3,285 research outputs found

    Activation of TLR3 in keratinocytes increases expression of genes involved in formation of the epidermis, lipid accumulation, and epidermal organelles.

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    Injury to the skin, and the subsequent release of noncoding double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) from necrotic keratinocytes, has been identified as an endogenous activator of Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3). As changes in keratinocyte growth and differentiation follow injury, we hypothesized that TLR3 might trigger some elements of the barrier repair program in keratinocytes. dsRNA was observed to induce TLR3-dependent increases in human keratinocyte mRNA abundance for ABCA12 (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family A, member 12), glucocerebrosidase, acid sphingomyelinase, and transglutaminase 1. Additionally, treatment with dsRNA resulted in increases in sphingomyelin and morphologic changes including increased epidermal lipid staining by Oil Red O and TLR3-dependent increases in lamellar bodies and keratohyalin granules. These observations show that dsRNA can stimulate some events in keratinocytes that are important for skin barrier repair and maintenance

    S. epidermidis Influence on Host Immunity: More Than Skin Deep

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    The mammalian immune system communicates with skin-resident microbes, and some of these microbes provide benefits to the host. In a recent paper in Nature, Naik et al. (2015) provide evidence that the murine epidermis permits S. epidermidis, a skin-specific bacterium, to shape the immune response

    Pragmatic and dialectic conceptions of methodology for inquiries into freedom and their implications for education

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    Many of the controversies going on in the world today are concerned with the problem of freedom. Issues involving freedom are important in the fields of theology, law, government, labor, philosophy, and education. For example, in assessing the ideological climate of the world, the standard of freedom is the measure used by many western political observers to demarcate the totalitarian from the free; the emergence of the nations is often defended in theory by appealing to the right of a people freely to determine themselves; the prevailing vitality of the Negro movement is America is a manifestation of a determination to obtain greater freedom and equlaity; the alliegance of many people to a world court is withheld because they fear that it would curtail their nation’s sovereignty and freedom. In education, issues involving freedom are also central. Many educators and institutions of higher learning are concerned about the requirement of loyalty oaths from college students who obtain federal scholarship funds. It could be assumed that hardly any educator in America would deny that the development of freemen is an essential aim of education. Educators have shown an awareness of the pivotal position that freedom plays in America’s life. While issues involving freedom are of crucial importance in the contemporary scene, disputants are not free from confusion and misunderstanding. Certainly, in a democracy, one would be justifiably troubled at attempts to impose conformity. But the very differences of opinion do call for attempts at understanding the issues, so that interested parties could be afforded evidence to make informed judgements of their own about the merits of conflicting claims to truth

    Vaccinia virus binds to the scavenger receptor MARCO on the surface of keratinocytes.

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    Patients with altered skin immunity, such as individuals with atopic dermatitis (AD), can have a life-threatening disruption of the epidermis known as eczema vaccinatum after vaccinia virus (VV) infection of the skin. Here, we sought to better understand the mechanism(s) by which VV associates with keratinocytes. The class A scavenger receptor known as MARCO (macrophage receptor with collagenous structure) is expressed on human and mouse keratinocytes and found to be abundantly expressed in the skin of patients with AD. VV bound directly to MARCO, and overexpression of MARCO increased susceptibility to VV infection. Furthermore, ligands with affinity for MARCO, or excess soluble MARCO, competitively inhibited VV infection. These findings indicate that MARCO promotes VV infection and highlights potential new therapeutic strategies for prevention of VV infection in the skin

    Rosacea as a Disease of Cathelicidins and Skin Innate Immunity

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    Rosacea is a common and chronic inflammatory skin disease most frequently seen in groups of genetically related individuals. Although the symptoms of rosacea are heterogeneous, they are all related by the presence of characteristic facial or ocular inflammation involving both the vascular and tissue stroma. Until recently, the pathophysiology of this disease was limited to descriptions of a wide variety of factors that exacerbate or improve disease. Recent molecular studies show a common link between the triggers of rosacea and the cellular response, and these observations suggest that an altered innate immune response is involved in disease pathogenesis. Understanding rosacea as a disorder of innate immunity explains the benefits of current treatments and suggests new therapeutic strategies for alleviating this disease

