9,263 research outputs found

    Decision tree rating scales for workload estimation: Theme and variations

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    The Modified Cooper-Harper (MCH) scale which is a sensitive indicator of workload in several different types of aircrew tasks was examined. The study determined if variations of the scale might provide greater sensitivity and the reasons for the sensitivity of the scale. The MCH scale and five newly devised scales were examined in two different aircraft simulator experiments in which pilot loading was treated as an independent variable. It is indicated that while one of the new scales may be more sensitive in a given experiment, task dependency is a problem. The MCH scale exhibits consistent senstivity and remains the scale recommended for general use. The MCH scale results are consistent with earlier experiments. The rating scale experiments are reported and the questionnaire results which were directed to obtain a better understanding of the reasons for the relative sensitivity of the MCH scale and its variations are described

    Dislocations in the ground state of the solid-on-solid model on a disordered substrate

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    We investigate the effects of topological defects (dislocations) to the ground state of the solid-on-solid (SOS) model on a simple cubic disordered substrate utilizing the min-cost-flow algorithm from combinatorial optimization. The dislocations are found to destabilize and destroy the elastic phase, particularly when the defects are placed only in partially optimized positions. For multi defect pairs their density decreases exponentially with the vortex core energy. Their mean distance has a maximum depending on the vortex core energy and system size, which gives a fractal dimension of 1.27±0.021.27 \pm 0.02. The maximal mean distances correspond to special vortex core energies for which the scaling behavior of the density of dislocations change from a pure exponential decay to a stretched one. Furthermore, an extra introduced vortex pair is screened due to the disorder-induced defects and its energy is linear in the vortex core energy.Comment: 6 pages RevTeX, eps figures include

    Phase Diagram and Storage Capacity of Sequence Processing Neural Networks

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    We solve the dynamics of Hopfield-type neural networks which store sequences of patterns, close to saturation. The asymmetry of the interaction matrix in such models leads to violation of detailed balance, ruling out an equilibrium statistical mechanical analysis. Using generating functional methods we derive exact closed equations for dynamical order parameters, viz. the sequence overlap and correlation- and response functions, in the thermodynamic limit. We calculate the time translation invariant solutions of these equations, describing stationary limit-cycles, which leads to a phase diagram. The effective retarded self-interaction usually appearing in symmetric models is here found to vanish, which causes a significantly enlarged storage capacity of αc0.269\alpha_c\sim 0.269, compared to \alpha_\c\sim 0.139 for Hopfield networks storing static patterns. Our results are tested against extensive computer simulations and excellent agreement is found.Comment: 17 pages Latex2e, 2 postscript figure

    Chaos in the Random Field Ising Model

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    The sensitivity of the random field Ising model to small random perturbations of the quenched disorder is studied via exact ground states obtained with a maximum-flow algorithm. In one and two space dimensions we find a mild form of chaos, meaning that the overlap of the old, unperturbed ground state and the new one is smaller than one, but extensive. In three dimensions the rearrangements are marginal (concentrated in the well defined domain walls). Implications for finite temperature variations and experiments are discussed.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 6 eps-figures include

    Off-Equilibrium Dynamics in Finite-Dimensional Spin Glass Models

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    The low temperature dynamics of the two- and three-dimensional Ising spin glass model with Gaussian couplings is investigated via extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We find an algebraic decay of the remanent magnetization. For the autocorrelation function C(t,tw)=[]avC(t,t_w)=[]_{av} a typical aging scenario with a t/twt/t_w scaling is established. Investigating spatial correlations we find an algebraic growth law ξ(tw)twα(T)\xi(t_w)\sim t_w^{\alpha(T)} of the average domain size. The spatial correlation function G(r,tw)=[<Si(tw)Si+r(tw)>2]avG(r,t_w)=[< S_i(t_w)S_{i+r}(t_w)>^2]_{av} scales with r/ξ(tw)r/\xi(t_w). The sensitivity of the correlations in the spin glass phase with respect to temperature changes is examined by calculating a time dependent overlap length. In the two dimensional model we examine domain growth with a new method: First we determine the exact ground states of the various samples (of system sizes up to 100×100100\times 100) and then we calculate the correlations between this state and the states generated during a Monte Carlo simulation.Comment: 38 pages, RevTeX, 14 postscript figure

    Ground state properties of solid-on-solid models with disordered substrates

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    We study the glassy super-rough phase of a class of solid-on-solid models with a disordered substrate in the limit of vanishing temperature by means of exact ground states, which we determine with a newly developed minimum cost flow algorithm. Results for the height-height correlation function are compared with analytical and numerical predictions. The domain wall energy of a boundary induced step grows logarithmically with system size, indicating the marginal stability of the ground state, and the fractal dimension of the step is estimated. The sensibility of the ground state with respect to infinitesimal variations of the quenched disorder is analyzed.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 eps-figures include

    Ground state properties of fluxlines in a disordered environment

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    A new numerical method to calculate exact ground states of multi-fluxline systems with quenched disorder is presented, which is based on the minimum cost flow algorithm from combinatorial optimization. We discuss several models that can be studied with this method including their specific implementations, physically relevant observables and results: 1) the N-line model with N fluxlines (or directed polymers) in a d-dimensional environment with point and/or columnar disorder and hard or soft core repulsion; 2) the vortex glass model for a disordered superconductor in the strong screening limit and 3) the Sine-Gordon model with random pase shifts in the strong coupling limit.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 eps-figures include

    The 3-d Random Field Ising Model at zero temperature

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    We study numerically the zero temperature Random Field Ising Model on cubic lattices of various linear sizes LL in three dimensions. For each random field configuration we vary the ferromagnetic coupling strength JJ. We find that in the infinite volume limit the magnetization is discontinuous in JJ. The energy and its first JJ derivative are continuous. The approch to the thermodynamic limit is slow, behaving like LpL^{-p} with p.8p \sim .8 for the gaussian distribution of the random field. We also study the bimodal distribution hi=±hh_{i} = \pm h, and we find similar results for the magnetization but with a different value of the exponent p.6p \sim .6 . This raises the question of the validity of universality for the random field problem.Comment: 8 pages, 3 PostScript Figure

    Critical Exponents of the KPZ Equation via Multi-Surface Coding Numerical Simulations

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    We study the KPZ equation (in D = 2, 3 and 4 spatial dimensions) by using a RSOS discretization of the surface. We measure the critical exponents very precisely, and we show that the rational guess is not appropriate, and that 4D is not the upper critical dimension. We are also able to determine very precisely the exponent of the sub-leading scaling corrections, that turns out to be close to 1 in all cases. We introduce and use a {\em multi-surface coding} technique, that allow a gain of order 30 over usual numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 8 eps figures (2 figures added). Published versio

    Superconductor-to-Normal Phase Transition in a Vortex Glass Model: Numerical Evidence for a New Percolation Universality Class

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    The three-dimensional strongly screened vortex-glass model is studied numerically using methods from combinatorial optimization. We focus on the effect of disorder strength on the ground state and found the existence of a disorder-driven normal-to-superconducting phase transition. The transition turns out to be a geometrical phase transition with percolating vortex loops in the ground state configuration. We determine the critical exponents and provide evidence for a new universality class of correlated percolation.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX using IOPART.cls, 11 eps-figures include