4 research outputs found

    Comparison of the RQA measures: Recurrence rate (RR), determinism (DET), entropy (ENT), laminarity (LAM) and trapping time (TT) between the species.

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    <p>Comparison of the RQA measures: Recurrence rate (RR), determinism (DET), entropy (ENT), laminarity (LAM) and trapping time (TT) between the species.</p

    RQA percentage measures of the species (columns) compared with each respective surrogate data series (<sub>surr</sub>).

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    <p>Recurrence rate (RR), determinism (DET), entropy (ENT), laminarity (TT) and trapping time (TT) of the original and surrogate data (<sub>surr</sub>).</p

    Recurrence plots (RP’s) of the time series.

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    <p>Each species had a characteristic recurrence plot pattern, here demonstrate by representative time series (approximately 2400 points; equivalent to 7200 seconds) with measures near the median RQA values from the replicates. The species are <i>Gnamptogenys striatula</i> (a), <i>Linepithema micans</i> (b), <i>Pheidole rudigenis</i> minor (c) and major subcaste (d), and <i>Tenebrio molitor</i> (e). In the RP’s, white dot are maximum distance and black dots are minimum. Estimated parameters: Dimension = 3, Time delay = 3 and the Threshold values were variable with each time series and are signalled in each RP.</p

    The experimental setup.

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    <p>Measurements, disposition view of the light spots, camera and the tracking arena (a). Video frame of an ant (<i>Linepithema micans</i>) in the arena during the tracking, the black line corresponds to the movement of the ant (b). Final tracking coordinates (x,y) of 2400 frames extracted from a time series (<i>Linepithema micans</i>), the grey dashed lines are the coordinates obtained (c).</p