116 research outputs found

    How Will Tobacco Farmers Respond to the Quota Buyout? Findings from a Survey of North Carolina Tobacco Farmers

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    The tobacco quota buyout is expected to have significant impacts on U.S. tobacco markets, farmers, tobacco-dependent communities, and public health. Using data from four surveys of a panel of North Carolina tobacco farmers conducted between 1997 and 2004, we investigate changing farmer attitudes towards and intentions following a quota buyout.Crop Production/Industries,

    Proteolytic Cleavage and Activation of pro-Macrophage-Stimulating Protein and Upregulation of its Receptor in Tissue Injury

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    Macrophage stimulating protein (MSP) exists in blood as inactive pro-MSP. Cleavage yields active MSP, the ligand for a membrane receptor (RON) that is expressed on keratinocytes as well as macrophages. Because both cells have roles in tissue injury, we looked for active MSP and expressed RON in wounds. Concentration of pro-MSP + MSP in wound exudates was in the range for optimal activity. Western blot showed that MSP comprised about half the total, in contrast to less than 10% of the total in blood plasma. The presence of MSP was attributed to an exudate pro-MSP convertase that had an inhibitor profile consistent with a trypsin-like serine protease. Exudate evoked morphologic changes in macrophages in vitro like that of MSP. Removal of this activity by an anti-MSP column shows that exudate stimulation of macrophages is due to MSP. RON was infrequently detected in normal skin. RON protein was markedly upregulated in burn wound epidermis and accessory structures, in proliferating cells or differentiated cells, or both. RON was also detected on macrophages and capillaries. Tissue injury leads to cleavage of pro-MSP to MSP, which has potential to act on keratinocytes, macrophages, and capillaries, all components of the wound healing response

    Achieving Cardiovascular Health in Young Adulthood—Which Adolescent Factors Matter?

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    AbstractPurposeTo examine associations of adolescent body mass index (BMI), tobacco use, and physical activity with optimal physiologic cardiovascular health (CVH) in adulthood.MethodsData were from 12,139 participants in Waves I (1995–1996) and IV (2007–2008) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. We defined optimal CVH as normal blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol without diabetes or cardiovascular disease. We used logistic regression to estimate odds of having optimal CVH at ages 24–32 years (Wave IV) according to BMI category, smoking status, and physical activity at ages 11–19 years (Wave I).ResultsFew young adults (16%) had optimal CVH. Adolescents with normal BMI were more than twice as likely to have optimal young adult CVH compared to those who were obese (adjusted odds ratio, 2.77; 95% confidence interval, 1.97–3.89). Adolescent smoking and physical activity did not predict young adult CVH.ConclusionsLower adolescent BMI is associated with young adult CVH

    The New York City DOE/CUNY Library Collaborative: Bridging the Gap Between High School and College

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    This white paper presents the progression and the processes of the New York Collaborative Curriculum Revision Project (CCRP), a collaborative of high school teachers, college faculty, and librarians, formed to build upon the new Common Core State Standards designed to help students develop and become more adept at reading critically, conducting rigorous research, and being better prepared for postsecondary success. This paper presents CCRP as a model to be replicated, modified and strengthened. The DOE/CUNY Library Collaborative is central to the development of the model and shares its successes and hard-learned lessons in its steps to recruit, engage, and facilitate collaborative methods for improving educational outcomes

    Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Enhance Cartilage Healing in a Murine Joint Surface Injury Model

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    Funding: This research was funded by Versus Arthritis, grant numbers 18480, 19429 and 21156, and the Medical Research Council, grant number MR/L010453/1. Acknowledgments: We thank Pat Evans and Martin Pritchard, Histopathology Dept, RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital, for guidance on histology; Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC for advice and the loan of equipment for analyte analyses; all members of the Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen, particularly Hui Wang, Sharon Ansboro and Ausra Lionikiene for their help with mouse surgeries and tissue collection, as well as staff at the University of Aberdeen’s animal facility and microscopy and hystology facility for their supportPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Implementing a junior high school-based programme to reduce sports injuries through neuromuscular training (iSPRINT):A cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT)

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a junior high school-based sports injury prevention programme to reduce injuries through neuromuscular training (NMT). Methods: This was a cluster randomised controlled trial. Students were recruited from 12 Calgary junior high schools (2014-2017). iSPRINT is a 15 min NMT warm-up including aerobic, agility, strength and balance exercises. Following a workshop, teachers delivered a 12-week iSPRINT NMT (six schools) or a standard-of-practice warm-up (six schools) in physical education classes. The definition of all recorded injuries included injuries that resulted in participants being unable to complete a sport and recreation (S&amp;R) session, lost time from sport and/or seek medical attention. Incidence rate ratios (IRRs) were estimated based on multiple multilevel Poisson regression analyses (adjusting for sex (considering effect modification) and previous injury, offset by S&amp;R participation hours, and school-level and class-level random effects were examined) for intent-to-treat analyses. Results: 1067 students (aged 11-16) were recruited across 12 schools (6 intervention schools (22 classes), 6 control schools (27 classes); 53.7% female, 46.3% male). The iSPRINT programme was protective of all recorded S&amp;R injuries for girls (IRR=0.543, 95% CI 0.295 to 0.998), but not for boys (IRR=0.866, 95% CI 0.425 to 1.766). The iSPRINT programme was also protective of each of lower extremity injuries (IRR=0.357, 95% CI 0.159 to 0.799) and medical attention injuries (IRR=0.289, 95% CI 0.135 to 0.619) for girls, but not for boys (IRR=1.055, 95% CI 0.404 to 2.753 and IRR=0.639, 95% CI 0.266 to 1.532, respectively). Conclusion: The iSPRINT NMT warm-up was effective in preventing each of all recorded injuries, lower extremity injuries and medically treated S&amp;R injuries in female junior high school students. Trial registration number: NCT03312504</p

