2,403 research outputs found

    The quantitative isoperimetric inequality for the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of localization operators

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    In this paper we study the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of time-frequency localization operators LΩ ⁣:L2(Rd)→L2(Rd)L_{\Omega} \colon L^2(\mathbb{R}^d) \rightarrow L^2(\mathbb{R}^d), with Gaussian window, associated with a subset Ω⊂R2d\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{2d} of finite measure. We prove, in particular, that the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of LΩL_\Omega is maximized, among all subsets Ω\Omega of a given finite measure, when Ω\Omega is a ball and that there are no other extremizers. Actually, the main result is a quantitative version of this estimate, with sharp exponent. A similar problem is addressed for wavelet localization operators, where rearrangements are understood in the hyperbolic setting.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. Added some observations, in particular Remark 5.3, about the Conjecture 5.

    Management and treatment of sinonasal inverted papilloma

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    Aims: The aim of this paper is to describe the surgical experience of 35 patients with Inverted Papilloma (IP) of paranasal sinuses and its recurrence rate after a year of follow-up. Materials: A retrospective chart review was performed on patients presenting with IP of paranasal sinuses. Thirty-five patients comprised the focus of this study. For all patients was performed a pre-surgery TC, and for more 5 patients it was necessary to perform a Magnetic Resonance (MR) with gadolinium. Results: Among 35 patients selected, 18 patients underwent to open surgery, 4 patients had a combined approach with endoscopy and open surgery, while 13 patients were managed only with an endoscopic approach, with a minimum of 1 year of follow-up. Our results highlighted that the global percentage of success 12 months after the treatment was 93% and it not vary according to the tipology of the approach used if a radical excision of the lesion is achieved. More in depth, among 35 cases, only 2 patients were found to have recurrences and were treated with coronal and endoscopic approach. Conclusion: It is fundamental to underline that surgery must be carried on in a radical manner to treat these tend to recur. A complete removal of the lesion and bone peripheral border filing are essential to perform a correct and definitive treatment. Also, endoscopic approach can be taken into account when tumors are localized median to a sagittal plan crossing the orbit median wall and when they did not massively compromised paranasal sinus walls

    Aesthetic restoration in maxillo-mandibular malformations: the role of genioplasty

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to determinate how orthognatic surgery aids to cure many skull and face abnormalities and to help re-establishing the correct occlusive relation thanks to the repositioning of the maxillo-mandibular skeleton basis. Methods: The study included 183 male patients and 338 female patients, with an average age of 23 years. The sample series was divided according to specific pathologies. All patients underwent surgical procedures and the therapeutic strategy was determined based on the anomalies presented. Results: 113 patients had a II class dental skeletal occlusion, 180 patients had a III class dental-skeletal occlusion and 222 patients had skull-facial abnormalities. 5 patients underwent only a genioplasty, 82 patients underwent a genioplasty associated with BSSO, 175 patients underwent a genioplasty associated with Le Fort I osteotomy and the remaining 253 patients underwent a genioplasty associated with BSSO and Le Fort I osteotomy. Conclusion: The experience shows that genioplasty has been successfully introduced in orthognathic surgical therapeutic procedures, for dental-skeleton abnormalities and mandibular asymmetries treatment. In recent years, the evolution of computer systems has allowed an accurate assessment and programming, by means of the three-dimensional display, which are of great help in the course of diagnosis and evaluation of the displacements to be carried out, in order to obtain optimal aesthetic results

    Predictors of Emergency Room Access and Not Urgent Emergency Room Access by the Frail Older Adults

