2,624 research outputs found

    A hierarchy of senses: does it make sense? Reflections on linguistics, anthropology and neurology

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    One of the ways in which sensory experience can be expressed is through synaesthetic expressions: "warm voice", "cold colour", are just a couple of examples. In synaesthesia, perceptions in a certain sensory modality are defined by adjectives proper to another sensory modality: e.g. "warm voice" combines hearing and touch, while "cold colour" combines sight and touch. Cross-linguistic studies have highlighted a recurrent pattern in the composition of synaesthetic expressions, which is thought to be due to an underlying cognitive constraint. The pattern would order modalities in a hierarchy, according to their different distinctiveness and significance. Being the constraint cognitive, it would hold for every language. This work challenges this hypothesis, claiming that an evaluation of the relationship among sensory modalities cannot be pursued through linguistic analysis only. Other important factors have to be taken into account: mostly, the cultural biases which give meaning to perceptions. As anthropology points out, in fact, the meanings attributed to perceptions and the level of reliability accorded to the various senses are due to cultural presuppositions, hence extremely various across the human communities. Perception stems from a physiological and neurological endowment shared by all human beings, but the individual evaluates and connects sensory perceptions according to elaborations which can be understood only with reference to the cultural context in which the person has been brought up. It follows that a unique hierarchy of senses, universally valid for all cultures and languages, is not applicable

    Sustainability and Well-Being: The Perception of Younger Generations and Their Expectations

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    The paper aims at analyzing the level of knowledge and the perception of the concepts of sustainability and well-being of high school students in Tuscany. It is an explorative study carried out during specific events held in high schools with the support of the teachers; during the events, students were asked to fill a questionnaire designed to elicit their relation with these topics as well as the level of involvement of their families. The results provide an interesting starting point for a debate about what the expectations of younger generations are and what we can do to match them. The debate moves from the assessment of the importance of sustainability and well-being indicators and the relevance of perceived threats. Moreover, the results put the role of institutions (and in particular that of public schools) under scrutiny to develop the level of awareness and to promote knowledge transfer

    Sustainability and Food: a Text Analysis of the Scientific Literature

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    The paper analyses the evolution of the research debate related to sustainability and to the relation between food and sustainability. A number of text analysis techniques were combined for the investigation of scientific papers. The results stress how discourse analysis of sustainability in the pre-Rio period is mostly associated with agriculture and with a vision where the ecological and environmental aspects are dominant. In the post-Rio phase, the discussion about sustainability, though still strongly linked to environmental issues, enters a holistic dimension that includes social elements. The themes of energy and the sustainability of urban areas become central, and the scientific debate stresses the importance of indicators within an assessment approach linked to the relevance of planning and intervention aspects. The focus on the role of food within the debate on sustainability highlights a food security oriented approach in the pre-Rio phase, with a particular attention towards agriculture and third world Countries. In the post-Rio period, the focus of the analysis moves towards developed Countries. Even though food security remains a strongly significant element of the debate, the attention shifts towards consumers and food choices

    Idrosadenite suppurativa: nuovi orizzonti terapeutici e nostra esperienza clinica.

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    Si definisce idrosadenite suppurativa o acne inversa, una malattia infiammatoria cronica, suppurativa e cicatriziale che interessa l’unità pilo-sebace e, secondariamente, le ghiandole apocrine delle aree intertriginose del corpo quali ascelle, regione ano-genitale, inguine e regione mammaria.La patogenesi è sconosciuta, si ipotizza che, l’occlusione, la dilatazione e la successiva rottura del dotto ghiandolare apocrino, induca importanti alterazioni infiammatorie a cui fanno seguito, secondariamente, sovrainfezioni batteriche sostenute soprattutto da Staphylococcus, Streptococcus Escherichia coli, ma anche anaerobi, quali Proteus e Pseudomonas. All’infiammazione e alla sovrainfezione segue la suppurazione, la distruzione tissutale, la fibrosi e, infine, la formazione di tragitti fistolosi. Tuttavia, in sede bioptica, il reperto costante è l’occlusione e l’infiammazione follicolare, quindi si pensa che il coinvolgimento delle ghiandole apocrine, sia secondario a quello dei follicoli. Il fumo di sigaretta sembrerebbe essere uno dei fattori aggravanti la patologia insieme ad un elevato BMI (body mass index). Da uno studio svedese condotto nell’ottobre 2009, si evince proprio che la severità dell’idrosadenite suppurativa sia maggiore nei pazienti fumatori ed obesi.Numerose sono le terapie, a nostra disposizione, per il trattamento dell’idrosadenite suppurativa. Si dividono in topiche e sistemiche, e vengono scelte sulla base dell’estensione e della severità della malattia. Tra le terapia topiche si hanno : antisettici, antibiotici, steroidi, tossina botulinica, terapia fotodinamica, escissione chirurgica, laser CO2 e Nd:YAG. Tra le terapie sistemiche : antibiotici, corticosteroidi, isoretinoina, immunosoppressori, ormoni, inibitoridel TNFα e inibitori dell’IL12/23. L’idrosadenite suppurativa è una patologia che senza dubbio necessita di una maggiore dedizione e attenzione da parte del dermatologo, spetta proprio a lui il compito di identificarla per tempo e di provvedere all’attuazione di adeguate misure terapeutiche e precauzional

    Sinestesia e metafora: una relazione pericolosa

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    Centro dell'attenzione di questa tesi sono le sinestesie nella lingua italiana, vale a dire quelle espressioni che descrivono esperienze percettive incrociando elementi di modalità sensoriali non omogenee, come ad esempio "voce calda" (in cui un'espressione uditiva è qualificata da un aggettivo tattile) oppure "odore pungente" (dove si abbinano olfatto e tatto). In particolare se ne indaga il rapporto con la figura retorica della metafora, della quale le sinestesie sono tradizionalmente considerate un sottoinsieme: il presente lavoro ritiene tuttavia tale interpretazione insufficiente e di dubbia validità. Per suffragare questa considerazione (e a differenza degli studi già esistenti, basati su ricerche lessicografiche o corpora di testi letterari e non) la presente ricerca ha voluto basarsi su esempi di lingua il più possibile viva e a contatto immediato con le percezioni che descrive: si è dunque deciso di ideare delle semplici esperienze percettive (ascoltare rumori, osservare colori, annusare profumi...) da sottoporre ad una serie di persone, chiedendo loro di produrne una descrizione. In tali descrizioni sono isolate le sinestesie che costituiscono il corpus originale di riferimento del presente studio. A seguito dell'analisi sintattica e semantica delle sinestesie così raccolte, appare ancor più necessario mettere in discussione l'idea dell'appartenenza della sinestesia al novero delle metafore: si propongono quindi interpretazioni alternative

    Synthetic antigen-conjugated DNA systems for antibody detection and characterization

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    Antibodies are among the most relevant biomolecular targetsfordiagnostic and clinical applications. In this Perspective, we providea critical overview of recent research efforts focused on the developmentand characterization of devices, switches, and reactions based onthe use of synthetic antigen-conjugated DNA strands designed to beresponsive to specific antibodies. These systems can find applicationsin sensing, drug-delivery, and antibody-antigen binding characterization.The examples described here demonstrate how the programmability andchemical versatility of synthetic nucleic acids can be used to createinnovative analytical tools and target-responsive systems with promisingpotentials
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