6 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a clinical score to estimate progression to severe or critical state in Covid-19 pneumonia hospitalized patients

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    The prognosis of a patient with Covid-19 pneumonia is uncertain. Our objective was to establish a predictive model of disease progression to facilitate early decision-making. A retrospective study was performed of patients admitted with Covid-19 pneumonia, classified as severe (admission to the intensive care unit, mechanic invasive ventilation, or death) or non-severe. A predictive model based on clinical, analytical, and radiological parameters was built. The probability of progression to severe disease was estimated by logistic regression analysis. Calibration and discrimination (receiver operating characteristics curves and AUC) were assessed to determine model performance. During the study period 1,152 patients presented with Covid-19 infection, of whom 229 (19.9%) were admitted for pneumonia. During hospitalization, 51 (22.3%) progressed to severe disease, of whom 26 required ICU care (11.4); 17 (7.4%) underwent invasive mechanical ventilation, and 32 (14%) died of any cause. Five predictors determined within 24 hours of admission were identified: Diabetes, Age, Lymphocyte count, SaO2, and pH (DALSH score). The prediction model showed a good clinical performance, including discrimination (AUC 0.87 CI 0.81, 0.92) and calibration (Brier score = 0.11). In total, 0%, 12%, and 50% of patients with severity risk scores ≤5%, 6-25%, and >25% exhibited disease progression, respectively. A simple risk score based on five factors predicts disease progression and facilitates early decision-making according to prognosis.Carlos III Health Institute, Spain, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SPAIN) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)Instituto de Salud Carlos II

    Proceso asistencial integrado de esclerosis lateral amiotrófica

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    O proceso asistencial integrado da esclerose lateral amiotrófica, elaborouse co obxectivo de crear un proceso de traballo común en todas as áreas para facilitar a asistencia sanitaria ás persoas diagnosticadas desta enfermidade. Establécense actuacións como o asesoramento continuo, as consultas en acto único, a coordinación asistencial, tanto entre especialidades como coa atención primaria e a coordinación administrativa do sistema socio sanitario. Neste proceso participaron profesionais das diferentes áreas sanitarias especialistas en neuroloxía, endocrinoloxía, neumoloxía, psicoloxía clínica, rehabilitación, traballo social e hospitalización a domicilioEl proceso asistencial integrado de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, se elaboró con el objetivo de crear un proceso de trabajo común en todas las áreas para facilitar la asistencia sanitaria a las personas diagnosticadas de esta enfermedad. Se establecen actuaciones como el asesoramiento continuo, las consultas en acto único, la coordinación asistencial, tanto entre especialidades como con la atención primaria y la coordinación administrativa del sistema socio sanitario. En este proceso participaron profesionales de las diferentes áreas sanitarias especialistas en neurología, endocrinología, neumología, psicología clínica, rehabilitación, trabajo social y hospitalización a domicili

    A pulmonary rehabilitation program reduces hospitalizations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: A cost-effectiveness study

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    BACKGROUND: Although pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is recommended in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), there is a scarcity of data demonstrating the cost-effectiveness and effectiveness of PR in reducing exacerbations. METHODS: A quasi-experimental study in 200 patients with COPD was conducted to determine the number of exacerbations 1 year before and after their participation in a PR program. Quality of life was measured using the COPD assessment test and EuroQol-5D. The costs of the program and exacerbations were assessed the year before and after participation in the PR program. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was estimated in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). RESULTS: The number of admissions, length of hospital stay, and admissions to the emergency department decreased after participation in the PR program by 48.2%, 46.6%, and 42.5%, respectively (P < 0.001 for all). Results on quality of life tests improved significantly (P < 0.001 for the two tests). The cost of PR per patient and the cost of pre-PR and post-PR exacerbations were €1867.7 and €7895.2 and €4201.9, respectively. The PR resulted in a cost saving of €1826 (total, €365,200) per patient/year, and the gain in QALYs was+0.107. ICER was −€17,056. The total cost was <€20,000/QALY in 78% of patients. Conclusions: PR contributes to reducing the number of exacerbations in patients with COPD, thereby slowing clinical deterioration. In addition, it is cost-effective in terms of QALYs