12 research outputs found

    Subjects’ Characteristics.

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    <p><i>* Fisher’s exact test</i></p><p><sup>†</sup><i>Student’s t-test</i></p><p>Subjects’ Characteristics.</p

    Whole-brain analysis: Group effect in the Emotion Model.

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    <p>Statistical maps have been thresholded at p<0.001 uncorrected. <i>Upper left panel</i>: Activation in a frontal cluster showing a significant group effect (CD patients > healthy controls). <i>Upper right panel</i>: Plots of beta estimates at MNI [–16 22 60] (left supplementary motor area).<i>Lower left panel</i>: Activation in a midbain cluster (including the periaqueducal grey area) showing a significant group effect (CD patients > healthy controls). <i>Lower right panel</i>: Plots of beta estimates at MNI [–4–28–20] (midbrain).</p

    ROI analysis: Interaction effect in the Linear-change Model.

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    <p>Graph showing group-level beta estimates for the linear change in the responsiveness of the left amygdala to the presentation of emotional stimuli. Here a positive beta indicates a linear increase in the magnitude of the response elicited by stimuli following repeated exposure. Negative betas indicate the response amplitude reduced over time (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0123273#pone.0123273.s001" target="_blank">S1 Fig</a> for a graphical representation of the predicted BOLD time series scaled by these group beta coefficients).</p

    ROI analysis: Group effect in the Emotion Model.

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    <p><i>Upper panel</i>: Activation in the amygdalae in response to emotional faces showing a group effect (CD patents > healthy controls). Statistical maps have been thresholded at p<0.005 uncorrected for display purposes. A significant increased activity was found in the left amygdala (FWEp = 0.027, z = 3.3, [–22–8–14]). Of note, the right amygdala activation displayed here did not reach conventional levels of significance after correction for multiple comparisons (FWE p = 0.078 at MNI [22–4–14]). <i>Lower panel</i>: Graph showing contrast estimates for left amygdala activation in response to each negative emotion (sad, fear) separately for the 2 groups: CD patients (in orange) and healthy controls (in green).</p

    Whole-brain analysis: Group effect (CD > controls) in the Emotion Model.

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    <p>SMA: supplementary motor area</p><p>Whole-brain analysis: Group effect (CD > controls) in the Emotion Model.</p

    Tract-averaged voxel-wise FA compared between genders, combined sample, other regions of interest.

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    <p>*p<0.05;</p><p>**p<0.005. IQR: interquartile range; L = left; R = right; ILF = Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus; FOF = Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus.</p

    Areas of FA difference.

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    <p>X, Y, Z-coordinates refer to the centre of mass of the cluster. SLF: superior longitudinal fasciculus.</p