11 research outputs found

    Prawat, Richard S., The Value of Ideas: Problems versus Possibilities in Learning, Educational Researcher, 22(August-September, l993), 5-16.*

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    Reviews the idea-based social-constructivism (embedded) approach to designing curriculum and instruction

    Schmidt, William H., and Richard S. Prawat, Curriculum Coherence and National Control of Education: Issue or Non-Issue? Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38(December, 2006), 641-658.

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    Reports a study in 37 countries of national policy instruments designed to produce curricular consistence and coherence; results indicate that national control is not as strongly associated with these desired outcomes as functional credibilty derived from alternative policy instruments

    Digital storytelling for tertiary education in the era of digitization : construction and evaluation of two experiences

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    Globalization is everywhere. Demographic changes are visible and take more importance and pose new challenges. Technological developments are seen as a source for solutions as it is sometimes considered source of problems. The combination of these changes along with environmental changes is impacting all what man intends to do, it influences the societal environment, creates new demands and needs. Economic success and continuous growth are not the only key words. Sustainability, innovation and more specifically social innovation are the new key words. In order to get them it is required also to have what is today called the social entrepreneurship. Facing all these challenges requires a good preparation. Education and innovation in education are corner stones to redeem the skills’ gaps. The intention of the study is to present the changing environment as motivation and drive for change in the society and more specifically in the education, its methods and approaches. Once the drives clear the study describes two major trends as answers and opportunities, namely the smart cities and industry 4.0. In order to have a sustainable and efficient societal chapter the demand for social entrepreneurship and social innovation became a necessity. Further the issue of lack of skills required by the new technological and entrepreneurship advances is discussed showing the impact on the new conditions for education, mainly the tertiary and vocational. The combination of all the changes and the innovation leads to new demands in education forms as well as pedagogical approaches. The study will explain some of them before concentrating on one approach known as digital storytelling (DST). The explanation of DST will lead to the development of a framework. The framework was applied in two different ways in classes and then analyzed based on the free and anonymous feedback of the students. It showed the interest of the students for such teaching methods as part of a curriculum, whether for the simple case or for the more complex. The students were motivated to search more and interact with the presented topics. The positive evaluation of the students and some thoughts of the author after this practical experience open the door for some recommendations and improvements