405 research outputs found

    Open-architecture Implementation of Fragment Molecular Orbital Method for Peta-scale Computing

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    We present our perspective and goals on highperformance computing for nanoscience in accordance with the global trend toward "peta-scale computing." After reviewing our results obtained through the grid-enabled version of the fragment molecular orbital method (FMO) on the grid testbed by the Japanese Grid Project, National Research Grid Initiative (NAREGI), we show that FMO is one of the best candidates for peta-scale applications by predicting its effective performance in peta-scale computers. Finally, we introduce our new project constructing a peta-scale application in an open-architecture implementation of FMO in order to realize both goals of highperformance in peta-scale computers and extendibility to multiphysics simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ACM international workshop on high performance computing for nano-science and technology (HPCNano06

    Effect of electro-acupuncture stimulation of different frequencies and intensities on ovarian blood flow in anaesthetized rats with steroid-induced polycystic ovaries

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    BACKGROUND: Maintenance of ovarian blood flow (OBF) is suggested to be important for regular ovulation in women with polycystic ovaries (PCO). The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether electro-acupuncture (EA) of different frequencies and intensities can improve the OBF of anaesthetized rat in the animal model of PCO. METHODS: PCO was experimentally induced by a single intramuscular (i.m.) injection of estradiol valerate (EV) in rats. Control rats were given i.m. injection of oil. The involvement of the two ovarian sympathetic nerves; superior ovarian nerve (SON) and plexus ovarian nerve (OPN), in OBF responses was elucidated by severance of SON and OPN in both control and PCO rats. How systemic circulatory changes affect OBF was evaluated by continuous recording of the blood pressure. OBF was measured on the surface of the ovary-using laser Doppler flowmetry. Acupuncture needles were inserted bilaterally into the abdominal and hind limb muscles and connected to an electrical stimulator. Two frequencies – 2 Hz (low) and 80 Hz (high) – with three different intensities – 1.5, 3, and 6 mA – were applied for 35 s. RESULTS: Low-frequency EA at intensities of 3 and 6 mA elicited significant increases in OBF in the Control group compared to baseline. In the PCO group the increases in OBF were significant only when stimulating with low-frequency EA at 6 mA. After severance of the ovarian sympathetic nerves, the increased response of OBF that had been induced by low-frequency EA in both the Control and PCO group was abolished, indicating that the OBF response is mediated via the ovarian sympathetic nerves. High-frequency EA at 6 mA significantly decreased OBF and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) in the Control group compared to baseline. In the PCO group, the same stimulation produced similar decreases in MAP, but not in OBF. CONCLUSION: Low-frequency EA stimulation with a strong intensity (6 mA) increases OBF in rats with steroid-induced PCO whereas less strong intensity (3 mA) induces similar changes in control rats. Severance of the ovarian sympathetic nerves, abolish this OBF increase in both study groups, which suggests that the responses of OBF to EA are mediated via the ovarian sympathetic nerves

    Multi-physics Extension of OpenFMO Framework

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    OpenFMO framework, an open-source software (OSS) platform for Fragment Molecular Orbital (FMO) method, is extended to multi-physics simulations (MPS). After reviewing the several FMO implementations on distributed computer environments, the subsequent development planning corresponding to MPS is presented. It is discussed which should be selected as a scientific software, lightweight and reconfigurable form or large and self-contained form.Comment: 4 pages with 11 figure files, to appear in the Proceedings of ICCMSE 200

    Robust folding of a de novo designed ideal protein even with most of the core mutated to valine

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    Rie Koga, Mami Yamamoto, Takahiro Kosugi, Naohiro Kobayashi, Toshihiko Sugiki, Toshimichi Fujiwara, Nobuyasu Koga, Robust folding of a de novo designed ideal protein even with most of the core mutated to valine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117 (49), 31149-31156 (2020). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2002120117

    Disruption of Child Environments and Its Psychological Consequences After the Fukushima Disaster: a Narrative Review Based on the Ecological Systems Model

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    Purpose of review: A high prevalence of clinically significant mental health problems was found in children affected by the Fukushima disaster in Japan. We reviewed the literature on child mental health to examine how disasters impacted children in Fukushima. Recent findings: Children's environments, such as family and peer systems, were disrupted by radiation concerns and evacuation. As children struggled with less resources at home and school, they also had to deal with discrimination. Various interventions were implemented, ranging from government financial assistance to several mental health services provided by local care resources to families and children. In addition to organizing such interventions discretely in each microsystem, a collaborative approach involving various intervening entities across multiple levels was deemed necessary for providing comprehensive support to the affected children and their families. To promote the healthy psychological development of children, it is necessary to provide multidimensional support for their families, particularly parents, through multidisciplinary collaboration between professionals involved in child and family care

    Career Choice and Burnout for Nurses : Altruism, Nursing Work, and Intention to Leave

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    本研究では、バーンアウトと訪問看護師および大学病院看護師の利他性や看護業務内容の因果効果を明らかにすることで、これらの両群の特徴を知り、看護職のキャリア選択や職場配置などを含めたバーンアウトの低減のための一助とすることを目的とする。本研究で得られた主な結果は次のとおりである。まず、純粋な利他性は、バーンアウトを促進させる。これは、佐々木 他(2017)[19]が、バーンアウトの尺度のうち、「情緒的消耗感」についてのみ示した結果を、「脱人格化」及び「個人的達成感の低下」にも拡張して当てはまることを示している。次に、訪問看護師および大学病院看護師ともに、バーンアウトの傾向が強くなるほど、看護師という職業を辞めるという意味での離職や看護師は続けるものの職場を移る転職の傾向が高まることがわかった。こうした離職や転職行動には、利他性はあまり関与しておらず、正の互恵性が転職行動と関係していたのみである。最後に、訪問看護師と大学病院看護師では、後者の方がバーンアウトの傾向が強くなるということがわかった。こうした一連の結果は、楢原 他(2014)[25]による、病院看護師の訪問看護ステーションへの就業意思の調査と整合的な結果である。特に、楢原 他(2014)[25]では、病院看護師が、訪問看護ステーションへの就業に求める動機づけとして、訪問看護ステーションへの就業によってワークライフバランスが改善するため、という項目が指摘されている。本研究は、それを看護師のバーンアウトという観点から、確認した研究と言える