13 research outputs found

    Crystal or Glass? Chemical and Crystallographic Factors in the Amorphization of Molecular Materials

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    The creation of long-lived amorphous phases has potential applications in numerous fields; for example, the instability of the amorphous phase leads to higher solubility of pharmaceutical phases, often leading to higher bioavailability. The rate of recrystallization of an amorphous phase poses a significant limitation to the application of many such phases; however, understanding the energetic and structural factors that control the stability of molecular amorphous phases is limited by empirical classifications based on thermal analysis used to identify materials. From a set of molecularly related benzanilides, examples of all three classes have been identified, allowing use of crystal structural analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and energetic calculations to determine the structural factors playing a role in the different stabilities. While the behavior of most systems reflects the relative energy of the crystalline phase to the amorphous phase, kinetic factors based on whether a NH···OC hydrogen bond is present in the crystalline phase play a key role in stabilizing the amorphous phase as the loss of this bond reduces the conversion rate. In contrast, systems without this bond display fast recrystallization due to the greater structural similarity between the amorphous and crystalline phases

    Individual changes in absolute errors.

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    <p>Plot of the change in absolute error between Grade 2 and Grade 6 against the initial Grade 2 error for control subjects. The solid line indicates zero error, the dotted line indicates the frame angle (18°).</p

    Subjects exhibiting negative frame effects at the three Grades of testing.

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    <p>The number of subjects (%) showing iMean errors in the opposite direction to the frame tilt. The size of the negative frame effect was categorized as Mild (3°–6°), Moderate (6°–9°) and Strong (>9°). Subjects having iSDs greater than 9° were excluded from the analysis as showing inconsistent responses.</p

    Mean absolute errors recorded for subjects at 2 year intervals.

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    <p>Significance levels calculated using Friedman Test (Nonparametric Repeated Measures ANOVA), <i>post hoc</i> Dunn's Multiple Comparison Test comparing gender groups in Grade 4 and 6 to the corresponding Grade 2 group.</p

    Distribution of signed mean errors.

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    <p>A, Grade 2 (age 7–8 years); B, Grade 4 (age 9–10 years); C, Grade 6 (11–12 years). Open bars – counter clockwise frame tilt; filled bars – clockwise frame tilt. (n = 419 in all cases).</p

    Changes in Rod and Frame Test Scores Recorded in Schoolchildren during Development – A Longitudinal Study - Figure 1

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    <p>A–E. Frame alignment errors with frame tilt −18° (counter clockwise). Rod aligned to –A, vertical; B, lateral side; C, upper right corner; D, upper left corner; E, upper side. A mirror set of errors is generated with the frame tilt clockwise (+18°). F, shaded −9° sectors used to quantify the corresponding alignment strategies in A–E; unshaded–sectors classified as ‘other’. Sectors marked + frame tilt +18°; sectors marked – frame tilt −18°.</p

    Average times per presentation recorded at 2-year intervals.

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    <p>Significance levels calculated using Friedman Test (Nonparametric Repeated Measures ANOVA), <i>post hoc</i> Dunn's Multiple Comparison Test comparing Grade 4 to Grade 2, and Grade 6 to Grade 4.</p