131 research outputs found

    Rapid, semi-automated, and inexpensive radioimmunoassay of cAMP: Application in GPCR-mediated adenylate cyclase assays

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    Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is an important signal transduction second messenger that is commonly used as a functional mirror on the actions of G protein-coupled receptors that can activate or inhibit adenylate cyclases. A radioimmunoassay for cAMP with femtomole sensitivity was first reported by Steiner more than 30 years ago, and there have been several subsequent modifications that have improved this assay in various ways. Here we describe additional improvement to existing methods that markedly improve speed and reduce cost without sacrificing sensitivity, and is also adaptable to analysis of cGMP. The primary antibody is coupled directly to magnetic beads that are then separated from unbound marker using filtration on microplates. This eliminates the need for a secondary antibody, and markedly increases throughput. In addition, we report a simple, reproducible, and inexpensive method to make the radiomarker used for this assay. Although still requiring the use of radioactivity, the resulting method retains a high degree of accuracy and precision, and is suitable for low-cost high-throughput screening. Use of aspects of this method can also improve throughput in other radioimmunoassays


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    A method for simultaneously quantifying dopamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and four metabolically related compounds has been developed, permitting more efficient neurochemical examination of these often interrelated biogenic amine systems. The method uses high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of these compounds on a C18 reversed-phase column with a buffered mobile phase containing methanol as an organic modifier and heptanesulfonate as an ion-pair reagent. Using 5-hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine as an internal standard and electrochemical detection, chromatography time is less than 12 min. Sample preparation simply involves the addition of internal standard, homogenization in the mobile phase, centrifugation and injection of the supernatant into the chromatograph. The method is sensitive to a tissue content of these compounds of less than 1 ng. The utility of this method for neuropharmacological—neurochemical studies is illustrated with studies using inhibitors of monoamine oxidase (pargyline) and aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (RO 4-4602)

    Serum Cholesterol and Nigrostriatal R2* Values in Parkinson's Disease

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    The occurrence of Parkinson's disease (PD) is known to be associated both with increased nigrostriatal iron content and with low serum cholesterol and PD, but there has been no study to determine a potential relationship between these two factors.High-resolution MRI (T1-, T2, and multiple echo T2*-weighted imaging) and fasting lipid levels were obtained from 40 patients with PD and 29 healthy controls. Iron content was estimated from mean R2* values (R2* = 1/T2*) calculated for each nigrostriatal structure including substantia nigra, caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus. This was correlated with serum cholesterol levels after controlling for age, gender, and statin use.In patients with PD, higher serum cholesterol levels were associated with lower iron content in the substantia nigra (R = -0.43, p = 0.011 for total-cholesterol, R = -0.31, p = 0.080 for low-density lipoprotein) and globus pallidus (R = -0.38, p = 0.028 for total-cholesterol, R = -0.27, p = 0.127 for low-density lipoprotein), but only a trend toward significant association of higher total-cholesterol with lower iron content in the striatum (R = -0.34, p = 0.052 for caudate; R = -0.32, p = 0.061 for putamen). After adjusting for clinical measures, the cholesterol-iron relationships held or became even stronger in the substantia nigra and globus pallidus, but weaker in the caudate and putamen. There was no significant association between serum cholesterol levels and nigrostriatal iron content for controls.The data show that higher serum total-cholesterol concentration is associated with lower iron content in substantia nigra and globus pallidus in Parkinson's disease patients. Further studies should investigate whether this is mechanistic or epiphenomenological relationship

    SKF-83959 is not a highly-biased functionally selective D1 dopamine receptor ligand with activity at phospholipase C