    Sarah: historiografkinja prošlosti i sadašnjosti žene francuskog poručnika

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    The article argues that Sarah, the title character of Fowles’ novel The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1969), resists the oppressive ideology of her time by writing her own historiography. In the process, not only does she emplot a tragic past for herself but she also insists on being identified as a depraved woman in the present. The analysis attempts to highlight the fact that Sarah, like a historiographer, selects the referents for her historiography—Mrs. Poulteney and Charles—and imposes her emplotment and prefiguration on her historiography of both her past and present. Employing Hayden White’s theories of postmodern historiography and Linda Hutcheon’s concept of historiographic metafiction, the paper illustrates ways in which Sarah historicizes her own past through tragic emplotment and metaphoric prefiguration of her narrative in order to convey her anarchist ideology, at the same time portraying herself as the “Woman” who has been abandoned by the French Lieutenant. Furthermore, by means of her historiography of the present, she imposes her liberal ideology through satiric emplotment of her fictional construct and ironic prefiguration of the referents of textualized oppression in society. She ironically puts Mrs. Poulteney and Charles in the situations in which their oppressive ideology is unraveled; in this way, she satirizes the codes of behavior of her present time.U članku se tvrdi da se Sarah, naslovni lik Fowlesova romana Ženska francuskog poručnika (1969), opire opresivnoj ideologiji svojega vremena pišući vlastitu historiografiju. Na taj način ona fabulira tragičnu prošlost za sebe i inzistira na tome da ju se percipira kao izopačenu ženu u sadašnjosti. Analiza pokušava istaknuti činjenicu da Sarah, poput povjesničara, odabire referente za svoju historiografiju – gđu Poulteney i Charlesa – i nameće svoju fabulaciju i prefiguraciju historiografije vlastite prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Koristeći se teorijom postmoderne historiografije Haydena Whitea i konceptom historiografske metafikcije Linde Hutcheon, rad prikazuje načine na koje Sarah historizira vlastitu prošlost kroz tragičnu fabulaciju i metaforičku prefiguraciju svoje pripovijesti kako bi istaknula svoju anarhističku ideologiju i istodobno sebe prikazala kao „žensku“ koju je napustio francuski poručnik. Nadalje, pomoću svoje historiografije sadašnjosti ona nameće svoju liberalnu ideologiju satiričkom fabulacijom svog fikcionalnog konstrukta i ironičnom prefiguracijom referenata tekstualiziranog društvenog ugnjetavanja. Na ironičan način, ona gospođu Poulteney i Charlesa stavlja u situacije u kojima se njihova represivna ideologija razotkriva; na taj način satirizira kodove ponašanja u svojoj sadašnjosti

    Determining the sources of nutrient flux to water in headwater catchments:Examining the speciation balance to inform the targeting of mitigation measures

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    Diffuse water pollution from agriculture (DWPA) is a major environmental concern, with significant adverse impacts on both human and ecosystem health. However,without an appropriate understanding of the multiple factors impacting on water, mitigation measures cannot be targeted. Therefore, this paper addresses this gap in understanding, reporting the hydrochemicalmonitoring evidence collected from the UK Government's Demonstration Test Catchments (DTC) programme including contrasting chalk and clay/mudstone catchments. We use data collected at daily and sub-daily frequency overmultiple sites to address: (1) How does the behaviour of the full range of nitrogen (N) species and phosphorus (P) fractions vary? (2) How do N species and P fractions vary inter- and intra-annually? (3)What do these data indicate about the primary pollution sources? And (4) which diffuse pollution mitigation measures are appropriate in our study landscapes? Key differences in the rates of flux of nutrients were identified, dependent on catchment characteristics. Full N speciation and P fractionation, together with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) enabled identification of the most likely contributing sources in each catchment. Nitrate (NO3-N) was the dominant N fraction in the chalk whereas organic and particulate N comprised the majority of the load in the clay/mudstone catchments. Despite current legislation, orthophosphate (PO4-P)was not found to be the dominant form of P in any of the catchments monitored. The chalk sub-catchments had the largest proportion of inorganic/dissolved organic P (DOP), accompanied by episodic delivery of particulate P (PP). Contrastingly, the clay/mudstone sub-catchments loads were dominated by PP and DOP. Thus, our results show that by monitoring both the inorganic and organic fractions a more complete picture of catchment nutrient fluxes can be determined, and sources of pollution pin-pointed. Ultimately, policy and management to bring nutrient impacts under control will only be successful if a multistressor approach is adopted

    Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of a novel cytochrome P450 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    International audienceThe product of the Rv2276 gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a cytochrome P450 (P450 MT2, CYP121) which has been shown to bind tightly to a range of azole-based antifungal drugs (e.g. miconazole, clotrimazole). These drugs are potent inhibitors of mycobacterial growth, suggesting that P450 MT2 (CYP121) may be a potential drug target. The enzyme has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli and crystallized by the hanging-drop method. Crystals of P450 MT2 (CYP121) belong to the hexagonal space group P6(1)22 or P6(5)22, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 78.3, c = 265.6 A. Native data have been collected to 1.6 A resolution and Hg-derivative data to 2.5 A resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source