177 research outputs found

    ToxicitĂ© du cadmium chez les tĂȘtards de la grenouille verte (Rana clamitans, Latreille)

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    Le point de vue des responsables des ressources de type familial sur les transformations des services de santé mentale au Québec

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    Cet article dĂ©crit les principaux rĂ©sultats d’une Ă©tude qui a examinĂ© le point de vue des responsables  de rĂ©sidences d’accueil sur les rĂ©centes transformations des services en santĂ© mentale, et sur l’impact de ces derniĂšres sur leur travail auprĂšs des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux graves. Les rĂ©sidences d’accueil (plus communĂ©ment nommĂ©es « familles d’accueil ») reprĂ©sentent, au QuĂ©bec, l’un des plus anciens modĂšles d’hĂ©bergement pouvant accueillir dans la communautĂ© les personnes avec troubles mentaux graves. De fait, l’apparition des premiĂšres rĂ©sidences d’accueil remonte au milieu des annĂ©es 1950. Ainsi, bon nombre des individus qui ont dĂ» quitter les unitĂ©s de soins psychiatriques lorsque s’est amorcĂ© au QuĂ©bec le processus de dĂ©sinstitutionnalisation, ont Ă©tĂ© placĂ©s dans des rĂ©sidences d’accueil. Rappelons que les rĂ©sidences d’accueil sont des habitations privĂ©es situĂ©es dans la communautĂ© appartenant Ă  des particuliers et dans lesquelles sont hĂ©bergĂ©es au plus, neuf personnes. Ces rĂ©sidences d’accueil doivent offrir un environnement normal aux rĂ©sidants, leurs responsables doivent veiller Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© de ces derniers, en plus de leur procurer certains services matĂ©riels et d’encourager leur intĂ©gration sociale. Aujourd’hui les rĂ©sidences d’accueil sont rĂ©gies par la Loi 120 (Gouvernement du QuĂ©bec, 1995) et sont dĂ©signĂ©es par l’appellation « ressources de type familial » (RTF).This article presents the major findings from a study that examined foster home caregivers’ views on the impact of the transformation of mental health services on caregivers and their work with persons with serious mental illness. In QuĂ©bec foster homes, (or more commonly known as foster families), represent one of the oldest models of community based housing for persons with serious mental illness. In fact, the emergence of the first foster home dates back to the 1950ies. Over time, a large number of persons discharged from psychiatric hospitals during the process of deinstitutionalization were placed into these homes. Foster homes are private homes located in the community and operated by non professionals who can accommodate up to nine individuals. These residences provide a normal environment for its residents. Foster home caregivers must ensure a secure and safe environment as well as obtain certain services and encourage the social integration of the residents. Today foster homes are regulated by Bill 120 (QuĂ©bec Government, 1995) and are designated as “family type resources” (RTF).Este artĂ­culo describe los principales resultados de un estudio que ha examinado el punto de vista de los responsables de las residencias de alojamiento acerca de las transformaciones recientes en los servicios de salud mental y el impacto de estos Ășltimos en su trabajo con las personas que sufren de trastornos mentales graves. Las residencias de alojamiento (mĂĄs comĂșnmente llamadas “familias de alojamiento”) representan en Quebec uno de los modelos de alojamiento mĂĄs antiguos que pueden alojar en la comunidad a personas con trastornos mentales graves. De hecho, la apariciĂłn de las primeras residencias de alojamiento remontan a mediados de los años 1950. De este modo, un buen nĂșmero de individuos que tuvieron que dejar las unidades de atenciĂłn psiquiĂĄtrica cuando el proceso de desintitucionalizaciĂłn iniciĂł en QuĂ©bec, fueron colocadas en las residencias de alojamiento. Recordemos que las residencias de alojamiento son habitaciones privadas situadas en la comunidad, que pertenecen a particulares y en las que se alojan como mĂĄximo nueve personas. Estas residencias deben ofrecer un ambiente normal a los residentes, sus responsables deben cuidar de la seguridad de los residentes, ademĂĄs de procurarles ciertos servicios materiales y alentar su integraciĂłn social. Actualmente las residencias de alojamiento se rigen por la Ley 120 (Gobierno de Quebec, 1995) y son denominadas “recursos de tipo familiar” (RTF).Este artigo descreve os principais resultados de um estudo que examinou o ponto de vista dos responsĂĄveis pelas residĂȘncias sobre as recentes transformaçÔes dos serviços em saĂșde mental e sobre o impacto destas sobre seu trabalho junto Ă s pessoas que sofrem de transtornos mentais graves. As residĂȘncias (normalmente chamadas de “famĂ­lias de acolhimento”) representam, no Quebec, um dos mais antigos modelos de alojamento, podendo acolher na comunidade as pessoas com transtornos mentais graves. De fato, o aparecimento das primeiras residĂȘncias data de meados dos anos 1950. Assim, vĂĄrias pessoas, que tiveram que deixar as unidades de atendimento psiquiĂĄtricos, quando foi iniciado no Quebec o processo de desinstitucionalização, foram transferidas para as residĂȘncias. Lembremos que as residĂȘncias sĂŁo domicĂ­lios privados, situados na comunidade, que pertencem a particulares, e nos quais sĂŁo alojados no mĂĄximo nove pessoas. Estas residĂȘncias devem oferecer um ambiente normal aos residentes, seus responsĂĄveis devem garantir a segurança dos residentes, alĂ©m de lhes fornecer alguns serviços materiais e encorajar sua integração social. Hoje, as residĂȘncias sĂŁo regidas pela Lei 120 (Governo do Quebec, 1995) e sĂŁo designadas pelo nome de “recursos de tipo familiar” (RTF)

