24 research outputs found

    Searching for Early Developmental Activities Leading to Computational Thinking Skills

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    Drawing on the long debate about whether computer science (CS) and computational thinking skills are innate or learnable, this working group is based on the following hypothesis: The apparent innate ability of some CS learners who succeed in CS courses despite no prior exposure to computing is a manifestation of early childhood experiences and learning outside formal education

    An International Investigation into Student Concerns regarding Transition into Higher Education Computing

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    The experience of transitioning into and starting higher education is very much an individual one, with some applicants viewing the prospect of higher education as an unknown entity. For those who are first in their family or community to consider higher education, it can seem to be an "alien environment". This is just one of the issues that lead to applicants experiencing levels of concern when considering a transition into higher education. This international working group aims to answer the following research question: "What are the concerns that computing students have with regards to their transition into higher education?" A survey was administered and the results evaluated

    Early Developmental Activities and Computing Proficiency

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    As countries adopt computing education for all pupils from primary school upwards, there are challenging indicators: significant proportions of students who choose to study computing at universities fail the introductory courses, and the evidence for links between formal education outcomes and success in CS is limited. Yet, as we know, some students succeed without prior computing experience. Why is this? <br/><br/> Some argue for an innate ability, some for motivation, some for the discrepancies between the expectations of instructors and students, and some – simply – for how programming is being taught. All agree that becoming proficient in computing is not easy. Our research takes a novel view on the problem and argues that some of that success is influenced by early childhood experiences outside formal education. <br/><br/> In this study, we analyzed over 1300 responses to a multi-institutional and multi-national survey that we developed. The survey captures enjoyment of early developmental activities such as childhood toys, games and pastimes between the ages 0 — 8 as well as later life experiences with computing. We identify unifying features of the computing experiences in later life, and attempt to link these computing experiences to the childhood activities. <br/><br/> The analysis indicates that computing proficiency should be seen from multiple viewpoints, including both skill-level and confidence. It shows that particular early childhood experiences are linked to parts of computing proficiency, namely those related to confidence with problem solving using computing technology. These are essential building blocks for more complex use. We recognize issues in the experimental design that may prevent our data showing a link between early activities and more complex computing skills, and suggest adjustments. Ultimately, it is hoped that this line of research will feed in to early years and primary education, and thereby improve computing education for all

    An international investigation into student concerns regarding transition into higher education

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    The experience of transitioning into and starting higher education is a very individual one, with some applicants viewing the prospect of higher education as an unknown entity; for those who are first in their family or community to consider higher education, this can seem an "alien environment". These are just some of the issues that lead to applicants experiencing levels of concern when considering a transition into higher education. This international working group proposes to consider concerns across a wide range of participants: namely students who are in the process of transitioning into a higher education environment, and students who have recently completed this transition

    Perspectives on developing and assessing professional values in computing

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    This paper discusses how to ensure that students attain professional values important to the workplace by integrating them into computing curricula. It describes a survey of the attitudes of students, faculty and professionals in computing towards the teaching and assessment of such values. The results show that these groups share a set of professional values, though students are less convinced of their importance in the work environment. There is broad consensus on the specific behaviors and attitudes reflective of these values to be developed in the curriculum. The groups differed in their opinions of whether these attitudes and behaviors could be workably assessed

    The structure of permutation graphs

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    The class of permutation graphs has been studied extensively for more than two decades. The most popular representational tool employed is the permutation or matching diagram. However, the matching-diagram does not capture all the structural information of a permutation graph. The study structures involving vertex ordering in two dimensions that determine adjacency and more generally distance between vertices in a permutation graph. In this context, we explore the Euclidean representation for its power to display these structures of a permutation graph in a two dimensional space. We demonstrate that problems involving adjacency and distance can be easily handled with the Euclidean representation. Hamiltonian path and cycle, and path and cycle toughness are some of the hard problems on permutation graphs. However, the tools provided by the Euclidean representation make it easier to handle these as well as other distance related problems like the clustering problem. Hamiltonian paths and cycles can be constructed in traceable and Hamiltonian permutation graphs respectively which visually traverse the Euclidean representation diagonally along layers of vertices. Path and cycle toughness can be established by identifying specific vertices in the Euclidean representation whose removal divides the graph into connected components. Graphs with specified diameter exhibit distinctive closed geometric shapes which help in the study of clustering problems. We believe that the Euclidean representation provides a powerful tool for revealing the structure of permutation graphs. The Euclidean representation presents an excellent framework for visually exploring a permutation graph. It is expected that the Euclidean representation will help solve a variety of distance and adjacency related problems on permutation graphs

    Confessions of a working group junkie

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    Academic integrity policies in a computing education context

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    Academic integrity policies embody widely accepted principles of ethics and behaviour, instantiating in their codes the standards and processes that apply to the institutions enacting them. Application of these principles to the field of computing, which has a variety of distinguishing practices and characteristics, is a non-trivial endeavour. Indeed, a number of computing departments have created their own policies that extend, replace, or interpret their institutional policies in the context of computing education and research. The emphases, development, implementation, and dissemination of institutional, departmental, and even class-level policies vary dramatically among universities and colleges. This paper is offered as a practical guide for computing academics and administrators to better understand their existing policies, how to apply them, and what is involved in crafting and revising them. Included are numerous examples of application of the principles and of policy options that span the needs of a wide range of institutions

    1.5 Degrees of separation: Computer science education in the age of the anthropocene

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    Climate change is the defining environmental challenge now facing our planet. Babies born today will be 22 when global warming reaches 1.5 C, according to the latest IPCC report and forecasts. What will life be like in 2040? How do we as educators respond today, to the challenges that lie ahead for the next generation? How do our practices evolve to take global climate change into account? How do we as educators respond when we see the impact our products have on climate change and the environment? Is it enough to relegate sustainability and climate change to a required course or can we begin to imagine sustainability as a conversation across the entire curriculum? In this working group, we will collaboratively review the literature, and gather, assemble and compile sample syllabi, case studies, and assignments that address climate change in the context of computer science education. We will work together to think through how best to equip our students with the tools needed to adapt to a world shaped by climate change