4,927 research outputs found

    Area distribution of the planar random loop boundary

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    We numerically investigate the area statistics of the outer boundary of planar random loops, on the square and triangular lattices. Our Monte Carlo simulations suggest that the underlying limit distribution is the Airy distribution, which was recently found to appear also as area distribution in the model of self-avoiding loops.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. v2: minor changes, version as publishe

    Empirical validation of the S-Score algorithm in the analysis of gene expression data

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    BACKGROUND: Current methods of analyzing Affymetrix GeneChip(® )microarray data require the estimation of probe set expression summaries, followed by application of statistical tests to determine which genes are differentially expressed. The S-Score algorithm described by Zhang and colleagues is an alternative method that allows tests of hypotheses directly from probe level data. It is based on an error model in which the detected signal is proportional to the probe pair signal for highly expressed genes, but approaches a background level (rather than 0) for genes with low levels of expression. This model is used to calculate relative change in probe pair intensities that converts probe signals into multiple measurements with equalized errors, which are summed over a probe set to form the S-Score. Assuming no expression differences between chips, the S-Score follows a standard normal distribution, allowing direct tests of hypotheses to be made. Using spike-in and dilution datasets, we validated the S-Score method against comparisons of gene expression utilizing the more recently developed methods RMA, dChip, and MAS5. RESULTS: The S-score showed excellent sensitivity and specificity in detecting low-level gene expression changes. Rank ordering of S-Score values more accurately reflected known fold-change values compared to other algorithms. CONCLUSION: The S-score method, utilizing probe level data directly, offers significant advantages over comparisons using only probe set expression summaries

    CLASSnmat: A global night marine air temperature data set, 1880–2019

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    A new data set of Night Marine Air Temperature (NMAT) is presented that builds on the HadNMAT2 data set, which was released in 2013. In a similar manner to HadNMAT2, the new data set (CLASSnmat) provides uninterpolated, monthly global values at a 5° resolution back to 1880. In addition to being extended to the end of 2019, four main developments are made in CLASSnmat: (1) the NMAT values are extracted from the most recent version of the International Comprehensive Ocean‐Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS Release 3) and a revised method of eliminating duplicated observations is used; (2) values of NMAT are adjusted to 2m and 20m heights in addition to the 10 m height used in HadNMAT2; (3) a refinement is made to the corrections necessary during World War 2, which uses more of the NMAT observations and hence results in a more extensive spatial coverage for this period than was possible in HadNMAT2; (4) an updated gridding method is used that allows for an improved propagation of uncertainty from the individual NMAT values through to the gridded estimates. In this paper, the method used to construct CLASSnmat (version is described

    Metal-Poor Stars Observed with the Magellan Telescope I. Constraints on Progenitor Mass and Metallicity of AGB Stars Undergoing s-Process Nucleosynthesis

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    We present a comprehensive abundance analysis of two newly-discovered carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. HE2138-3336 is a s-process-rich star with [Fe/H] = -2.79, and has the highest [Pb/Fe] abundance ratio measured thus far, if NLTE corrections are included ([Pb/Fe] = +3.84). HE2258-6358, with [Fe/H] = -2.67, exhibits enrichments in both s- and r-process elements. These stars were selected from a sample of candidate metal-poor stars from the Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey, and followed up with medium-resolution (R ~ 2,000) spectroscopy with GEMINI/GMOS. We report here on derived abundances (or limits) for a total of 34 elements in each star, based on high-resolution (R ~ 30,000) spectroscopy obtained with Magellan-Clay/MIKE. Our results are compared to predictions from new theoretical AGB nucleosynthesis models of 1.3 Mo with [Fe/H] = -2.5 and -2.8, as well as to a set of AGB models of 1.0 to 6.0 Mo at [Fe/H] = -2.3. The agreement with the model predictions suggests that the neutron-capture material in HE2138-3336 originated from mass transfer from a binary companion star that previously went through the AGB phase, whereas for HE2258-6358, an additional process has to be taken into account to explain its abundance pattern. We find that a narrow range of progenitor masses (1.0 < M(Mo) < 1.3) and metallicities (-2.8 < [Fe/H] < -2.5) yield the best agreement with our observed elemental abundance patterns.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Signal transduction cross talk mediated by Jun N-terminal kinase-interacting protein and insulin receptor substrate scaffold protein complexes

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    Scaffold proteins have been established as important mediators of signal transduction specificity. The insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins represent a critical group of scaffold proteins that are required for signal transduction by the insulin receptor, including the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase. The c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK)-interacting proteins (JIPs) represent a different group of scaffold molecules that are implicated in the regulation of the JNK. These two signaling pathways are functionally linked because JNK can phosphorylate IRS1 on the negative regulatory site Ser-307. Here we demonstrate the physical association of these signaling pathways using a proteomic approach that identified insulin-regulated complexes of JIPs together with IRS scaffold proteins. Studies using mice with JIP scaffold protein defects confirm that the JIP1 and JIP2 proteins are required for normal glucose homeostasis. Together, these observations demonstrate that JIP proteins can influence insulin-stimulated signal transduction mediated by IRS proteins

    Prolonged transition time between colostrum and mature milk in a bear, the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca

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    Bears produce the most altricial neonates of any placental mammal. We hypothesized that the transition from colostrum to mature milk in bears reflects a temporal and biochemical adaptation for altricial development and immune protection. Comparison of bear milks with milks of other eutherians yielded distinctive protein profiles. Proteomic and metabolomic analysis of serial milk samples collected from six giant pandas showed a prolonged transition from colostrum to main-phase lactation over approximately 30 days. Particularly striking are the persistence or sequential appearance of adaptive and innate immune factors. The endurance of immunoglobulin G suggests an unusual duration of trans-intestinal absorption of maternal antibodies, and is potentially relevant to the underdeveloped lymphoid system of giant panda neonates. Levels of certain milk oligosaccharides known to exert anti-microbial activities and/or that are conducive to the development of neonatal gut microbiomes underwent an almost complete changeover around days 20–30 postpartum, coincident with the maturation of the protein profile. A potential metabolic marker of starvation was detected, the prominence of which may reflect the natural postpartum period of anorexia in giant panda mothers. Early lactation in giant pandas, and possibly in other ursids, appears to be adapted for the unique requirements of unusually altricial eutherian neonates