    Insights into the structure and dynamics of lysyl oxidase propeptide, a flexible protein with numerous partners

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    Lysyl oxidase (LOX) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of lysine and hydroxylysine residues in collagens and elastin, which is the first step of the cross-linking of these extracellular matrix proteins. It is secreted as a proenzyme activated by bone morphogenetic protein-1, which releases the LOX catalytic domain and its bioactive N-terminal propeptide. We characterized the recombinant human propeptide by circular dichroism, dynamic light scattering, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and showed that it is elongated, monomeric, disordered and flexible (Dmax: 11.7 nm, Rg: 3.7 nm). We generated 3D models of the propeptide by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations restrained by SAXS data, which were used for docking experiments. Furthermore, we have identified 17 new binding partners of the propeptide by label-free assays. They include four glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronan, chondroitin, dermatan and heparan sulfate), collagen I, cross-linking and proteolytic enzymes (lysyl oxidase-like 2, transglutaminase-2, matrix metalloproteinase-2), a proteoglycan (fibromodulin), one growth factor (Epidermal Growth Factor, EGF), and one membrane protein (tumor endothelial marker-8). This suggests new roles for the propeptide in EGF signaling pathway

    Associations between dietary profiles and perfluoroalkyl acids in Inuit youth and adults

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    Background: Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), a subset of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are synthetic chemicals used in industrial and consumer applications. They are exceptionally stable and highly mobile in the environment, and were detected in high concentrations in Arctic wildlife and Nunavik Inuit. The study's objective was to study the association between dietary profiles in Nunavik and plasma PFAAs concentrations. Methods: The study used data from the Qanuilirpitaa? 2017 Nunavik Inuit Health Survey (Q2017) (N = 1172) on Inuit adults aged 16-80 years. Nine PFAAs congeners were measured in plasma samples (six were detected). Dietary profiles were identified using latent profile analysis. Two sets of dietary profiles were included; the first included market (store-bought) and country foods (harvested/hunted from the land), and the second included only country foods. Multiple linear regression models regressed log-transformed PFAAs concentrations against the dietary profiles, adjusting for sociodemographic variables. Results: We identified statistically significant 24.54-57.55 % increases in all PFAAs congeners (PFOA, PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA, PFHxS, and PFOS) in the dietary profile defined by frequent country food consumption compared to the dietary profile defined by frequent market food consumption. Individuals defined by low consumption of foods (related to food insecurity) had higher concentrations of six PFAAs compared to individuals with frequent market food consumption. The associations were stronger with profiles defined by more frequent country food consumption, and particularly those with increased marine mammal consumption. PFDA, PFUnDA, and PFOS were particularly associated with high country food consumption frequency, such that their concentrations increased by approximately 67-83 % compared to those reporting no or very little consumption of any country foods. Conclusions: Increased country food consumption was strongly associated with higher PFAAs concentrations, particularly PFOS, PFDA, and PFUnDA. The results provide further evidence that the quality of country foods is being threatened by PFAAs contamination. Additional national and international regulations are required to protect the Arctic and its inhabitants from these pollutants

    Non-persistent exposures from plasticizers or plastic constituents in remote Arctic communities : a case for further research

