29 research outputs found

    Representative topology of two of Kings’ major hospital sites over a 6-month period.

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    <p>Green nodes are in Denmark Hill (DH), turquoise nodes are in Princess Royal University Hospital (PRUH), purple nodes are External to King’s, red nodes are Orpington Hospital. Edge thickness represents the relative flow of the patients (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0185912#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a> below). The A&E entry points are on the lower right of the diagram. The network is directed, but for clarity at this scale direction is not represented here.</p

    Distribution of input and output weight variability scores.

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    <p>The input and output weight variability scores were calculated for every node each month. Counts are over all nodes and months. DH = Denmark Hill, PRUH = Princess Royal University Hospital.</p

    Unsupervised clustering of edge weights.

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    <p>Principal component analysis of daily transfer networks separates the best- and worst-performing days in each site and weekdays from weekends. (a) DH performance (b) PRUH performance (c) DH weekday vs. weekend (d) PRUH weekday vs. weekend. “High” and “Low” groups are the top and bottom 10% of best- and worst-performing days respectively for each site, “Mid” is the remaining 80%. Red = Low, blue = Mid, green = High. DH = Denmark Hill, PRUH = Princess Royal University Hospital.</p

    Differential networks for both sites.

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    <p>Only edges for which the difference in proportional flow between the best and worst networks is more than two standard deviations from the mean difference (zero) are shown in the differential networks. Red edges account for a greater proportion of transfers in the lowest-performing network, green edges account for a greater proportion of transfers in the highest-performing network. Edge direction indicates the direction of the transfer and thickness represents the magnitude of the difference in weight between the best and worst networks. Wards are named according to their role, and multiple wards with the same role are numbered consistently between rows for each site. Top row = flow on days with extreme A&E performance. Bottom row = flow on the days before days with extreme A&E performance. DH = Denmark Hill, PRUH = Princess Royal University Hospital.</p

    Prevalence of diagnoses (listed by ICD10 code) in subgroups of patients stratified by gender and ethnicity.

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    <p>M-Male; F-Female; W-White; B-Black; A-Asian; O-Other ethnicities; ‘-’—no significant difference. Shown gender is associated with higher recorded rates per diagnosis. Ethnicities mentioned in capitals have relative count for the diagnosis above the average across all 4 ethnicities, while lower case letters represent ethnicities with relative count below the average.</p

    Number of diagnoses in each of the unique patient count bins.

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    <p>A bar chart showing the number of diagnoses that were assigned to each of the considered number of patients: 1 patient; between 2 and 10; 11 and 100; 101 and 1000; more than 1000 patients.</p