9 research outputs found

    Mobile Payment for “PO Tentrem” Bus Rates Based on E-Wallet

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    According to the results of a 2022 survey conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII), internet users in Indonesia continued to increase from 175 million to 220 million users of the total population of Indonesia. The increase was driven by the need for communication during the Covid-19 pandemic in the last two years. Most internet users are on the island of Java, followed by the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa, and Maluku-Papua. PT. Tentrem Sejahtera is one of the Inter-City In-Province bus companies based on the island of Java, precisely in East Java. The ordering and payment process is still done manually or offline. Consumers who want to buy tickets must come directly to the terminal, to an authorized agent who has been appointed or do it directly when boarding the bus and make transactions in cash. Where when making manual or cash payments sometimes you have to wait a few minutes to issue money and wait for the ticket given by the conductor, while the level of security in payments is very less, so it is less efficient in this sophisticated era. In addition, there are still unscrupulous brokers at several bus departures who sell tickets that do not match the specified price. This study used the e-wallet electronic payment model method, with a mobile payment system for QRIS-based bus fares. With the National Mercant ID (NMID) listed on the QRIS display, a receipt will be issued on the Thermal Print for proof of payment

    Implementation of Data Collection and Payment Control Systems Automatically Using Android -Based QR Code

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    The wider spread of the use of smartphones is also very helpful for UMKM not only in terms of marketing or sales, but daily operations. On the Senyum Manis cafe the owner of the business owner conducts data on stocks of goods, materials, and prices for drinks manually. When doing the process of collecting the goods manually there is an error in stock calculation so that it takes a long time to check the stock of the item. With this innovation using the application of QR Code which can be used as a label in every stock of goods and beverage materials. In this case the implementation of the RFID tag is also used to get the customer queue number. From this researcher the system is considered successful because the data input can appear in the application , QOS (Quality of Service) test results when uploading data get a 33K throughput value that belongs to the medium category, Packet Loss produces a value of 0.097% which is classified in a very good category, average delay produces a value of 87.4 s which is classified in a very good category . This aims to anticipate changes that will occur, the review is useful to see the condition of whether the system is in accordance with the needs of a sweet smile cafe and whether it is necessary to add or change the existing system in order to keep up with development technology

    Design Stunting Detection Applications Using Artificial Intelligence on Android Devices

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    In this era, careful attention is needed to the development and growth of children, so that if there is an abnormality it can be detected as early as possible. One of the main factors that affect the growth and development of children is the nutritional factor. Lack of knowledge about growing children causes parents not to realize if their child has a disorder such as stunting. Stunting must be detected as early as possible so that solutions can be given to prevent it from happening. These problems must be corrected immediately and the development of the child is not disturbed. Therefore we need an application that can detect stunting disorders in children from an early age so that they can be handled quickly and precisely. In making this application, it will detect the child's height and weight through the camera to perform a nutritional check that detects the child is stunted or not. This application uses artificial intelligence or Artificial Intelligence based on android. Weight measurement results will be sent from the weighing system to the application using the Bluetooth address for the connection so that the weight results can be displayed on the application. Height measurement is carried out using the camera in the application which will detect the child's height through an image. The test results show that the stunting detection application is very helpful for parents to observe the growth and development of children without having to use and calculate children's nutritional problems manually.

    Security Camera Implementation System on Smart Home Using Web-Based Frame Difference Methods

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    The development of technology in the field of security has a big impact on people's lives throughout the world. The security is threatened when there is a burglary in the neighborhood. One of the applications of image processing is the frame difference method, which used comparison of the captured image frame circuit according to time order. Frame difference algorithm applied to grayscale image computing using ESP32-CAM cameras for security cameras. This research was developed with a system that can monitor objects detected in real-time by streaming using a website. The ESP32-CAM camera and the PC have a packet loss value of 4.29% and an average delay of 0.3 seconds so that the images captured by the camera can be well received by the PC. The frame difference method with moving objects is used and detected well during the day due to solar lighting, but at night only depends on luminous objects. This method has the disadvantage that when moving objects inhabit the same field of view, the system will define it as movement so that the frame difference method is not adaptive from changes in the captured area