    The Effects of Postfire Salvage Logging on Cavity-Nesting Birds

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    We investigated the effects of postfire salvage logging on cavity-nesting birds by comparing nest densities and patterns of nest reuse over a three-year period in seven logged and eight unlogged patches of mixed-conifer forest in the Blackfoot-Clearwater Wildlife Management Area, Montana. We found 563 active nests of 18 cavity-nesting birds; all species were found nesting in the uncut burned forest plots, but only eight nested in the salvage-logged plots. All except one species nested at a higher density in the unlogged areas, and half of the species were significantly more abundant in the unlogged plots. Every timber-drilling and timber-gleaning species was less abundant in the salvage-logged plots, including two of the most fire-dependent species in the northern Rocky Mountains-American Three-toed (Picoides dorsalis) and Black-backed (P. arcticus) Woodpeckers. Lower abundances in salvage-logged plots occurred despite the fact that there were still more potential nest snags per hectare than the recommended minimum number needed to support maximum densities of primary cavity-nesters, which suggests that reduced woodpecker densities are more related to a reduction in food (wood-boring beetle larvae) than to nest-site availability. Because cavities were present in only four of 244 randomly selected trees, and because frequency of cavity reuse by secondary cavity-nesters was higher in salvage-logged than in unlogged plots, nest-site limitation may be a more important constraint for secondary cavity-nesters in salvage-logged areas. These results suggest that typical salvage logging operations are incompatible with the maintenance of endemic levels of most cavity-nesting bird populations, especially populations of primary cavity-nesting species

    A Precision Microbiome Approach Using Sucrose for Selective Augmentation of Staphylococcus epidermidis Fermentation against Propionibacterium acnes.

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    Acne dysbiosis happens when there is a microbial imbalance of the over-growth of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) in the acne microbiome. In our previous study, we demonstrated that Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis, a probiotic skin bacterium) can exploit glycerol fermentation to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which have antimicrobial activities to suppress the growth of P. acnes. Unlike glycerol, sucrose is chosen here as a selective fermentation initiator (SFI) that can specifically intensify the fermentation activity of S. epidermidis, but not P. acnes. A co-culture of P. acnes and fermenting S. epidermidis in the presence of sucrose significantly led to a reduction in the growth of P. acnes. The reduction was abolished when P. acnes was co-cultured with non-fermenting S. epidermidis. Results from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis revealed four SCFAs (acetic acid, butyric acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid) were detectable in the media of S. epidermidis sucrose fermentation. To validate the interference of S. epidermidis sucrose fermentation with P. acnes, mouse ears were injected with both P. acnes and S. epidermidis plus sucrose or phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The level of macrophage-inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) and the number of P. acnes in ears injected with two bacteria plus sucrose were considerably lower than those in ears injected with two bacteria plus PBS. Our results demonstrate a precision microbiome approach by using sucrose as a SFI for S. epidermidis, holding future potential as a novel modality to equilibrate dysbiotic acne

    Beta-Lactamase Repressor BlaI Modulates Staphylococcus aureus Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide Resistance and Virulence.

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    BlaI is a repressor of BlaZ, the beta-lactamase responsible for penicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus. Through screening a transposon library in S. aureus Newman for susceptibility to cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide, we discovered BlaI as a novel cathelicidin resistance factor. Additionally, through integrational mutagenesis in S. aureus Newman and MRSA Sanger 252 strains, we confirmed the role of BlaI in resistance to human and murine cathelidicin and showed that it contributes to virulence in human whole blood and murine infection models. We further demonstrated that BlaI could be a target for innate immune-based antimicrobial therapies; by removing BlaI through subinhibitory concentrations of 6-aminopenicillanic acid, we were able to sensitize S. aureus to LL-37 killing