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    SKF-83959 [6-chloro-7,8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-1-(3-methylphenyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine] is reported to be a functionally selective dopamine D1 receptor ligand with high bias for D1-mediated phospholipase C (PLC) versus D1-coupled adenylate cyclase signaling. This signaling bias is proposed to explain behavioral activity in both rat and primate Parkinson’s disease models, and a D1-D2 heterodimer has been proposed as the underlying mechanism. We have conducted an in-depth pharmacological characterization of this compound in dopamine D1 and D2 receptors in both rat brain and heterologous systems expressing human D1 or D2 receptors. Contrary to common assumptions, SKF-83959 is similar to the classical, well-characterized partial agonist SKF38393 in all systems. It is a partial agonist (not an antagonist) at adenylate cyclase in vitro and ex vivo, and is a partial agonist in D1-mediated β-arrestin recruitment. Contrary to earlier reports, it does not have D1-mediated effects on PLC signaling in heterologous systems. Because drug metabolites can also contribute, its 3-N-demethylated analog also was synthesized and tested. As expected from the known structure-activity relationships of the benzazepines, this compound also had high affinity for the D1 receptor and somewhat higher intrinsic activity than the parent ligand, and also might contribute to in vivo effects of SKF-83959. Together, these data demonstrate that SKF-83959 is not a highly-biased functionally selective D1 ligand, and that its reported behavioral data can be explained solely by its partial D1 agonism in canonical signaling pathway(s). Mechanisms that have been proposed based on the purported signaling novelty of SKF-83959 at PLC should be reconsidered

    Longitudinal T1 relaxation rate (R1) captures changes in short-term Mn exposure in welders

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    We demonstrated recently that the T1 relaxation rate (R1) captured short-term Mn exposure in welders with chronic, relatively low exposure levels in a cross-sectional study. In the current study, we used a longitudinal design to examine whether R1 values reflect the short-term dynamics of Mn exposure

    The pattern of gray matter atrophy in Parkinson’s disease differs in cortical and subcortical regions

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    Cortical and subcortical gray matter (GM) atrophy may progress differently during the course of Parkinson's disease (PD). We delineated and compared the longitudinal pattern of these PD-related changes

    Functional selectivity of dopamine D1 receptor agonists in regulating the fate of internalized receptors

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    Recently, we demonstrated that D1 agonists can cause functionally selective effects when the endpoints of receptor internalization and adenylate cyclase activation are compared. The present study was designed to probe the phenomenon of functional selectivity at the D1 receptor further by testing the hypothesis that structurally dissimilar agonists with efficacies at these endpoints that equal or exceed those of dopamine would differ in ability to influence receptor fate after internalization, a functional endpoint largely unexplored for the D1 receptor. We selected two novel agonists of therapeutic interest that meet these criteria (the isochroman A-77636, and the isoquinoline dinapsoline), and compared the fates of the D1 receptor after internalization in response to these two compounds with that of dopamine. We found that dopamine caused the receptor to be rapidly recycled to the cell surface within 1 h of removal. Conversely, A-77636 caused the receptor to be retained intracellularly up to 48 h after agonist removal. Most surprisingly, the D1 receptor recovered to the cell surface 48 h after removal of dinapsoline. Taken together, these data indicate that these agonists target the D1 receptor to different intracellular trafficking pathways, demonstrating that the phenomenon of functional selectivity at the D1 receptor is operative for cellular events that are temporally downstream of immediate receptor activation. We hypothesize that these differential effects result from interactions of the synthetic ligands with aspects of the D1 receptor that are distal from the ligand binding domain

    Lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels are associated with Parkinson's disease

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    The apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε2 allele has been associated with both Parkinson’s disease (PD) and lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). The study is to test the hypothesis that lower LDL-C may be associated with PD. This case-control study used fasting lipid profiles obtained from 124 PD cases and 110 controls, the PD cases recruited from consecutive cases presenting at our tertiary Movement Disorder Clinic, and controls recruited from the spouse populations of the same clinic. Multivariate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated from unconditional logistic regressions, adjusting for age, gender, smoking status, and use of cholesterol-lowering agents. Lower LDL-C concentrations were associated with a higher prevalence of PD. Compared with participants with the highest LDL-C (≥139 mg/dL), the OR was 2.2 (95% CI 0.9–5.1) for participants with LDL-C of 115–138, 3.5 (95% CI 1.6–8.1) for LDL-C of 93–114, and 2.6 (95% CI 1.1 – 5.9) for LDL-C ≤ 92. Interestingly, use of cholesterol lowering drugs or just statins was related to lower PD prevalence. Our data provide preliminary evidence that low LDL-C may be associated with higher occurrence of PD, and/or that statin use may lower PD occurrence; either of which findings warrant further investigations
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