830 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Empathy Research: Models, Muddles, and Mechanisms

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    The word empathy enters the English language in 1909, translated incompletely from German by a British-born psychologist interested in introspection. In the ensuing 100+ years, the term has been defined in a range of different ways by researchers and scholars. The biopsychosocial framework developed by George Engel comes closest to capturing empathy as a biological, psychological and social phenomenon. In this paper, I explore the psychological and social/communicative dimensions of empathy. Psychologists ask the question, How does the capacity for empathy vary across individuals? By contrast, interaction scholars ask, How is empathy communicated from one person (a healthcare provider) to another (a sufferer)? A communication focus involves the accuracy and impact of empathic communication as evidenced in a sufferer’s response. The two views of empathy, as a quality or capacity or as co-created in interaction, are contradictory, and are a source of confusion and contentiousness in the research literature. As in theoretical physics, where an as yet unresolved 80 year controversy has marked the debate about whether light is a particle or wave, research on empathy will likely remain paradoxical, unresolved and a source of creativity and innovation in the science and art of human caring

    Shared Presence in Physician-Patient Communication: A Graphic Representation

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    Shared presence is a state of being in which physicians and patients enter into a deep sense of trust, respect, and knowing that facilitates healing. Communication between physicians and patients (and, in fact, all providers and recipients of health care) is the medium through which shared presence occurs, regardless of the presenting problem, time available, location of care, or clinical history of the patient. Conceptualizing how communication leads to shared presence has been a challenging task, however. Pathways of this process have been routinely lumped together as the biopsychosocial model or patient, person, and relationship-centered care—all deceptive in their simplicity but, in fact, highly complex—or reduced to descriptive explications of one constituent element (e.g., empathy). In this article, we reconcile these pathways and elements by presenting a graphic image for clinicians and teachers in medical education. This conceptual image serves as a framework to synthesize the vast literature on physician-patient communication. We place shared presence, the fundamental characteristic of effective clinical communication, at the center of our figure. Around this focal point, we locate four elemental factors that either contribute to or result from shared presence, including interpersonal skills, relational contexts, actions in clinical encounters, and healing outcomes. By visually presenting various known and emergent theories of physician-patient communication, outlining the flow of successful encounters between physicians and patients, and noting how such encounters can improve outcomes, physicians, other health care professionals, and medical educators can better grasp the complexity, richness, and potential for achieving shared presence with their patients

    Effect of Magnetic Fields on Drug Induced Contractility and Mortality in Spirostomum

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    The influence of homogeneous magnetic fields up to 5.5 T on contractile frequency and mortality in the ciliate protozoan spirostomum ambiguum stimulated by 2,2â€Č PDS is reported. Magnetic fields are observed to decrease contractile frequency and to significantly increase mortality

    Re-­Thinking Shared Decision‐Making: Context Matters

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    Objective Traditional perspectives on shared decision-making (SDM) focus attention on the point in a clinical encounter where discussion of a treatment decision begins. We argue that SDM is shaped not only by initiation of a treatment decision, but also by the entire clinical encounter, and, even more broadly, by the nature of the patient–provider relationship. Method The Four Habits Approach to Effective Clinical Communication, a validated and widely used framework for patient–provider communication, was used to understand how SDM is integrally tied to the entire clinical encounter, as well as to the broader patient–provider relationship. Results The Four Habits consists of four categories of behaviors: (1) invest in the beginning; (2) elicit the patient's perspective; (3) demonstrate empathy; and (4) invest in the end. We argue that the behaviors included in all four of these categories work together to create and maintain an environment conducive to SDM. Conclusion SDM cannot be understood in isolation, and future SDM research should reflect the influence that the broader communicative and relational contexts have on decisions. Practice implications SDM training might be more effective if training focused on the broader context of communication and relationships, such as those specified by the Four Habits framework

    Comparing neonatal morbidity and mortality estimates across specialty in periviable counseling

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    Objective To describe and compare estimates of neonatal morbidity and mortality communicated by neonatologists and obstetricians in simulated periviable counseling encounters. Methods A simulation-based study of 16 obstetricians (OBs) and 15 neonatologists counseling standardized patients portraying pregnant women with ruptured membranes at 23 weeks gestation. Two investigators tabulated all instances of numerically-described risk estimates across individuals and by specialty. Results Overall, 12/15 (80%) neonatologists utilized numeric estimates of survival; 6/16 (38%) OBs did. OBs frequently deferred the discussion of “exact numbers” to neonatologists. The twelve neonatologists provided 13 unique numeric estimates, ranging from 3% to 50% survival. Half of those neonatologists provided 2-3 different estimates in a single encounter. By comparison, six OBs provided 4 unique survival estimates (“50%”, “30-40%”, “1/3-1/2”, “<10%”). Only 2/15 (13%) neonatologists provided numeric estimates of survival without impairment. None of the neonatologists used the term ‘intact’ survival, while 5 OBs did. Three neonatologists gave numeric estimates of long-term disability and one OB did. Conclusion We found substantial variation in estimates and noteworthy omissions of discussions related to long-term morbidity. Across specialties, we noted inconsistencies in the use and meaning of terms like ‘intact survival.’ More tools and training are needed to improve the quality and consistency of periviable risk-communication

