159 research outputs found

    Authoritarianism and American Students\u27 Attitudes about the Gulf War, 1990–1996

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    Studies with several different groups of students over the period from October 1990 to spring 1996 show a consistent set of relationships between right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and aggressive support for U.S. policy during the Persian Gulf crisis and Gulf War Before the war, high-RWA scorers endorsed more aggressive responses (including the use of nuclear weapons) to hypothetical Iraqi actions. After the war, they expressed relatively more gloating and less regret and, in retrospect, endorsed more aggressive hypothetical U.S. policies. Overall, their opinions tended to be low in complexity, high in certainty, and brief

    Authoritarianism and Attitudes Toward Contemporary Social Issues in the 1990s

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    Three studies were conducted to examine the relevance of authoritarianism to contemporary social attitudes, with special emphasis on AIDS, drug use, and the environment. In Studies 1 and 2, students scoring higher on authoritarianism (measured by Byrne\u27s balanced F scale and Altemeyer\u27s Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale, respectively) were more likely to endorse harsh, punitive sentiments and solutions to the problems of AIDS and drugs and less likely to endorse more egalitarian ones. These two issues are presumed to represent a threat to the American way of life and provide clear out-groups for authoritarian aggression. Regarding the environment, authoritarians express hostility toward the environmental movement, rather than toward polluters. In Study 3, authoritarianism was further related to attitudes on abortion, child abuse, homelessness, the space program, the trade deficit, political changes in the Soviet Union, and the purposes of colleges and universities. These results show that the concept of authoritarianism is applicable to attitudes on many important issues of the 1990s

    Status of the Hennepin-University Partnership and Proposed Next Steps.

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    Provides a status report on the Hennepin-University Partnership since its inception in 2004, and includes proposed next steps for strengthening and deepening the partnership.Supported by the Hennepin-University Partnership, a collaboration between Hennepin County and the University of Minnesota that is housed at the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA)

    Establishment of a consensus protocol to explore the brain pathobiome in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\u27s disease: Research outline and call for collaboration.

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    Microbial infections of the brain can lead to dementia, and for many decades microbial infections have been implicated in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) pathology. However, a causal role for infection in AD remains contentious, and the lack of standardized detection methodologies has led to inconsistent detection/identification of microbes in AD brains. There is a need for a consensus methodology; the Alzheimer\u27s Pathobiome Initiative aims to perform comparative molecular analyses of microbes in post mortem brains versus cerebrospinal fluid, blood, olfactory neuroepithelium, oral/nasopharyngeal tissue, bronchoalveolar, urinary, and gut/stool samples. Diverse extraction methodologies, polymerase chain reaction and sequencing techniques, and bioinformatic tools will be evaluated, in addition to direct microbial culture and metabolomic techniques. The goal is to provide a roadmap for detecting infectious agents in patients with mild cognitive impairment or AD. Positive findings would then prompt tailoring of antimicrobial treatments that might attenuate or remit mounting clinical deficits in a subset of patients

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Symbiotic Stars. IV. V2116 Ophiuchi/GX 1+4, The Neutron Star Symbiotic

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    We have computed, based on 17 infrared radial velocities, the first set of orbital elements for the M giant in the symbiotic binary V2116 Ophiuchi. The giant's companion is a neutron star, the bright X-ray source GX 1+4. We find an orbital period of 1161 days by far the longest of any known X-ray binary. The orbit has a modest eccentricity of 0.10 with an orbital circularization time of less than 10^6 years. The large mass function of the orbit significantly restricts the mass of the M giant. Adopting a neutron-star mass of 1.35M(Sun), the maximum mass of the M giant is 1.22M(Sun), making it the less massive star. Derived abundances indicate a slightly subsolar metallicity. Carbon and nitrogen are in the expected ratio resulting from the red-giant first dredge-up phase. The lack of O-17 suggests that the M-giant has a mass less than 1.3M(Sun), consistent with our maximum mass. The red giant radius is 103R(Sun), much smaller than the estimated Roche lobe radius. Thus, the mass loss of the red giant is via a stellar wind. Although the M giant companion to the neutron star has a mass similar to the late-type star in low-mass X-ray binaries, its near-solar abundances and apparent runaway velocity are not fully consistent with the properties of this class of stars.Comment: In press to The Astrophysical Journal (10 April 2006 issue). 23 page

    Cavity mode enhancement of terahertz emission from equilateral triangular microstrip antennas of the high-Tcsuperconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 +δ

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    We study the transverse magnetic (TM) electromagnetic cavity mode wave functions for an ideal equilateral triangular microstrip antenna (MSA) exhibiting C3v point group symmetry. When the C3v operations are imposed upon the antenna, the TM(m,n) modes with wave vectors m2+nm+n2\propto \sqrt{{{m}^{2}}+nm+{{n}^{2}}} are much less dense than commonly thought. The R3 operations restrict the integral n and m to satisfy mn=3p|m-n|\,=3p , where p0p\geqslant 0 and p1p\geqslant 1 for the modes even and odd under reflections about the three mirror planes, respectively. We calculate the forms of representative wave functions and the angular dependence of the output power when these modes are excited by the uniform and non-uniform ac Josephson current sources in thin, ideally equilateral triangular MSAs employing the intrinsic Josephson junctions in the high transition temperature Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ{{\text{O}}_{8+\delta}} , and fit the emissions data from an earlier sample for which the C3v symmetry was apparently broken