4,426 research outputs found

    The Role of Tacit Routines in Coordinating Activity

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    We explore the influence of tacit routines in obtaining coordination. Our experiment uses simple laboratory "firms," in which we interfere with one kind of firm's ability to develop tacit routines. Thus, our firms vary in the degree to which they rely on this kind of knowledge – instead of other, explicit, mechanisms – for obtaining coordination. We find that interfering with the development of tacit routines harms firms’ ability to coordinate. We then explore the extent to which firms are able to transfer their ability to coordinate activity, either to a new domain or to new members. Our results indicate that tacit routines transfer more easily than other mechanisms to a new, but closely related, domain. However, routine-based firms perform slightly worse in their ability to incorporate new members


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    A two-equation random coefficients model and two estimates of milk prices in the absence of the Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact (Compact) are used to estimate the impact of minimum price regulation for fluid milk products on milk production in the New England states. Estimated responses to price enhancement differed by state for cow numbers, but parameters for milk per cow were not significantly different among states. The amount of increase in milk production attributed to the Compact is estimated at 45 million pounds (about 1% of production) during the first year of minimum price regulation, primarily due to increased milk per cow.Demand and Price Analysis,

    On The Frontline of Literacy: Risk and Reward as the Battle Rages on

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    This paper advocates for assignments that are “high risk” in order to promote a less than predictable classroom environment. This paper attempts to create a space specific to first-year teachers of Freshman Composition and specifically for first-year teachers of Freshman Composition. Sample assignments are couched inside of a personal narrative of failure, as first first-year teachers of Freshman Composition are encouraged to explore the relationship between risk and reward, between pedagogical approach and classroom practice


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    A two-equation random coefficients model is developed to examine the impact of the Northeast Interstate Dairy Compact on cow numbers, milk per cow, and milk production during July 1997 to June 1998. The Compact is estimated to have increased milk production by 1%, primarily due to increased milk per cow.Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,

    An entomobryid collembolan (Hexapoda: Collembola) from the Lower Permian of Southern Africa

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    Main articlePermobrya mirabilis gen. et sp. nov., recorded from carbonaceous shales of the Middle Ecca of southern Africa, is a rather large entomobryid collembolan. The specimen, preserved in lateral view, is complete except for the dentes and mucrones of the furcula and details of the claws which are not visible in the shale matrix. The species is surprisingly similar to Recent Collembola.Non

    Learning End-to-End Channel Coding with Diffusion Models

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    It is a known problem that deep-learning-based end-to-end (E2E) channel coding systems depend on a known and differentiable channel model, due to the learning process and based on the gradient-descent optimization methods. This places the challenge to approximate or generate the channel or its derivative from samples generated by pilot signaling in real-world scenarios. Currently, there are two prevalent methods to solve this problem. One is to generate the channel via a generative adversarial network (GAN), and the other is to, in essence, approximate the gradient via reinforcement learning methods. Other methods include using score-based methods, variational autoencoders, or mutual-information-based methods. In this paper, we focus on generative models and, in particular, on a new promising method called diffusion models, which have shown a higher quality of generation in image-based tasks. We will show that diffusion models can be used in wireless E2E scenarios and that they work as good as Wasserstein GANs while having a more stable training procedure and a better generalization ability in testing.Comment: 6 pages, WSA/SCC 202
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