3 research outputs found

    The risk of hepatic adverse events of systemic medications for psoriasis: a prospective cohort study using the BIOBADADERM registry

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    Background Limited information is available regarding the risk of incident liver disease in patients with psoriasis receiving systemic therapies. Objectives To describe the liver safety findings of conventional and modern systemic therapies for moderate-to-severe psoriasis, and to compare the relative incidence rates of hepatic adverse events (AEs) for each drug. Methods All the patients on the BIOBADADERM registry were included. Crude and adjusted incidence rate ratios (cIRR and aIRR, respectively) of hepatic AEs, using anti-TNF drugs as reference, were determined. Outcomes of interest were hypertransaminasemia, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NADFLD) and a group of other, less represented, hepatic AEs. Results Our study included 3,171 patients exposed to systemic drugs (6279 treatment cycles). Incident hypertransaminasemia was the most frequent hepatic AE (incidence rate of 21 per 1000 patients-years [CI 95% 18–23]), followed by NAFLD (8 cases per 1000 patients-years [95% CI 6–10]). Methotrexate (aIRR 3.06 [2.31–4.4]; p = 0.000) and cyclosporine (aIRR 2.37 [1.05–5.35]; p = .0378) were associated with an increased risk for hypertransaminasemia when compared to anti-TNF-α agents. No differences were observed between different groups of biologics. Conventional therapies were not associated with new incident NAFLD. Conclusions Comparative information of the incidence of hepatic AEs could facilitate drug selection in moderate-to-severe psoriasis

    Moderate to Severe Psoriasis in Pediatric and Young Patients: The BIOBADADERM Registry Experience

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    Childhood-onset psoriasis generally follows an indolent course but patients with moderate or severe disease may require systemic treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the relative proportion of children and young people aged up to 21 years with moderate to severe psoriasis in the BIOBADADERM registry and to analyze the characteristics of these patients, treatments used, and adverse events. Of the 3946 patients in the registry, 24 were aged 21 years or younger. The mean age of this group when they started treatment upon registration on Biobadaderm was 16.1 years and the mean Psoriasis Area and Severity Index was 9.4. In 67% the first treatment recorded was with a conventional systemic drug. Treatment was discontinued in 14 patients (58%) due to adverse events or a loss or lack of effectiveness. In conclusion, the BIOBADADERM registry shows that young people account for a small proportion of psoriasis patients receiving systemic treatment, and they are more likely to be treated using conventional systemic drugs. (C) 2021 AEDV. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    Typo EINA 15 years

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    Aquest llibre commemora els 15 anys dels cursos de tipografia a Eina. Han estat 15 edicions de durades i continguts diferents però que sempre han considerat la lletra com la manera per entendre i construir la pàgina. Les primeres tres edicions no van tenir cap mena de tiulació per després passar a un postgrau i finalment a un màster de títol propi de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. A les pàgines següents, trobareu les dates, la llista de professors i la llista d’alumnes de cada curs i, a continuació, una tria de treballs destacats d’alguns alumnes que han cursat els estudis. En fer aquesta publicació, un cop acabada la tria, és quan ens hem adonat de la importància d’allò que ha deixat el curs i de com de diferents són els ambits relacionats amb la lletra.Este libro conmemora los 15 años de los cursos de tipografía en Eina. Han sido 15 ediciones de duraciones y contenidos diferentes pero que siempre han considerado la letra como la forma de entender y construir la página. Las primeras tres ediciones no tuvieron forma de titulación alguna, para después pasar a un posgrado y finalmente a un máster de título propio en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Encontraréis en la siguientes páginas las fechas, la lista de profesores y la lista de alumnos de cada curso, y a continuación una selección de trabajos destacados de quienes pasaron por los cursos. Al hacer esta publicación, una vez terminada la selección, es cuando nos hemos dado cuenta de cómo de importante es lo que ha dejado el curso y de cómo de diferentes son los ámbitos relacionados con la letra.This book commemorates 15 years of typography courses at Eina. These courses have had different lengths and contents, but all have considered the letter as the key to understanding and building the page. For the first three years, there was no formal degree attached to the program, but Typography later became a postgraduate degree and finally an accredited Master´s degree from Autonomous University of Barcelona. In the following pages you’ll find the dates, professors and students of each year of the program, followed by a selection of outstanding projects. Putting this publication together was a reminder of just how important this course is, and of the many different ways there are of thinking about letters