24 research outputs found

    My Year of Memory and Mathematics

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    I relive one stream of my state of mind over the pandemic year of 2020

    Peter Hilton en passant

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    This is a decades-long tale of my glancing friendship with distinguished mathematician and mathematics educator Peter Hilton and his constant collaborator Jean Pedersen. Peter’s wit, compassion, and support are in full display, though in truth I knew him only “in passing.

    My Last Fermat’s Last Theorem Talk

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    From the dangerous snowfall preceding and nearly ending it, to the pleasant years-long fallout afterward, I tell the story of the events surrounding my final presentation of an expository talk on Fermat’s Last Theorem in the same year but months before Andrew Wiles announced his proof

    Accidental World Teacher

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    When the College Algebra and Calculus I video courses I created were posted on my university’s YouTube channel in 2009, I suddenly began to receive dozens of heartfelt emails from students around the world thanking me. Here I tell the story of the creation of those videos and sample the effect they seem to have had over the last decade, as I accidentally became a teacher available to the entire planet

    Out of the Vacuum: A Hidden Assumption

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    In writing a proof, a student surprises her sense of reality and logic

    Figure-Ground Perception: A Poem Proof

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    This is a proof, in poetic form, of a bit of real analysis, more specifically involving the topology of accumulation points, that exploits the human optical phenomenon of figure-ground perception. Sometimes it is not a change in content, but a snap shift in point of view that yields a proof

    Founders, Feminists, and a Fascist -- Some Notable Women in the Missouri Section of the MAA

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    In the history of the Missouri Section of the MAA, some of the more interesting people who influenced the growth and development of the section through the years were and are women. In this chapter, we discuss the contributions of a few (certainly not all) of these women to the Missouri Section and mathematics as a whole, including Emily Kathryn Wyant (founder of KME), Margaret F. Willerding (who dealt with sexism in the 1940s), Maria Castellani (an official in Mussolini’s Italy before coming to America), and T. Christine Stevens (co-founder of Project NExT). Without them, and others like them, both mathematics and the Missouri Section of the MAA would be poorer