11,928 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous responses of dorsal root ganglion neurons in neuropathies induced by peripheral nerve trauma and the antiretroviral drug stavudine

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    © 2014 The Authors. European Journal of Pain published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Pain Federation - EFIC®. Funding sources E.K.B. was funded by a BBSRC PhD studentship. A.N., A.S.C.R. and T.P. were funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (London Pain Consortium; ref. 083259). A.S.C.R. and W.H. were funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (Europain; grant agreement no. 115007). We thank Pfizer for providing stavudine. Conflicts of interest None declared. Funded by BBSRC PhD studentship Wellcome Trust Strategic Award. Grant Number: 083259 Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking. Grant Number: 115007Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Preliminary analysis of space mission applications for electromagnetic launchers

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    The technical and economic feasibility of using electromagnetically launched EML payloads propelled from the Earth's surface to LEO, GEO, lunar orbit, or to interplanetary space was assessed. Analyses of the designs of rail accelerators and coaxial magnetic accelerators show that each is capable of launching to space payloads of 800 KG or more. A hybrid launcher in which EML is used for the first 2 KM/sec followed by chemical rocket stages was also tested. A cost estimates study shows that one to two EML launches per day are needed to break even, compared to a four-stage rocket. Development models are discussed for: (1) Earth orbital missions; (2) lunar base supply mission; (3) solar system escape mission; (4) Earth escape missions; (5) suborbital missions; (6) electromagnetic boost missions; and (7) space-based missions. Safety factors, environmental impacts, and EML systems analysis are discussed. Alternate systems examined include electrothermal thrustors, an EML rocket gun; an EML theta gun, and Soviet electromagnetic accelerators

    Applicability of selected wheat remote sensing technology to corn and soybeans

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Analysis of nuclear waste disposal in space, phase 3. Volume 2: Technical report

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    The options, reference definitions and/or requirements currently envisioned for the total nuclear waste disposal in space mission are summarized. The waste form evaluation and selection process is documented along with the physical characteristics of the iron nickel-base cermet matrix chosen for disposal of commercial and defense wastes. Safety aspects of radioisotope thermal generators, the general purpose heat source, and the Lewis Research Center concept for space disposal are assessed as well as the on-pad catastrophic accident environments for the uprated space shuttle and the heavy lift launch vehicle. The radionuclides that contribute most to long-term risk of terrestrial disposal were determined and the effects of resuspension of fallout particles from an accidental release of waste material were studied. Health effects are considered. Payload breakup and rescue technology are discussed as well as expected requirements for licensing, supporting research and technology, and safety testing

    Analysis of nuclear waste disposal in space, phase 3. Volume 1: Executive summary of technical report

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    The objectives, approach, assumptions, and limitations of a study of nuclear waste disposal in space are discussed with emphasis on the following: (1) payload characterization; (2) safety assessment; (3) health effects assessment; (4) long-term risk assessment; and (5) program planning support to NASA and DOE. Conclusions are presented for each task

    Crystallization of random trigonometric polynomials

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    We give a precise measure of the rate at which repeated differentiation of a random trigonometric polynomial causes the roots of the function to approach equal spacing. This can be viewed as a toy model of crystallization in one dimension. In particular we determine the asymptotics of the distribution of the roots around the crystalline configuration and find that the distribution is not Gaussian.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Wheat classification exercise, using 11 June 1973, ERTS MSS data for Fayette County, Illinois (for CITARS task)

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    The prime emphasis was on classification of pixels in field centers, away from boundary effects. Results were encouraging in both training and test field centers for wheat and other major types of vegetation present. However, the location of fields was found to be a serious problem and it was even more difficult to select field-center pixels for fields of sizes less than 20 acres (or even larger, depending upon field shape) for use in the field-center analysis. The majority of fields in the segment are less than 20 acres in size. ERTS-1 data were received on 12 September 1973. Ground truth information and aerial photography were received on 9 and 15 September. The data were analyzed and processed digitally using the ERIM multispectral software system

    Semi-Phenomenological Analysis of Dynamics of Nonlinear Excitations in One-Dimensional Electron-Phonon System

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    The structure of moving nonlinear excitations in one-dimensional electron-phonon systems is studied semi-phenomenologically by using an effective action in which the width of the nonlinear excitation is treated as a dynamical variable. The effective action can be derived from Su, Schrieffer and Heeger's model or its continuum version proposed by Takayama, Lin-Liu and Maki with an assumption that the nonlinear excitation moves uniformly without any deformation except the change of its width. The form of the action is essentially the same as that discussed by Bishop and coworkers in studying the dynamics of the soliton in polyacetylene, though some details are different. For the moving excitation with a velocity vv, the width is determined by minimizing the effective action. A requirement that there must be a minimum in the action as a function of its width provides a maximum velocity. The velocity dependence of the width and energy can be determined. The motions of a soliton in p olyacetylene and an acoustic polaron in polydiacetylene are studied within this formulation. The obtained results are in good agreement with those of numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 7 Postscript figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol.65 (1996) No.

    Preliminary feasibility assessment for Earth-to-space electromagnetic (Railgun) launchers

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    An Earth to space electromagnetic (railgun) launcher (ESRL) for launching material into space was studied. Potential ESRL applications were identified and initially assessed to formulate preliminary system requirements. The potential applications included nuclear waste disposal in space, Earth orbital applications, deep space probe launchers, atmospheric research, and boost of chemical rockets. The ESRL system concept consisted of two separate railgun launcher tubes (one at 20 deg from the horizontal for Earth orbital missions, the other vertical for solar system escape disposal missions) powered by a common power plant. Each 2040 m launcher tube is surrounded by 10,200 homopolar generator/inductor units to transmit the power to the walls. Projectile masses are 6500 kg for Earth orbital missions and 2055 kg for nuclear waste disposal missions. For the Earth orbital missions, the projectile requires a propulsion system, leaving an estimated payload mass of 650 kg. For the nuclear waste disposal in space mission, the high level waste mass was estimated at 250 kg. This preliminary assessment included technical, environmental, and economic analyses

    Crop identification technology assessment for remote sensing (CITARS). Volume 10: Interpretation of results

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    The CITARS was an experiment designed to quantitatively evaluate crop identification performance for corn and soybeans in various environments using a well-defined set of automatic data processing (ADP) techniques. Each technique was applied to data acquired to recognize and estimate proportions of corn and soybeans. The CITARS documentation summarizes, interprets, and discusses the crop identification performances obtained using (1) different ADP procedures; (2) a linear versus a quadratic classifier; (3) prior probability information derived from historic data; (4) local versus nonlocal recognition training statistics and the associated use of preprocessing; (5) multitemporal data; (6) classification bias and mixed pixels in proportion estimation; and (7) data with differnt site characteristics, including crop, soil, atmospheric effects, and stages of crop maturity