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    BACKGROUND: Persistent organic pollutant exposures are well-documented in the Arctic, but fewer studies examined non-persistent chemicals, despite increased market food and consumer product consumption. OBJECTIVE: To measure phenol, paraben, phthalate, and alternative plasticizer concentrations in Inuit adults. METHODS: The study included 30 pooled urine samples from Qanuilirpitaa? 2017 Nunavik Inuit Health Survey (Q2017) participants. Creatinine-adjusted geometric mean concentrations (GM) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were compared across sex, age, and regions, and compared to those in the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) and the First Nations Biomonitoring Initiative (FNBI). RESULTS: Q2017 bisphenol-A concentrations were double the CHMS 2018–2019 concentrations [GM (95% CI): 1.98 (1.69–2.31) versus 0.71 (0.60–0.84) ”g/g creatinine], but in line with FNBI [1.74 (1.41–2.13) ”g/g creatinine]. Several phthalate concentrations were higher in Q2017 versus CHMS, particularly monobenzyl phthalate, which was was 19-fold higher in Q2017 versus CHMS 2018–2019 [45.26 (39.35–52.06) versus 2.4 (2.0–2.9) ”g/g creatinine] and four-fold higher than FNBI. There were also four-fold higher concentrations of the two alternate plasticizer 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate (TIXB) metabolites in Q2017 compared to CHMS 2018–2019. Women and people living in Ungava Bay had generally higher concentrations of non-persistent chemicals. SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest higher concentrations of certain non-persistent chemicals in Inuit versus the general Canadian population. IMPACT: Few studies have explored non-persistent chemical distributions in Northern communities, despite the increasing consumer product and market food consumption. We analyzed 30 pooled samples from the Qanuilirpitaa? Nunavik Inuit Health Survey 2017 to assess exposures to common plasticizes and plastic constituents and compare their levels with the general Canadian population and First Nation groups. We observed particularly higher levels of bisphenol-A, of monobenzyl phthalate, and of two 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate (TXIB) metabolites among Nunavimmiut compared to the general Canadian population, notably among women and Ungava Bay residents. Larger studies are required to confirm our findings and identify potential adverse health effects from these exposures

    Perfluoroalkyl acids in pregnant women from Nunavik (Quebec, Canada) : trends in exposure and associations with country foods consumption

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    Objectives From 2004 to 2017, 279 pregnant Inuit women were recruited as part of biomonitoring projects in Nunavik. Our goal was to evaluate: (i) time-trends in plasma/serum PFAAs levels in pregnant Nunavimmiut women between 2004 and 2017; (ii) compare plasma/serum PFAAs levels in Nunavimmiut women in 2016–2017 to those measured in women of childbearing age in the Canadian Health Measure Survey (CHMS); and (iii) evaluate the associations of PFAAs levels with the consumption of country foods and pregnancy and maternal characteristics during pregnancy in the 97 participants recruited in 2016–2017. Methods Individual blood sample were collected for serum or plasma PFAAs (PFOS, PFOA, pentafluorobenzoic acid (PFBA), perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA), perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS), perfluorohexane-1-sulfonic acid (PFHxS), PFNA, PFDA, PFUdA) analyses. Socio-demographic data, pregnancy and maternal characteristics and country foods consumption were documented using a questionnaire. Omega-3 and −6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were measured in red blood cell membranes and their ratio used as a biomarker of marine country foods consumption. Time-trends in PFAAs levels were evaluated using ANCOVA models adjusted for relevant co-variables. Serum/plasma levels of PFAAs in the 97 pregnant women aged 16 to 40 years old and recruited in 2016–2017 were compared to those measured in women aged 18 to 40 years old from the CHMS cycle 5 (2016–2017) using the geometric means (GM) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). Multivariate regression analyses were performed to examine associations between concentrations of PFAAs and country foods consumption data. Results Statistically-significant downward time trends were noted for concentrations of PFOS, PFOA and PFHxS in pregnant Nunavik women between 2004 and 2017. Conversely, between 2011 and 2016–2017, PFNA, PFDA and PFUdA maternal serum levels increased by 19, 13 and 21% respectively. Among participants in 2016–2017, mean concentrations for PFNA (GM: 2.4 ÎŒg/L), PFDA (0.53 ÎŒg/L) and PFUdA (0.61 ÎŒg/L) were higher than those measured in women aged 18–40 years old in the Cycle 5 (2016–2017) of the CHMS. PFOA (0.53 ÎŒg/L) and PFHxS (0.26 ÎŒg/L) were lower than in CHMS, whereas PFBA, PFHxA and PFBS were not detected in 2016–2017. Ratios of serum/plasma levels of PFNA/PFOA, PFNA/PFOS, PFNA/PFHxS and PFUdA/PFDA were significantly higher in the 97 pregnant women from Nunavik recruited in 2016–2017 compared to CHMS, highlighting their distinct exposure profile. In multivariate models, PFHxS, PFOS, PFNA, PFDA and PFUdA levels in 2016–2017 were strongly associated with the omega-3/omega-6 PUFA ratio, indicating a positive association between marine country foods consumption and higher exposure to PFAAs. Conclusions The exposure of pregnant women to long-chain PFAAs (PFNA, PFDA and PFUdA) increased from 2004 to 2017 in Nunavik. Associations noted between PFAAs levels and the omega-3/omega-6 ratio highlights the importance of implementing additional strict regulations on PFAAs and their precursors to protect the high nutritional quality and cultural importance of country foods in Nunavik

