5,665 research outputs found

    Estimating the Value of Variations in Anglers' Success Rates: An Application of the Multiple-Site Travel Cost Method

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    An estimation method is presented to measure sport fishermen's valuation of exogenous changes in fishing quality (catch rates). A theoretical model is initially presented to show how variations in prevailing catch rates influence an angler's valuation of recreational fishing. A two-stage estimation approach is suggested that capitalizes on the notion that angler consumer surplus is sensitive to changes in success rates. The procedure entails first estimating sportfishing values at qualitatively different fishing sites using a multiple-site travel cost approach. Afterward, the sensitivity of estimated values to different success rate levels is measured using a separate regression procedure. An empirical application of this two-stage method to Lake Michigan sportfishing is given. It is estimated that for Lake Michigan anglers who fish for trout and salmon, a 10% increase in success rates will increase average trip values by SUS 0.30.Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,

    \u3csup\u3e13\u3c/sup\u3eC NMR Analysis of Biologically Produced Pyrene Residues by \u3cem\u3eMycobacterium\u3c/em\u3e sp. KMS in the Presence of Humic Acid

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    Cultures of the pyrene degrading Mycobacterium sp. KMS were incubated with [4-13C]pyrene or [4,5,9,10-14C]pyrene with and without a soil humic acid standard to characterize the chemical nature of the produced residues and evaluate the potential for bonding reactions with humic acid. Cultures were subjected to a “humic acid/humin” separation at acidic pH, a duplicate separation followed by solvent extraction of the humic acid/humin fraction, and a high pH separation. 13C NMR analysis was conducted on the resulting solid extracts. Results indicated that the activity associated with solid extracts did not depend on pH and that approximately 10% of the added activity was not removed from the solid humic acid/humin fraction by solvent extraction. 13C NMR analysis supported the conclusion that the majority of pyrene metabolites were incorporated into cellular material. Some evidence was found for metabolite reaction with the added humic material, but this did not appear to be a primary fate mechanism

    The origin of micrograins

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    Using ultraviolet and infrared techniques, researchers investigated the origins of the tiny (approx. 10A) grains whose presence in the interstellar medium (ISM) is inferred from near-infrared photometry (Sellgren, Werner, and Dinerstein 1983; Sellgren 1984). The authors consider two possibilities: (1) that the grains are formed by condensation in stellar atmospheres; or (2) that they are formed by fragmentation of larger grains in interstellar shocks. They searched for evidence of very small grains in circumstellar environments by analyzing ultraviolet extinction curves in binaries containing hot companions, and by searching for the 3.3-micron emission feature in similar systems. The ultraviolet extinction curve analysis could be applied only to oxygen-rich systems, where small carbonaceous grains would not be expected, so these results provide only indirect information. Researchers find a deficiency of grains smaller than 800A in oxygen-rich systems, consistent with theoretical models of grain condensation which suggest that grains grow to large sizes before injection into the interstellar medium. More direct information on carbonaceous micrograins was obtained from the search for the 3.3-micron feature in carbon-rich binaries with hot companions, whose ultraviolet flux should excite the tiny grains to emit in the infrared. No 3.3-micron feature was found, suggesting that the micrograins are absent in these systems. In addition to the negative search for micrograins in circumstellar environments, researchers have also studied the possible association of these grains with shocks in the diffuse interstellar medium. Using Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) colors as indicators of the presence or absence of the small grains (e.g., Ryter, Puget, and Perault 1987 and references cited therein), researchers systematically searched for them in regions (reflection nebulae) expected to have sufficient ultraviolet flux to make them glow in the infrared. They found that the distribution is not uniform. The researchers propose that production of micrograins by fragmentation of larger grains in shocks could explain this uneven distribution

    Maine Distributed Solar Valuation Study

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    During its 2014 session, the Maine Legislature enacted an Act to Support Solar Energy Development in Maine. P.L Chapter 562 (April 24, 2014) (codified at 35‐A M.R.S. §§ 3471‐3473) (“Act”). Section 1 of the Act contains the Legislative finding that it is in the public interest is to develop renewable energy resources, including solar energy, in a manner that protects and improves the health and well‐being of the citizens and natural environment of the State while also providing economic benefits to communities, ratepayers and the overall economy of the State. Section 2 of the Act requires the Public Utilities Commission (Commission) to determine the value of distributed solar energy generation in the State, evaluate implementation options, and to deliver a report to the Legislature. To support this work, the Commission engaged a project team comprising Clean Power Research (Napa, California), Sustainable Energy Advantage (Framingham, Massachusetts), Pace Energy and Climate Center at the Pace Law School (White Plains, New York), and Dr. Richard Perez (Albany, New York). Under the project, the team developed the methodology under a Commission‐run stakeholder review process, conducted a valuation on distributed solar for three utility territories, and developed a summary of implementation options for increasing deployment of distributed solar generation in the State. The report includes three volumes which accompany this Executive Summary: Volume I Methodology; Volume II Valuation Results; Volume III Implementation Options

    Generating Bijections between HOAS and the Natural Numbers

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    A provably correct bijection between higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) and the natural numbers enables one to define a "not equals" relationship between terms and also to have an adequate encoding of sets of terms, and maps from one term family to another. Sets and maps are useful in many situations and are preferably provided in a library of some sort. I have released a map and set library for use with Twelf which can be used with any type for which a bijection to the natural numbers exists. Since creating such bijections is tedious and error-prone, I have created a "bijection generator" that generates such bijections automatically together with proofs of correctness, all in the context of Twelf.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2010, arXiv:1009.218

    Excitation by Axon Terminal GABA Spillover in a Sound Localization Circuit

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    Synapses from neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) onto neurons of the lateral superior olive (LSO) in the auditory brainstem are glycinergic in maturity, but also GABAergic and glutamatergic in development. The role for this neurotransmitter cotransmission is poorly understood. Here we use electrophysiological recordings in brainstem slices from P3-P21 mice to demonstrate that GABA release evoked from MNTB axons can spill over to neighboring MNTB axons and cause excitation by activating GABAAR. This spillover excitation generates patterns of staggered neurotransmitter release from different MNTB axons resulting in characteristic “doublet” postsynaptic currents in LSO neurons. Postembedding immunogold labeling and electron microscopy provide evidence that GABAARs are localized at MNTB axon terminals. Photolytic uncaging of p-hydroxyphenacyl (pHP) GABA demonstrates backpropagation of GABAAR-mediated depolarizations from MNTB axon terminals to the soma, some hundreds of microns away. These somatic depolarizations enhanced somatic excitability by increasing the probability of action potential generation. GABA spillover excitation between MNTB axon terminals may entrain neighboring MNTB neurons, which may play a role in the developmental refinement of the MNTB-LSO pathway. Axonal spillover excitation persisted beyond the second postnatal week, suggesting that this mechanism may play a role in sound localization, by providing new avenues of communication between MNTB neurons via their distal axonal projections. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT In this study, a new mechanism of neuronal communication between auditory synapses in the mammalian sound localization pathway is described. Evidence is provided that the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA can spill over between axon terminals to cause excitation of nearby synapses to further stimulate neurotransmitter release. Excitatory GABA spillover between inhibitory axon terminals may have important implications for the development and refinement of this auditory circuit and may play a role in the ability to precisely localize sound sources