3,295 research outputs found

    Diamonds are Forever

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    We defend the thesis that every necessarily true proposition is always true. Since not every proposition that is always true is necessarily true, our thesis is at odds with theories of modality and time, such as those of Kit Fine and David Kaplan, which posit a fundamental symmetry between modal and tense operators. According to such theories, just as it is a contingent matter what is true at a given time, it is likewise a temporary matter what is true at a given possible world; so a proposition that is now true at all worlds, and thus necessarily true, may yet at some past or future time be false in the actual world, and thus not always true. We reconstruct and criticize several lines of argument in favor of this picture, and then argue against the picture on the grounds that it is inconsistent with certain sorts of contingency in the structure of time

    Differentiation of constrictive pericarditis and restrictive cardiomyopathy using digitized echocardiography

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    Constrictive pericarditis and restrictive cardiomyopathy are difficult to distinguish at the bedside and occasionally at routine cardiac catheterization. Left ventricular diastolic function was studied by computer analysis of digitized M-mode echocardiograms in four patients with constrictive disease and three with restrictive disease, and the data were compared with those of normal subjects. The respective distinguishing echographic features of constrictive pericarditis and restrictive cardiomyopathy were as follows: the major filling period of the left ventricle was 78 ± 9% of normal versus 128 ± 4% (p < 0.01), minimal left ventricular dimension to peak filling interval was 50 ± 10 versus 110 ms (p < 0.05) and the maximal rate of left ventricular posterior wall thinning was −4.9 versus −2.3 seconds−1(p < 0.05). This preliminary study suggests that it may be possible to accurately diagnose the two disease entities using this technique at the bedside and to avoid cardiac catheterization


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    The Upledger Institute has provided rwo week intensive treatment for Vietnam veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as diagnosed by the Veteran's Affairs (VA) medical division. These patients received psychological evaluation tests at the times of entry and exit into and out of the program. The intensive treatment was about six-seven hours per day for eight full days, with approximately three-four hours on the first and last days of the program. The therapy used was primarily CranioSacral Therapy and its progeny Energy Cyst Release, SomatoEmotional Release and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue. The results obtained strongly suggest that PTSD may be more successfully treated when the thetapy includes corrections of the craniosacral system, the release of foreign energies and conscious-nonconscious integration

    Baryon Masses at Second Order in Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We analyze the baryon mass differences up to second order in chiral perturbation theory, including the effects of decuplet intermediate states. We show that the Coleman--Glashow relation has computable corrections of order (mdmu)ms(m_d - m_u) m_s. These corrections are numerically small, and in agreement with the data. We also show that corrections to the Σ\Sigma equal-spacing rule are dominated by electromagnetic contributions, and that the Gell-Mann--Okubo formula has non-analytic corrections of order ms2lnmsm_s^2 \ln m_s which cannot be computed from known matrix elements. We also show that the baryon masses cannot be used to extract model-independent information about the current quark masses.Comment: 11 pages, 1 uu-encoded figure, LBL-34779, UCB-PTH-93/2

    Distribution of Hydrocarbons and Microbial Populations Related to Sedimentation Processes in Lower Cook Inlet and Norton Sound, Alaska

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    In spring and summer 1978 and spring 1979 an integrated study was carried out to examine the interrelationships of physical (sediment deposition), chemical (organic carbon and hydrocarbon concentrations), and biological (microbial populations and activities) factors in the Cook Inlet and Norton Sound regions with respect to the probable sinks and fates of hydrocarbon contaminants within these ecosystems. Most of the fine-grained sediment entering Cook Inlet is transported out of the inlet into Shelikof Strait. However, significant sediment accumulation occurs within areas of Kamishak and Kachemak bays. In Norton Sound, sediment from the Yukon River is transported counterclockwise around the embayment and approximately 50% is deposited in the nearshore regions of the sound. In both regions, areas of high sediment accumulation are richer in organic carbon and hydrocarbon derived from land than are areas of low sediment accumulation. In general, areas with high sediment accumulation rates for fine-grained particles are also areas of relatively high microbial activity. Results suggest that these elevated microbial activities reflect biodegradation of detrital carbon associated with these particles. Also, the Cook Inlet and Norton Sound region were found to be free from petroleum hydrocarbon contamination (with the exception of one area in Cook Inlet). No evidence was found of hydrocarbon accumulation resulting from a gas seepage in Norton Sound, nor for accumulation of hydrocarbons in sediments of lower Cook Inlet and Shelikof Strait from oil well operations in upper Cook Inlet.Key words: arctic marine ecosystems, sedimentation, microorganism, hydrocarbons, lower Cook Inlet, Norton SoundMots cl&eacute;s: &eacute;cosyst&egrave;mes marins arctiques, s&eacute;dimentation, micro-organismes, hydrocarbons, sud de l'inlet Cook, bras de mer Norto

    Coronary artery caliber in normal children and patients with Kawasaki disease but without aneurysms: An echocardiographic and angiographic study

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    A total of 110 children aged 3 months to 16 years underwent two-dimensional echocardiography of the coronary arteries. Forty-two normal subjects and 68 patients with Kawasaki disease were evaluated. All 68 patients with Kawasaki disease underwent selective coronary arteriography. The objectives of this study were to 1) develop a normal profile of the proximal left and right coronary arteries as to caliber and shape in infants, toddlers and children using echocardiography; 2) compare the dimensions and shape of the coronary arteries of patients with Kawasaki disease but no obvious aneurysms with those of the coronary arteries of normal children; and 3) develop criteria that would permit distinguishing a large but normal coronary artery from a true aneurysm in patients with Kawasaki disease.In the normal subjects and patients with Kawasaki disease, the caliber of the coronary arteries showed little variability from the ostium to 10 mm distally, and ranged in size from 2 mm in infants to 5 mm in teenagers. There was no significant difference between male and female subjects. The feature that distinguished the large but normal coronary artery without aneurysm from that with an aneurysm was its uniformity of caliber. Also, the caliber of the opposite coronary artery was generally at the lower limits of normal. It appears that the proximal coronary arteries of infants and children can be accurately assessed using high resolution two-dimensional echocardiography, and that sequential evaluation of subtle changes over time may be performed

    Incidental Prostate Cancer in Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Specimens in the Modern Era

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    Objectives. To identify rates of incidentally detected prostate cancer in patients undergoing surgical management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Materials and Methods. A retrospective review was performed on all transurethral resections of the prostate (TURP) regardless of technique from 2006 to 2011 at a single tertiary care institution. 793 men (ages 45–90) were identified by pathology specimen. Those with a known diagnosis of prostate cancer prior to TURP were excluded (n=22) from the analysis. Results. 760 patients had benign pathology; eleven (1.4%) patients were found to have prostate cancer. Grade of disease ranged from Gleason 3+3=6 to Gleason 3+4=7. Nine patients had cT1a disease and two had cT1b disease. Seven patients were managed by active surveillance with no further events, one patient underwent radiation, and three patients underwent radical prostatectomy. Conclusions. Our series demonstrates that 1.4% of patients were found to have prostate cancer, of these 0.5% required treatment. Given the low incidental prostate cancer detection rate, the value of pathologic review of TURP specimens may be limited depending on the patient population