6 research outputs found

    Nodal Elective Volume Selection and Definition during Radiation Therapy for Early Stage (T1-T2 N0 M0) Perianal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Narrative Clinical Review and Critical Appraisal

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    Distinction between anal canal and perianal squamous cell carcinomas (pSCCs) is essential, as these two subgroups have different anatomical, histological, and lymphatic drainage features. Early-stage true perianal tumors are very uncommon and have been rarely included in clinical trials. Perianal skin cancers and aCCs are included in the same tumor classification, even though they have different lymphatic drainage features. Furthermore, pSCCs are treated similarly to carcinomas originating from the anal canal. Radiation therapy (RT) is an essential treatment for anal canal tumors. Guidelines do not differentiate between treatment volumes for perianal tumors and anal cancers. So far, in pSCC, no study has considered modulating treatment volume selection according to the stage of the disease. We conducted a narrative literature review to describe the sites at higher risk for microscopic disease in patients with early-stage perianal cancers (T1-T2 N0 M0) to propose a well-thought selection of RT elective volumes

    Suoni, natura e cultura

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    Il lavoro ha comportato l'individuazione di un tema comune per la mostra che tutti i musei avrebbero sviluppato secondo le proprie peculiarità. Preparazione e scelta delle modalità espositive. Realizzazione di un video da portare in esposizione. Questo ha comportato la scelta di materiale filmato e la realizzazione di filmati integrativi in cava, la direzione del montaggio delle sequenze e la realizzazione di un testo scritto da inserire nel cd audio-guida realizzata per la mostra. Preparazione della sezione del testo del catalogo riguardante l’allestimento della vetrina del museo di arte e giacimenti minerari

    Contouring of the pharyngeal superior constrictor muscle (PSCM): a cooperative study of the Italian Association of Radiation Oncology (AIRO) Head and Neck Group

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    Background and purpose Irradiation of the Pharyngeal Superior Constrictor Muscle (PSCM) seems to play a crucial role in radiation-related swallowing dysfunctions. Purpose of our study was to quantify operator-related variability in the contouring of PSCM on Computed Tomography (CT) scans and adherence with contours derived from MR images. Materials and methods Three sets of treatment planning CT and their corresponding MR images were selected. Contouring of the PSCM was performed using both a literature-based method, derived from literature review, and an optimized method, derived from Magnetic Resonance (MR) images thus obtaining "literature-based" and "optimized" contours. Each operator contoured the PSCM on CT scans according to both methods for three times in three different days. Inter- and intra-operator variability and adherence to a contour obtained from MR images (named "MR-derived" contour) were analyzed. Results Thirty-four operators participated and 612 contours were obtained. Both intra- and inter-operator variability and adherence to the "MR-derived" contour were significantly different between the two methods (p ≤ 0.05). The "optimized" method showed a lower intra- and inter-operator variability and a higher adherence to the "MR-derived" contour. Conclusions The "optimized" method ameliorates both operator-related variability and adherence with MR images

    Technical guidelines for head and neck cancer IMRT on behalf of the Italian association of radiation oncology - head and neck working group

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