalibration und erlaubt eine akkurate Bestimmung von Diffusionskoeffizienten und Konzentrationen innerhalb weniger Sekunden, kaum beeinflusst vom Bleichen von Fluorophoren. Beide Arten von Scanning FCS können mit einem kommerziellen Laserscanningmikroskop realisiert werden. HĂ€ufig kann bei FCS Messungen ein fluoreszierender Hintergrund nicht vermieden werden. Hier ist eine hohe OberflĂ€chenselektivitiĂ€t nötig, welche effizient mit einem neuartigen Objektiv erreicht werden kann. Dieses Supercritical Angle-Objektiv erzeugt ein sehr flaches und lateral begrenztes Detektionsvolumen. Eine weitere Methode mit einer Ă€hnlich guten OberflĂ€chenselektivitĂ€t ist FCS mit Anregung ĂŒber totale interne Reflektion (TIR-FCS). Bislang war eine quantitative Analyse der TIR-FCS Daten kaum möglich, da keine ausreichend genaue theoretische Beschreibung existierte. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir ein akkurates Modell, welches quantitative Messungen mit TIR-FCS erlaubt. Die hier entwickelten neuartgien FCS-Techniken ermöglichen die Untersuchung biologischer Fragestellungen, welche bislang keiner anderen Methode zugĂ€nglich sind

    Better than a lens -- Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio through pupil splitting

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    Lenses are designed to fulfill Fermats principle such that all light interferes constructively in its focus, guaranteeing its maximum concentration. It can be shown that imaging via an unmodified full pupil yields the maximum transfer strength for all spatial frequencies transferable by the system. Seemingly also the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is optimal. The achievable SNR at a given photon budget is critical especially if that budget is strictly limited as in the case of fluorescence microscopy. In this work we propose a general method which achieves a better SNR for high spatial frequency information of an optical imaging system, without the need to capture more photons. This is achieved by splitting the pupil of an incoherent imaging system such that two (or more) sub-images are simultaneously acquired and computationally recombined. We compare the theoretical performance of split pupil imaging to the non-split scenario and implement the splitting using a tilted elliptical mirror placed at the back-focal-plane (BFP) of a fluorescence widefield microscope

    Visualizing the functional architecture of the endocytic machinery.

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    Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is an essential process that forms vesicles from the plasma membrane. Although most of the protein components of the endocytic protein machinery have been thoroughly characterized, their organization at the endocytic site is poorly understood. We developed a fluorescence microscopy method to track the average positions of yeast endocytic proteins in relation to each other with a time precision below 1 s and with a spatial precision of ~10 nm. With these data, integrated with shapes of endocytic membrane intermediates and with superresolution imaging, we could visualize the dynamic architecture of the endocytic machinery. We showed how different coat proteins are distributed within the coat structure and how the assembly dynamics of N-BAR proteins relate to membrane shape changes. Moreover, we found that the region of actin polymerization is located at the base of the endocytic invagination, with the growing ends of filaments pointing toward the plasma membrane

    A tessellation-based colocalization analysis approach for single-molecule localization microscopy

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    International audienceMulticolor single-molecule localization microscopy (λSMLM) is a powerful technique to reveal the relative nanoscale organization and potential colocalization between different molecular species. While several standard analysis methods exist for pixel-based images, λSMLM still lacks such a standard. Moreover, existing methods only work on 2D data and are usually sensitive to the relative molecular organization, a very important parameter to consider in quantitative SMLM. Here, we present an efficient, parameter-free colocalization analysis method for 2D and 3D λSMLM using tessellation analysis. We demonstrate that our method allows for the efficient computation of several popular colocalization estimators directly from molecular coordinates and illustrate its capability to analyze multicolor SMLM data in a robust and efficient manner

    Systematic Nanoscale Analysis of Endocytosis Links Efficient Vesicle Formation to Patterned Actin Nucleation.

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    Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is an essential cellular function in all eukaryotes that is driven by a self-assembled macromolecular machine of over 50 different proteins in tens to hundreds of copies. How these proteins are organized to produce endocytic vesicles with high precision and efficiency is not understood. Here, we developed high-throughput superresolution microscopy to reconstruct the nanoscale structural organization of 23 endocytic proteins from over 100,000 endocytic sites in yeast. We found that proteins assemble by radially ordered recruitment according to function. WASP family proteins form a circular nanoscale template on the membrane to spatially control actin nucleation during vesicle formation. Mathematical modeling of actin polymerization showed that this WASP nano-template optimizes force generation for membrane invagination and substantially increases the efficiency of endocytosis. Such nanoscale pre-patterning of actin nucleation may represent a general design principle for directional force generation in membrane remodeling processes such as during cell migration and division

    Super-resolution fight club: assessment of 2D and 3D single-molecule localization microscopy software

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    With the widespread uptake of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), a large set of different data analysis packages have been developed to generate super-resolution images. In a large community effort, we designed a competition to extensively characterize and rank the performance of 2D and 3D SMLM software packages. We generated realistic simulated datasets for popular imaging modalities—2D, astigmatic 3D, biplane 3D and double-helix 3D—and evaluated 36 participant packages against these data. This provides the first broad assessment of 3D SMLM software and provides a holistic view of how the latest 2D and 3D SMLM packages perform in realistic conditions. This resource allows researchers to identify optimal analytical software for their experiments, allows 3D SMLM software developers to benchmark new software against the current state of the art, and provides insight into the current limits of the field

    Die Reaktivierung von Schienenstrecken als Strategie der integrierten Raumentwicklung: Chancen nutzen und Hemmnisse ĂŒberwinden

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    Der Ausbau von Schienennetzen fĂŒr den Personen- und GĂŒterverkehr durch die Reaktivierung stillgelegter Strecken ist ein Gebot der Stunde! Schienenstrecken ermöglichen nachhaltige MobilitĂ€t, gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und die Schaffung gleichwertiger LebensverhĂ€ltnisse. Hierzu bedarf es einer grundsĂ€tzlich neuen und integrierten Ausrichtung der Raum- und Verkehrsplanung. Neben der dringend gebotenen Trassensicherung durch die Raumordnung mĂŒssen stillgelegte Schienenstrecken bezĂŒglich ihrer Potenziale fĂŒr die Orts- und Regionalentwicklung erkannt und reaktiviert werden. Stationen an Schienenstrecken können insbesondere in lĂ€ndlichen RĂ€umen wesentliche Entwicklungsimpulse erzeugen und als MobilitĂ€tsdrehscheiben fungieren. Dabei gilt es, bisherige Hindernisse zu ĂŒberwinden, indem beispielsweise neue volkswirtschaftliche BewertungsmaßstĂ€be angesetzt und neue Finanzierungsmodelle eingefĂŒhrt werden.The expansion of rail networks for passenger and cargo services by reactivating disused rail lines is an urgent need of the hour! Rail lines enable sustainable mobility, social participation and the creation of equal living conditions. This requires a fundamentally new and integrated approach to spatial and transport planning. In addition to the urgent need to secure routes by means of spatial planning, disused railway lines must be recognized with regard to their potential for local and regional development and be reactivated. Stations on railway lines can generate significant development impulses, particularly in rural areas, and act as mobility hubs. Previous obstacles must be overcome, for example by applying new economic evaluation standards and introducing new financing models