    Plasma concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids and their determinants in youth and adults from Nunavik, Canada

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    Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), a subset of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are environmentally stable, mobile and bioaccumulative compounds. This leads to high concentrations in wildlife species essential to the cultural identity and subsistence of Arctic populations. Our objective was to characterize the distribution and exposure determinants of PFAAs among Nunavik Inuit adults. The study included up to 1322 Nunavik residents aged 16–80 years who participated in the Qanuilirpitaa? 2017 Nunavik Inuit Health Survey (Q2017). Plasma concentrations were compared to those the general Canadian population using data from the Canadian Health Measures Survey Cycle 5 (2016–2017). Associations between plasma concentrations of nine PFAAs, determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and sociodemographic factors and traditional activity participation were examined using multiple linear regression models. Overall exposure to PFAAs was twice as high compared to the general Canadian population and less regulated perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnDA) concentrations were 7-fold higher, and perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) concentrations were 4-fold higher. Males had higher concentrations of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), whereas females had higher concentrations of PFDA and PFUnDA. PFAAs concentrations increased with age and were highest among those aged 60+ years. PFNA and PFO

    Type III secretion proteins PcrV and PcrG from Pseudomonas aeruginosa form a 1:1 complex through high affinity interactions

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    BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an increasingly prevalent opportunistic pathogen, utilizes a type III secretion system for injection of toxins into host cells in order to initiate infection. A crucial component of this system is PcrV, which is essential for cytotoxicity and is found both within the bacterial cytoplasm and localized extracellularly, suggesting that it may play more than one role in Pseudomonas infectivity. LcrV, the homolog of PcrV in Yersinia, has been proposed to participate in effector secretion regulation by interacting with LcrG, which may act as a secretion blocker. Although PcrV also recognizes PcrG within the bacterial cytoplasm, the roles played by the two proteins in type III secretion in Pseudomonas may be different from the ones suggested for their Yersinia counterparts. RESULTS: In this work, we demonstrate by native mass spectrometry that PcrV and PcrG expressed and purified from E. coli form a 1:1 complex in vitro. Circular dichroism results indicate that PcrG is highly unstable in the absence of PcrV; in contrast, both PcrV alone and the PcrV:PcrG complex have high structural integrity. Surface plasmon resonance measurements show that PcrV interacts with PcrG with nanomolar affinity (15.6 nM) and rapid kinetics, an observation which is valid both for the full-length form of PcrG (residues 1–98) as well as a form which lacks the C-terminal 24 residues, which are predicted to have low secondary structure content. CONCLUSIONS: PcrV is a crucial component of the type III secretion system of Pseudomonas, but the way in which it participates in toxin secretion is not understood. Here we have characterized the interaction between PcrV and PcrG in vitro, and shown that PcrG is highly unstable. However, it associates readily with PcrV through a region located within its first 74 amino acids to form a high affinity complex. The fact that PcrV associates and dissociates quickly from an unstable molecule points to the transient nature of a PcrV:PcrG complex. These results are in agreement with analyses from pcrV deletion mutants which suggest that PcrV:PcrG may play a different role in effector secretion than the one described for the LcrV:LcrG complex in Yersinia

    MatrixDB, a database focused on extracellular protein–protein and protein–carbohydrate interactions

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    Summary: MatrixDB (http://matrixdb.ibcp.fr) is a database reporting mammalian protein–protein and protein–carbohydrate interactions involving extracellular molecules. It takes into account the full interaction repertoire of the extracellular matrix involving full-length molecules, fragments and multimers. The current version of MatrixDB contains 1972 interactions corresponding to 4412 experiments and involving 259 extracellular biomolecules
