2 research outputs found

    Nutrient uptake dynamics of Gloriosa for cut flower

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    Gloriosa superba L. is a recently introduced tropical species in Argentina, cultivated as a cut flower. It is extremely important to know the nutritional demands of the crop to provide the optimal amounts of nutrients at each stage, achieving quality and good yield in flowers, reducing production costs and environmental impact. The objective of this work was to determine the dynamics of nutrient absorption in the cultivation of G. superba for cut flowers, to facilitate the creation of a fertilization program, in order to avoid crop deficiencies and contribute to sustainable production. Tuber composition analyzes were carried out and, on the other hand, an essay was installed in greenhouse beds, taking samples at seven moments of the cycle. Fresh matter and dry matter of stems, leaves, flowers, tubers, roots and chemical analysis of aerial organs were measured to obtain the absorption curve. It was verified that only around 20% of each nutrient is provided by the tuber, being necessary the external contribution from initial stages of the crop. The rate of growth and accumulation of dry matter was shown as a double sigmoid, with maximum peaks      in the vegetative stage of stem elongation and beginning of flowering. Nutrient amounts were absorbed in the following order: N>K>Mg>Ca>P>Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu. Fertilization rich in N, P, and Fe is recommended in the vegetative stage, balanced during the visible shoot stage, and rich in Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Cu during flowering

    Estudio de la dinámica de absorción de nutrientes de Gloriosa superba L. "Misato Red" para flor de corte en condiciones de producción bajo cubierta en la provincia de Misiones.

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    Tesis para obtener el grado de Magister Scientiae en Floricultura, de la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, en junio de 2020Gloriosa superba L. es una especie tropical de reciente introducción en Argentina, cultivada como flor de corte. Es de suma importancia conocer las demandas nutricionales del cultivo para entregar las cantidades óptimas de nutrientes en cada etapa, logrando calidad y buen rendimiento en flores reduciendo los costos de producción y el impacto ambiental. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron generar información de la dinámica de absorción de nutrientes, determinando a su vez la cantidad de nutrientes aportados por el tubérculo y extraídos del suelo/sustrato. Para ello, por un lado, se realizaron análisis de composición de tubérculos y, por otro lado, se instalaron dos ensayos en invernadero. El ensayo 1 comprendió dos tratamientos, con y sin aporte externo de nutrientes en macetas con sustrato inerte. El ensayo 2 se instaló en canteros, tomando siete muestreos a lo largo del ciclo, determinando MF y MS de tallos, hojas, flores, tubérculos, raíces y realizando análisis químicos de los órganos aéreos, obteniendo de esta manera curvas de absorción. Se comprobó que solamente alrededor del 20 % de cada nutriente es provisto por el tubérculo, siendo necesario el aporte externo desde etapas iniciales del cultivo. La tasa de crecimiento y acumulación de MS se mostró como una doble sigmoidea, con picos máximos en etapa vegetativa de elongación de tallos e inicio de floración. Las cantidades de nutrientes se absorbieron en el siguiente orden: N>K>Mg>Ca>P>Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu. Se recomienda una fertilización rica en N, P y Fe en la etapa vegetativa, equilibrada durante el pimpollado y rica en Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Zn y Cu antes y durante la floración. Los órganos más representativos a muestrear para el diagnóstico del cultivo son las hojas. Es necesario realizar ensayos con diferentes fertilizaciones a fin de ajustar las dosis y momentos de aplicación de cada nutriente según la dinámica observada.Gloriosa superba is a tropical species recently introduced in Argentina, cultivated as a cut flower. It is of utmost importance to know the nutritional demands of the crop to add optimal amounts of nutrients at each stage, achieving quality and good performance in flowers, reducing production costs and impact on the environment. The objectives of the work were to generate information on nutrient absorption dynamics, determining at the same time, the amount of nutrients that are supplied by the tuber and which ones are extracted from the soil / substrate. To that end on the one hand, tuber composition analysis was carried out. On the other hand, two greenhouse trials were installed; trial 1 included two treatments, with and without external supply of nutrients in pots with inert substrate. Trial 2 settled in flower beds, taking 7 samplings throughout the cycle, determining fresh weight and dry matter of stems, leaves, flowers, tubers, roots and performing chemical analyzes of the aerial organs. Obtaining absorption curves in this way. It was found that only about 20 % of each nutrient is provided by the tuber, requiring external input from early stages of cultivation. The growth and accumulation rate of dry matter was shown as a double sigmoid curve, with maximum peaks in the vegetative stage of stem elongation and beginning of flowering. Nutrient amounts were absorbed in the following order: N> K> Mg> Ca> P> Fe> Mn> Zn> Cu. Fertilization rich in N, P and Fe is recommended in the vegetative stage, balanced during budding and rich in Ca, K, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu before and during flowering. The most representative organ to sample for crop diagnosis are the leaves. It is necessary to carry out trials with different fertilizations in order to adjust the doses and times of application of each nutrient according to the observed dynamics.EEA MontecarloFil: Haussecker, Ricardo Daniel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; Argentin