    Antarmuka Mikrokontroller IoT (ESP32) Dengan USB Host max3421e

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    Electronic equipment made using old technology or electronic equipment in the entry-level category has not been supported by networking equipment, so for the data communication process, the microcontroller requires interfacing facilities that are in accordance with the electronic equipment used, such as a USB port. With the microcontroller that supports IoT, it allows electronic equipment to communicate over the network. An IoT microcontroller such as the ESP32 is equipped with a WiFi feature but is not equipped with a USB controller feature, while the USB Host max3421e supports the communication process using SPI, so that those two microcontrollers can be used to form an interface using the SPI bus. This interface can be applied to electronic equipment with old technology and entry level electronic equipment for wireless communication. For the needs of making an interface between the ESP32 and max3421e, a software was developed by analyzing the SPI features of the ESP32 and the USB protocol according to the USB device state diagram. The results obtained are the handshake process between systems developed with USB devices in the Low-Speed ​​and Full-Speed ​​categories such as printers, flashdisk, bluetooth mouse and external hard disk, and the device descriptor data of each device tested can be read properly

    Further simulation testing in CoopMAC-U for underwater acoustic sensor networks

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    In order for underwater wireless sensor networks to communicate more efficiently, MAC protocols are needed to control the use of acoustic channels. With the high propagation delay and the limited bandwidth available on the acoustic channel, a specially designed MAC protocol is needed for UWASN (Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks). In this research, the adaptation of Cooperative MAC for underwater (CoopMAC-U) will be further studied to test the protocol performance. In the previous research, CoopMAC-U was simulated yet the fairness of the transmission was not simulated and tested. In this research, CoopMAC-U will be studied further and improved. The simulation result shows that the Improved CoopMAC-U protocol produces better-normalized throughput than the initial version of CoopMAC-U. The protocol is also proven that it is backward compatible between conventional mode and cooperative mode. For offered load greater than 0.2, both the initial version of CoopMAC-U and the Improved CoopMAC-U result in stagnant normalized throughputs but the improved ones double the value of the initial version

    Design of Smart Door Lock System Using Face Recognition and Mask Detection Based on Viola-Jones Algorithm with Android Integration

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    Indonesia has been affected by COVID-19 since 2020. In order to stop the virus spreading, the government puts Large Scale Social Restrictions. There is no denying that during this pandemic, criminality is increasing, and this is due to nothing other than the need to survive. The stealing and invading of homes is one of the crimes that have increased. Additionally, the government has strengthened health procedures to require that individuals wear masks while doing activities outside. A system that can identify faces and identify the use of masks was developed in order to solve this issue. Face recognition is used to increase security, and mask detection systems work to enforce the wearing of masks when engaging in outside activities. Both of these technologies can be combined into a single smart door lock system for the home. The system will apply facial recognition identification when someone wants to enter the house and mask detection when they want to do activities outside the house. As a monitoring tool, data will be delivered in the form of an image via the user's Android. This is proven by the accuracy rates of facial identification of 95% and mask detection of 97.5% in this research

    Electronic Driving License-based for Secure Sharing Vehicles in Wireless IoT Networks

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    In this paper we study electronic driving license (EDL) for secure sharing of vehicles in wireless IoT networks. The process of authentication and data transmission to the server is a very challenging problem to solve. To solve this problem, we propose the use of a wireless IoT network to overcome the transmission speed from the vehicle to the server, and the use of EDL for the driver authentication process. Two devices are installed on the vehicle side and on the server side while the wireless IoT network is used to make data transmission efficient. EDL is used to authenticate drivers who rent vehicles. When the device authentication process on the vehicle will send geographic information obtained through the global positioning system (GPS) to the server. The server will verify the user, if it matches then the server will send a command to the vehicle to be used. To run the considered system, we proposed Algorithm 1 and 2 to run the vehicle device and server, respectively. Experiment result shows the proposed system has maximum accuracy in 95.5%, packet delivery ratio 90%, delay propagation less than 60 seconds. Thus, the security of the shared vehicle will be increases

    A Component Loan Application Design and Check Loan Transactions for Dependent Free Letters at the AI Building at The State Polytechnic of Malang Web-Based

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    The development of information and communication technology is a major need in this advanced era with the aim of all computerized activities ranging from office work, banking, administration, libraries, education, government, organizations, and many more that are very dependent on the sophistication of computers and existing applications. inside it. In the AI ??Polinema Building in the component borrowing room, the component borrowing system and transaction checking for existing collateral-free letters still use the conventional system which causes ineffectiveness in component borrowing and free-of-liberty letter processing. Therefore, a research will be conducted to design a component loan application and check loan transactions for a Web-based free letter. Based on the problems above, in this study the researchers created a system that can support component lending and checking loan transactions for Web-based free letters. This system uses the Visual Studio Code application. From this study, it was found that the system that has been created by the researcher can run well and can help improve the performance of the technicians on duty in the loan room as well as the effectiveness of time for students in the loan process and managing free letters