3 research outputs found

    Luova prosessi - seinäteoksen suunnittelu Kuopion Opiskelija-asunnot Oy:lle

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on seinäteoskokonaisuuden suunnittelu toimeksiantajana toimivan Kuopion opiskelija-asunnot Oy:n asiakaspalvelun toimipisteen tiloihin. Tekijä tarkastelee suunnittelutyötä luovan prosessin näkökulmasta ja pohtii osaamistaan luovan työn ammattilaisena. Prosessia kuvaillaan sanallisesti ja prosessin aikana syntynyttä kuvamateriaalia käyttäen. Subjektiivista kokemusta verrataan luovan prosessin teoriaan. Prosessiin syventymisen tarkoitus on ammatillinen kasvu. Opinnäytetyöprosessin alkuvaiheessa on koottu työnäyteportfolio yhteistyökumppanin etsintää varten. Portfolion tarkoitus on herättää yhteistyökumppanin mielenkiinto ja antaa hyvä vaikutelma tekijästä muotoilijana ja kuvataiteilijana. Luovan prosessin tuloksena syntyvä produkti on Pilvilinnat-seinäteoksen toteutussuunnitelma. Teoksessa yhdistetään keraamisia kappaleita seinämaalaukseen. Tekijä jatkaa projektia valmistumisensa jälkeen toimeksiantajan kanssa. Projektin tavoitteena on toteuttaa Pilvilinnat-teos opinnäytetyönä tehdyn suunnitelman pohjalta.The object of the final project with thesis is to design an ensemble of wall art pieces for a client organisation, Kuopion Opiskelija-asunnot Oy. Client organisation offers a place for the work of art in their agency of customer services. In the report of the final project with thesis the design work is observed as a creative process. Author´s experience of the creative process is presented in written and visual form. The subjective experience is set against the theory of creative process. The author reviews her ability to work as a professional designer and artist. The author´s portfolio is also presented in the report of the final project with thesis. The portfolio is put together in early stage of the process. The function of the portfolio is to rouse client organisation´s interest in the first reference and to create a good impression of the author as designer and artist. The product of the creative process is a detailed design of an ensemble of wall art pieces. The work of art is called Pilvilinnat (Cloud Castles). The work composes of ceramic, relief-like parts and wall paintings. The author continues to work with this project after her graduation. The aim of the project is to carry out the plan and execute the work

    Quantitative MR microscopy of enzymatically degraded articular cartilage

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    Structural changes in bovine patellar articular cartilage, induced by component selective enzymatic treatments, were investigated by measuring tissue T relaxation at 9.4 T. This MRI parameter was compared with Young's modulus, a measure of elastic stiffness and loadbearing ability of cartilage tissue. Collagenase was used to digest the collagen network and chondroitinase ABC to remove proteoglycans. Polarized light microscopy and digital densitometry were used to assess enzyme penetration after 44 hr of enzymatic digestion. T relaxation in superficial cartilage increased significantly only in samples treated with collagenase. A statistically significant decrease in Young's modulus was observed in both enzymatically treated sample groups. These results confirm that T of articular cartilage is sensitive to the integrity of collagen in the extracellular matrix. Nonetheless, it does not appear to be an unambiguous indicator of cartilage stiffness, which is significantly impaired in osteoarthrosis. (C) 2000 Wiley- Liss, Inc

    Spatial assessment of articular cartilage proteoglycans with Gd-DTPA-enhanced T1 imaging

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    In Gd-DTPA-enhanced T imaging of articular cartilage, the MRI contrast agent with two negative charges is understood to accumulate in tissue inversely to the negative charge of cartilage glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) of proteoglycans (PGs), and this leads to a decrease in the T relaxation time of tissue relative to the charge in tissue. By assuming a constant relaxivity for Gd-DTPA in cartilage, it has further been hypothesized that the contrast agent concentration in tissue could be estimated from consecutive T measurements in the absence or presence of the contrast agent. The spatial sensitivity of the technique was examined at 9.4 T in normal and PG-depleted bovine patellar cartilage samples. As a reference, spatial PG concentration was assessed with digital densitometry from safranin O-stained cartilage sections. An excellent linear correlation between spatial optical density (OD) of stained GAGs and T with Gd-DTPA was observed in the control and chondroitinase ABC-treated cartilage specimens, and the MR parameter accounted for approximately 80% of the variations in GAG concentration within samples. Further, the MR-resolved Gd-DTPA concentration proved to be an even better estimate for PGs, with an improved correlation. However, the linear relation between MR parameters and PG concentration did not apply in the deep tissue, where MR measurements overestimated the PG content. While the absolute [Gd-DTPA] determination may be prone to error due to uncertainty of relaxivity in cartilage, or to other contributing factors such as variations in tissue permeability, the experimental evidence highlights the sensitivity of this technique to reflect spatial changes in cartilage PG concentration in normal and degenerated tissue