950 research outputs found

    Independent component approach to the analysis of EEG and MEG recordings

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    Multichannel recordings of the electromagnetic fields emerging from neural currents in the brain generate large amounts of data. Suitable feature extraction methods are, therefore, useful to facilitate the representation and interpretation of the data. Recently developed independent component analysis (ICA) has been shown to be an efficient tool for artifact identification and extraction from electroencephalographic (EEG) and magnetoen- cephalographic (MEG) recordings. In addition, ICA has been ap- plied to the analysis of brain signals evoked by sensory stimuli. This paper reviews our recent results in this field

    Optimizing Optimism in Systems Engineers

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    Biases continue to be an important aspect of human judgment and decision making because they often occur subconsciously and can frequently lead to unfavorable outcomes. Optimism bias is one type of cognitive illusion that is often overlooked because of its association with good health and positive outcomes. However, the existence of optimism bias in human judgment can be very damaging especially when it distorts a person's view of future events. In order to better understand optimism bias we explore the benefits and downsides of optimism as well as some empirically-based origins of both optimism and pessimism. This provides a backdrop for a methodology for quantifying optimism and pessimism followed by a discussion about certain professions that make well-calibrated decisions. Results are explored from an optimism survey given to a cohort of eighty systems engineers, which ultimately portray the degree to which optimism bias influences decision making in the estimation of cost and schedule of large projects. A calibration exercise is designed to calibrate optimism in systems engineers with the ultimate goal of helping cost estimation realism. Finally, prescriptive advice is provided to help individual decision makers better optimize their optimism. The implications of this work are twofold. First, the mechanism for quantifying optimism in systems engineers provides useful insight into the degree of optimism that exists among this group of decision makers. This can influence a number of decision making processes that may traditionally be seen as immune from biases due to their routine nature. Second, the process for calibrating optimism provides a way to validate the effectiveness of optimism reduction techniques on different types of decision makers. It also helps to distinguish between certain people who are more receptive to bias corrections and are therefore more likely to be better estimators in real life

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    Towards a Work Breakdown Structure for Net Centric System of Systems Engineering and Management

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    As the system engineering industry sees an increasing focus on the lifecycle development, acquisition, and sustainment of net-centric Systems of Systems (SoS), organizations find that current processes and tools need to evolve to handle the increased scope, scale, and complexity of these efforts. One such tool, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is important in planning, monitoring, and re-focusing of program activities as requirements and goals of the program evolve. This paper provides an overview of the limitations of current standard WBSs with respect to SoS efforts and presents a proposed WBS structure that more adequately reflects the evolving processes and cross-organizational complexities

    Hemingway: Between Key West and Cuba

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    The world-renowned American novelist Ernest Hemingway lived in Key West, Florida, between 1931 and 1939, and near Havana, Cuba, between 1939 and 1960. Hemingway: Between Key West and Cuba (2017) is a short documentary examining how these two distinctive yet similar islands and cultures influenced the author\u27s personal and artistic vision. Produced by Santa Fe College and the Santa Fe College Foundation, and written by C. Michael Curry and Raul Villarreal, the film features original photographs and video footage of Key West and Havana from the 1930s to the early 1960s. After screening the film, it will be discussed by the following panelists: Richard Abella is a Cuban film, television, and radio director and actor, currently residing in Gainesville, Florida. He has more than 20 years experience in audiovisual communication and his work has been recognized with prizes in several events and festivals. One of his most recent productions is the fiction television series, Zoologico (2016). Raúl Villarreal is a multidisciplinary visual artist who has exhibited his art in 20 one-person exhibits and over 400 group exhibits in the United States and other countries. He is the author of the book, Hemingway\u27s Cuban Son (2009), based on his father René\u27s memoirs of his friendship with the famous American author. Villarreal is the Coordinator for Cultural Programs at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida. Dr. Ricardo Castells is Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages at Florida International University. He specializes in Golden Age Spanish literature and has lectured and published essays about Hemingway\u27s works and about Cuban and Cuban-American literature.https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cri_events/1369/thumbnail.jp

    Estudi de les etapes de formaciĂł del jove esportista des del desenvolupament de la capacitat tĂ ctica. AplicaciĂł al futbol

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    L’ensenyament dels esports ha oblidat tradicionalment la tàctica, i s’ha centrat en la tècnica. Això porta implícites unes deficiències en l’aprenentatge que molt sovint no se superen mai i que en ocasions porten el jove esportista a l’abandonament esportiu. Per tant, cal implantar nous models que suposin una alternativa metodològica. Aquesta pretensió no es troba exempta de problemes, atès que la formació del professor-entrenador ha de ser més completa, perquè deixa de ser un simple executor de sessions creades per d’altres. L’objectiu és saber quins nivells de coneixement tècnic i tàctic poden aprendre els jugadors en cada cicle formatiu per tal d’adequar els processos d’ensenyament-aprenentatge a les seves capacitats reals. Les propostes bibliogràfiques prèvies són de caràcter intuïtiu o experimental, i no s’han contrastat prou amb investigacions. En l’estudi van participar 57 esportistes, amb un alt nivell de perícia, que formen part del planter de l’Albacete Balompié des de la categoria prebenjamí fins a la infantil. L’estudi avalua les capacitats tècniques i tàctiques a partir de tres nous instruments, prèviament validats i comprovada la fiabilitat. Els dos primers mesuren els coneixements declaratius i procedimentals (teòrics) mitjançant entrevistes;  la primera es basa en preguntes estructurades sobre continguts tecnicotàctics i la segona elaborada a partir de seqüències de vídeo en joc real. El tercer Instrument d’Avaluació del Rendiment de Joc, avalua les decisions i execucions en situació real de joc, separant el component cognitiu - decisional del rendiment de l’execució de les habilitats motrius específiques. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen els nivells d’a­pre­nentatge màxims que han après fins als 8, 10, 12 i 14 anys, tant en el coneixement declaratiu, procedimental, de presa de decisions i les habilitats d’execució (control, conducció-driblatge, passi, xut, desmarcatge, fixar, marcatge, refús, blocatge, intercepció, ajut). Una de les aportacions més rellevant és la proposta didàctica que es dedueix dels resultats científics. Les conclusions assenyalen que el coneixement declaratiu i procedimental es troba relacionat, partint des de la individualitat al grup, i des de l’aspecte ofensiu al defensiu. El nivell decisional és superior en totes les categories estudiades al nivell de coneixement tecnicotàctic. Hi ha dos nivells de representació del joc pel que fa a les decisions i la seva execució, el primer des dels 7 anys als 10  i el segon des dels 11 anys als 14. El coneixement tecnicotàctic té un retard de dos anys, atès que el nivell més avançat es produeix als 13-14 anys. Les categories federatives no s’adapten als nivells de representació trobats; per tant, les planificacions d’ensenyament-aprenentatge no s’hi haurien d’ajustar. Es recomana la iniciació esportiva a partir dels 8 anys, encara que abans es poden practicar jocs modificats adequats a les possibilitats dels nen

    Heuristics for Systems Engineering Cost Estimation

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    14th Annual PSM Users' Group Conference presentatio

    Dr. Ricardo Theaux

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    A Prescriptive and Adaptive Framework for UAS SoS Testing in LVC Environment

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    ITEA Live-Virtual-Constructive Conference presentatio

    Saliva artificial alivia el dolor de la boca seca.

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