    Impact of a brief faculty training to improve patient-centered communication while using electronic health records

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    Objective Despite rapid EHR adoption, few faculty receive training in how to implement patient-centered communication skills while using computers in exam rooms. We piloted a patient-centered EHR use training to address this issue. Methods Faculty received four hours of training at Cleveland Clinic and a condensed 90-minute version at the University of Chicago. Both included a lecture and a Group-Objective Structured Clinical Exam (GOSCE) experience. Direct observations of 10 faculty in their clinical practices were performed pre- and post-workshop. Results Thirty participants (94%) completed a post-workshop evaluation assessing knowledge, attitude, and skills. Faculty reported that training was important, relevant, and should be required for all providers; no differences were found between longer versus shorter training. Participants in the longer training reported higher GOSCE efficacy, however shorter workshop participants agreed more with the statement that they had gained new knowledge. Faculty improved their patient-centered EHR use skills in clinical practice on post- versus pre-workshop ratings using a validated direct-observation rating tool. Conclusion A brief lecture and GOSCE can be effective in training busy faculty on patient-centered EHR use skills. Practice Implications Faculty training on patient-centered EHR skills can enhance patient-doctor communication and promotes positive role modeling of these skills to learners

    Challenges with Delivering Gender-Specific and Comprehensive Primary Care to Women Veterans

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    Background The growing presence of women veterans in Veterans Administration (VA) settings has prompted the need for greater attention to clinical proficiency related to women's health (WH) primary care needs. Instead of making appointments for multiple visits or referring patients to a WH clinic or alternate site for gender-specific care, a comprehensive primary care model now allows for women veteran patients be seen by primary care providers (PCPs) who have WH training/experience and can see patients for both primary and WH care in the context of a single visit. However, little is currently known about the barriers and facilitators WH-PCPs face in using this approach to incorporate gender-specific services into women veterans' primary care services. Methods We conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 22 WH-PCPs at one Midwestern VA Medical Center. All participants were members of one of four outpatient primary care clinics within the main medical center, one off-site satellite clinic, or two off-site community-based outpatient clinics. Results Inductive thematic analysis identified six themes: 1) Time constraints, 2) importance of staff support, 3) necessity of sufficient space and equipment/supplies, 4) perceptions of discomfort among patients with trauma histories, 5) lack of education/training, and 6) challenges with scheduling/logistics. Conclusion Although adequate staff was a key facilitator, the findings suggest that there may be barriers that undermine the ability of VA WH-PCPs to provide high-quality, comprehensive primary and gender-specific care. The nature of these barriers is multifactorial and multilevel in nature, and may therefore require special policy and practice action

    “Won’t You Be My Doctor?”: Four Keys to a Satisfying Relationship in an Increasingly Virtual World

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    Despite rapid technological advances in healthcare, medicine is still largely practiced in a doctor’s office one conversation at a time. This reality is changing rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic as face-to-face conversations with primary care practitioners are being replaced by virtual visits conducted by phone or video conferencing. Communication challenges in patient-practitioner relationships exist in face-to-face visits and they are accentuated in virtual ones. Absent a physical examination and other sensory data, conversation is the primary means by which safe, satisfying care depends. We present 4 steps to help patients and practitioners work together to obtain optimal results from virtual or face-to-face visits, summarized by the acronym PREP: Prepare, Rehearse, Engage, and Persist. Based on 80 years of combined clinical practice and research, we recommend strategies to help bridge the gap between what patients want and deserve in their medical visits and practitioners’ understanding of their patients’ concerns

    Experiences of Female and Male Medical Students With Death, Dying, and Palliative Care: One Size Does Not Fit All

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    Background: Medical students learn about death, dying, and palliative care (DDPC) through formal curricular offerings and informal clinical experiences; however, the lessons learned in the clinic may be at odds with the formal curriculum. Reflective writing is a means for students to “bracket” their DDPC experiences and reconcile conflicts between the formal and informal curriculum. Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare the level of reflection demonstrated in medical students’ narratives on DDPC with other experiences and to examine the domains of professionalism that students perceive to be prevalent in their DDPC experiences. Methods: Third-year medical students submitted professionalism narratives during their internal medicine clerkship. We identified a subset of narratives related to DDPC (n = 388) and randomly selected control narratives (n = 153). We assessed the level of reflection demonstrated in the narratives using a validated rubric and analyzed the professionalism domains that students identified as relevant to their experience. Results: There was no difference in reflective level between DDPC and control narratives. Within the DDPC group, female students demonstrated higher reflection (2.24 ± 0.71) than male students (2.01 ± 0.77; P < .001). Caring, compassion and communication, and honor and integrity were prominent among DDPC narratives. More females identified caring, compassion, and communication as relevant to their DDPC experiences, whereas more males identified altruism. Conclusion: Males and females have different perceptions of DDPC experiences, and female students appear to be more deeply impacted. These findings can help clinical faculty engage students more effectively with this challenging topic