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    Background: Emergency rooms (ERs) overcrowded by older adults have been the focus of public health policies during the recent COVID-19 outbreak too. This phenomenon needed a change in the nursing care of older frail people. Health policies have tried to mitigate the frequent use of ER by implementing community care to meet the care demands of older adults. The present study aimed to investigate the predictors of emergency room access (ERA) and not-urgent emergency room access (NUERA) of community-dwelling frail older adults in order to provide an indication for out-of-hospital care services.Method: Secondary analysis of an observational longitudinal cohort study was carried out. The cohort consisted of 1,246 community-dwelling frail older adults (over 65 years) in the Latium region in Italy. The ER admission rate was assessed over 3 years from the administration of the functional geriatric evaluation (FGE) questionnaire. The ordinal regression model was used to identify the predictors of ERA and NUERA. Moreover, the ERA and NUERA rate per 100 observations/year was analyzed.Results: The mean age was 73.6 (SD +/- 7.1) years, and 53.4% were women. NUERAs were the 39.2% of the ERAs; robust and pre-frail individuals (79.3% of the sample) generated more than two-third of ERAs (68.17%), even if frails and very frails showed the higher ER rates per observation/year. The ordinal logistic regression model highlighted a predictive role on ERAs of comorbidity (OR = 1.13, p < 0.001) and frailty level (OR = 1.29; p < 0.001). Concerning NUERAs, social network (OR 0.54, P = 0.015) and a medium score of pulmo-cardio-vascular function (OR 1.50, P = 0.006) were the predictors.Conclusion: Comorbidity, lack of social support, and functional limitations increase both ERA and NUERA rates generated by the older adult population. Overall, bio-psycho-social frailty represents an indicator of the frequency of ERAs. However, to reduce the number of ERAs, intervention should focus mainly on the robust and pre-frail needs for prevention and care

    PerDiS ―- a Persistent Distributed Store for Cooperative Applications

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    International audiencethis paper we give an overview of the project, its motivation and the PerDiS platform architecture. We also address some expected problems and related wor

    Satellite SAR interferometric techniques in support to emergency mapping

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    This paper investigates the potential of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry in the field of emergency mapping, assessing its suitability for both rapid mapping, aimed at supporting the immediate response phase after a disastrous event, and risk mapping, addressing risk prevention and mitigation activities. The conventional Differential Interferometric SAR technique (DInSAR) and the two currently available multi-temporal interferometric approaches, i.e. Permanent Scatterers (PS) and Small BAseline Subset (SBAS), have been evaluated focusing on the main emergency mapping requirements, namely crisis information product types, availability of optimal input data, requirements in terms of auxiliary data, processing time and expected accuracy. The aforementioned investigations have been carried out exploiting the European Space Agency (ESA) C-band Sentinel-1 mission, characterized by a free, full and open data policy. Therefore, this paper will not assess different SAR sensors and their different technical specifications, e.g. wavelength and space resolution. Representative results are presented and discussed with the aim to describe the possible interferometric product types in specific emergency mapping scenarios

    Irony Detection: from the Twittersphere to the News Space

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    Automatic detection of irony is one of the hot topics for sentiment analysis, as it changes the polarity of text. Most of the work has been focused on the detection of figurative language in Twitter data due to relative ease of obtaining annotated data, thanks to the use of hashtags to signal irony. However, irony is present generally in natural language conversations and in particular in online public fora. In this paper, we present a comparative evaluation of irony detection from Italian news fora and Twitter posts. Since irony is not a very frequent phenomenon, its automatic detection suffers from data imbalance and feature sparseness problems. We experiment with different representations of text – bag-of-words, writing style, and word embeddings to address the feature sparseness; and balancing techniques to address the data imbalanc

    Admission to the Long-Term Care Facilities and Institutionalization Rate in Community-Dwelling Frail Adults: An Observational Longitudinal Cohort Study

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    The worldwide aging and the increase of chronic disease impacted the Health System by generating an increased risk of admission to Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities for older adults. The study aimed to evaluate the admission rate to LTC facilities for community-dwelling older adults and investigate factors associated with these admissions. A secondary data analysis stemming from an observational longitudinal cohort study (from 2014 to 2017) was performed. The sample was made up by 1246 older adults (664 females and 582 males, mean age 76.3, SD ± 7.1). The LTC facilities access rate was 12.5 per 1000 observations/ year. Multivariable Linear Regression identified frailty, cardiovascular disease, and incapacity to take medicine and manage money as predictors of the LTC facilities' access rate. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis identified three clusters: those living at home with comorbidities; those living in LTC facilities who are pre-frail or frail; those very frail but not linked to residential LTC. The results indicate that access to LTC facilities is not determined by severe disability, severe comorbidity, and higher frailty levels. Instead, it is related to moderate disability associated with a lack of social support. Therefore, the care policies need to enhance social interventions to integrate medical, nursing, and rehabilitative care
