5,434 research outputs found

    The scene superiority effect: object recognition in the context of natural scenes

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    Four experiments investigate the effect of background scene semantics on object recognition. Although past research has found that semantically consistent scene backgrounds can facilitate recognition of a target object, these claims have been challenged as the result of post-perceptual response bias rather than the perceptual processes of object recognition itself. The current study takes advantage of a paradigm from linguistic processing known as the Word Superiority Effect. Humans can better discriminate letters (e.g., D vs. K) in the context of a word (WORD vs. WORK) than in a non-word context (e.g., WROD vs. WROK) even when the context is non-predictive of the target identity. We apply this paradigm to objects in natural scenes, having subjects discriminate between objects in the context of scenes. Because the target objects were equally semantically consistent with any given scene and could appear in either semantically consistent or inconsistent contexts with equal probability, response bias could not lead to an apparent improvement in object recognition. The current study found a benefit to object recognition from semantically consistent backgrounds, and the effect appeared to be modulated by awareness of background scene semantics

    Evaluating the welfare effects of biodiversity on private lands: A choice modelling application

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    Biodiversity loss is a global problem, especially in reference to private lands. In response, we investigated whether private land biodiversity may be attained by developing incentives which include funding landholders through the provision of native trees to enhance biodiversity on their own properties. Using choice modelling, we tested this hypothesis. A typical respondent was found to be better off, in terms of welfare, if there would be a biodiversity enhancing scheme in their locality. We also found that respondents in the upper northern regions of New Zealand were relatively more receptive in supporting biodiversity enhancement programmes on their properties, compared to those residing in the southern regions of the country

    Valuing biodiversity enhancement in New Zealand

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    The value of biodiversity enhancement in New Zealand was estimated from a survey sample of 457 residents. We determined the willingness of respondents to financially support biodiversity programs on private and public lands, as well as determining which factors influence this willingness-to-pay. Our data indicates that an average respondent was willing-to-pay 42(2007NZD)annuallyintheirrates(taxes)tosupportagovernmentinitiatedprivatelandbiodiversityprogrammeand42 (2007 NZD) annually in their rates (taxes) to support a government initiated private land biodiversity programme and 82 (2007 NZD) annually to support a biodiversity programme on public lands

    Non market valuation in New Zealand: 1974 through 2005

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    Non-market valuation (NMV) is recognized as an essential tool in policy decision making worldwide. In this paper, we investigate the history of NMV, specifically in relation to New Zealand (NZ), by compiling and analyzing all available published studies. Results show a significant increase in the number of studies, specifically those requested by government agencies, following the passage of the NZ Resource Management Act of 1991. Studies were found to be concentrated in three major areas: outdoor recreation, environmental conservation/management, and travel time savings. These three areas covered eight environmental commodities, the value of which totaled NZ$72 billion, or 50% of NZ GDP, with the highest valued commodity being biodiversity services. While our analysis yielded many positive results, we did discover, however, a severe lack of studies in many areas including pest control, water resources and outdoor recreation

    New Zealand outdoor recreation benefits

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    Millions of people participate in outdoor recreation activities in New Zealand every year. Economic recreation studies in the country concentrate mostly on market values. Market values only present part of the outdoor recreation benefit; while non-market values represent the other part. In this study, a meta-analysis is used to determine the non-market benefit of recreation. Results show non-market benefits from outdoor recreation to be over five billion dollars annually, exceeding market benefits of approximately four billion. New Zealand non-market values were then compared to those from a United States recreation database and results were favourably similar

    The connection between biodiversity and well-being: A New Zealand case study

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    The link between human well-being and biodiversity has not been well studied and was therefore the goal of this research project. Focus was placed on an increase in New Zealand native biodiversity, by an increase in the number of native trees and shrubs being planted on public lands. An increase in well-being occurred in response to an increase in native biodiversity for urban residents that have lived in their current home for less than six years. Responses were also affected by household income, whether a person was self employed and their level of education. We believe this information will be useful in targeting future community participants for voluntary biodiversity projects

    The economic value of biodiversity in New Zealand: Results from a household survey

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    This paper presents the results of a national study examining the economic value of biodiversity in New Zealand. Three valuation techniques were used to collect information from respondents: the contingent valuation method, the well-being method and the choice modelling method. Results revealed that respondents were familiar with the native plants and animals in their areas and valued them highly, therefore having a strong value for native biodiversity

    The value of native biodiversity enhancement in New Zealand: A case study of the greater Wellington area

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    New Zealand’s biodiversity consists of over 80,000 native plants, animals and fungi, many of which are indigenous and located on private property. To enhance native biodiversity and discourage activities that may deplete it, policies can be introduced that can encourage individual self-interest to coincide with social interest. Economic values for biodiversity can help to determine the best policy tools to use. In this project, we surveyed Greater Wellington Region households to determine their biodiversity enhancement values using the contingent valuation approach. Greater Wellington respondents placed a significant value on both private land biodiversity as well as public land biodiversity


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    We investigate the Philippine government’s price stabilization policy for rice. Seemingly Unrelated Regressions are used to examine the effectiveness of the program at regional and national levels over a 21-year period (January 1983 to December 2003). Results of the regional analysis indicate some NFA-induced spatial and temporal differences in terms of producer prices. The NFA successfully increased producer prices in 5 of 13 regions through stock accumulation and paddy rice purchase at floor prices. NFA stock releases do not correlate strongly with retail prices at the national level, although results from the regional model indicate that NFA stock releases reduced retail prices in five regions, leading to perceptible spatial and temporal differences between regions. Although the NFA support price appears to have been moderately successful in increasing producer prices at a national level, on average, the support price led to an increase in consumer prices in ten regions and contributed little to price stabilization. Overall, therefore, our results indicate very limited success on the part of the NFA to achieve its major objectives at either regional or national level. We suggest the NFA should concentrate its resources in the poorest areas of the country, where it might exert greater and more useful influence in smaller and locally thin rice markets.Philippines, rice, price supports, markets, commodity storage, food policy
