15 research outputs found

    Utjecaj cijene prehrambenih proizvoda na kvalitetu prehrane starijih osoba u domaćoj okolini The impact of costs of nutrition’s on the overall quality of nutrition of the elderly population in the local environment

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    Uvod: U razdoblju nestabilne gospodarske situacije populacija starije životne dobi posebice je osjetljiva. Nezadovoljavajući socijalno-ekonomski položaj osoba starije životne dobi znatno smanjuje mogućnost provođenja zdravog načina življenja. Svrha je članka istražiti utjecaj ekonomskih čimbenika na stupanj kvalitete prehrane osoba starije životne dobi. Metode: Kvantitativna metoda istraživanja. Uporabljen je strukturirani upitnik. U istraživanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika životne dobi starije od 65 godina. Rezultati: Verificirano je da ekonomski čimbenici znatno utječu na kvalitetnu i uravnoteženu prehranu osoba starije životne dobi.. Rasprava: Pri kupnji namirnica važnu ulogu ima cijena proizvoda. Unatoč cijeni proizvoda, osobe starije životne dobi pri kupnji obraćaju posebnu pozornost na sastav namirnica u prehrambenim proizvodima. Zaključak: Medicinske sestre/tehničari trebaju u lokalnoj zajednici uporabiti metode edukacije programima i praktičnim radionicama u čijem je sadržaju potrebno predstaviti učinkovitost zdravih sastojaka hrane

    Does eating family meals and having the television on during dinner correlate with overweight? A sub-study of the PRO GREENS project, looking at children from nine European countries.

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    European Commission’s Programme of Community Action in the Field of Public Health 2003–2008 (Original Contract No. 007324) The Research Fund of the University of Iceland, Axson Johnson Foundation in Sweden, JuhoVainio Foundation in FinlandFamily meals have been negatively associated with overweight in children, while television (TV) viewing during meals has been associated with a poorer diet. The aim of the present study was to assess the association of eating family breakfast and dinner, and having a TV on during dinner, with overweight in nine European countries and whether these associations differed between Northern and Southern & Eastern Europe.Cross-sectional data. Schoolchildren reported family meals and TV viewing. BMI was based on parental reports on height and weight of their children. Cut-off points for overweight by the International Obesity Task Force were used. Logistic regressions were performed adjusted by age, gender and parental education.Schools in Northern European (Sweden, the Netherlands, Iceland, Germany and Finland) and Southern & Eastern European (Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria and Slovenia) countries, participating in the PRO GREENS project.Children aged 10-12 years in (n 6316).In the sample, 21 % of the children were overweight, from 35 % in Greece to 10 % in the Netherlands. Only a few associations were found between family meals and TV viewing during dinner with overweight in the nine countries. Northern European children, compared with other regions, were significantly more likely to be overweight if they had fewer family breakfasts and more often viewed TV during dinner.The associations between family meals and TV viewing during dinner with overweight were few and showed significance only in Northern Europe. Differences in foods consumed during family meals and in health-related lifestyles between Northern and Southern & Eastern Europe may explain these discrepancies.1 Folkhälsan Research Center, Paasikivenkatu 4, 00250 Helsinki, Finland. 23 Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 34 Unit for Nutrition Research, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland & Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland. 45 EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research and the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 56 Institute of Nutritional Sciences, Unit for International Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural Nutrition, Environmental Sciences and Home Economics, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany. 67Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. 78 Department of Social Medicine, Preventive Medicine & Nutrition Clinic, University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. 810 National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 911 National Center for Public Health Protection, Sofia, Bulgaria

    Prehranjevalne navade predšolskih otrok v ljubljani in okolici

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    Dietary habits and physical activity patterns among Slovenian elderly: cross-sectional survey with cluster analysis

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    Introduction: Physical activity and a healthy diet are significant predictors of healthy ageing—they help the elderly maintain their physical and mental health, and prevent chronic diseases. Methods: The data for the empirical quantitative survey were collected on the sample of 218 elderly community-dwelling participants (aged 65 years or more), using a structured questionnaire for self-reporting. Data analyses were proceed with the bivariate statistics, and multivariate hierarchical cluster analysis. Results: Most respondents reported good dietary habits (83.1%) and a satisfactory physical activity level (60.5%). On average, the elderly eat 3-4 meals per day (59.8%) and engage in physical activity at least three times a week (58.6%), with interventions lasting 15 minutes or more (84.4 %) and non-organized activity prevailing (96.2%). Ward’s method yielded three clusters with homogenous dietary and physical activity patterns: ‘Health Conscious’ (30.8%), ‘At Risk’ (42.7%) and ‘Special Requirements’ (26.5%). Significant differences were identified between clusters and educational level (p = 0.001). Discussion and conclusions: In the future, special attention should be placed on the elderly group with a lower educational level and special dietary and physical activity requirements. Additional studies on representative samples are required for a comprehensive investigation into the lifestyle behaviours of elderly individuals

    Uživanje alkohola med študenti zdravstvene nege

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    Uvod: Pitje alkoholnih pijač je med mladostniki v Sloveniji in tudi drugod po svetu zelo velik problem. Največ mladih pije alkoholne pijače predvsem v obdobju adolescence. Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti uživanje alkohola med študenti zdravstvene nege, ki je tudi sicer vse pogostejši problem v sodobnem načinu življenja. Metode: Anketiranje je potekalo v prvi polovici leta 2015 med študenti rednega študija zdravstvene nege 1. stopnje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 217 študentov. Uporabljeno je bilo priložnostno vzorčenje. Uporabili smo osnovno deskriptivno statistiko in kvantitativno raziskovalno metodologijo s pomočjo strukturiranega vprašalnika. Rezultati: Med anketiranimi se je v izbiri najpogostejših alkoholnih pijač pokazala statistično pomembna razlika (p = 0,000) glede na spol, saj moški posegajo bolj po pivu, ženske bolj po žganih pijačah. Prav tako je razlika po spolu prisotna v opitosti, saj so bili moški v zadnjih 30 dneh pred anketiranjem statistično značilno bolj pogosto opiti kot ženske (p = 0,000). Diskusija in zaključek: Iz rezultatov raziskave je razvidno, da več kot polovica anketiranih študentov zdravstvene nege tvegano pije alkoholne pijače. Raziskava nakazuje, da bolj tvegano pijejo študenti moškega spola. Pridobljeni podatki nakazujejo potrebo po obsežnejši raziskavi o uživanju alkohola med slovenskimi študenti

    Sodium and Potassium Intake in Residents of Retirement Homes

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    Excessive salt intake and its impact on health is a public health problem in many regions of the world. The currently estimated dietary intake of salt among free-living adults is well above the WHO recommendations. Over the years, the number of residents in retirement homes has increased. Besides this, the nutrition of elderly people may be affected by physiological changes that occur with aging. The question is whether residents of retirement homes receive a more balanced diet, or whether the trend of excessive salt consumption continues even among institutionalised elderly people. Salt and potassium intake were assessed by measuring sodium and potassium excretion over 24 h in urine collected from a sample of residents of three retirement homes in the Goriška region, Slovenia. The average salt intake was 8.3 (2.9) g/day, which was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in men than in women (10.1 (3.1) vs. 7.3 (2.2) g/day, respectively). The estimated total daily potassium intake was 2.6 (0.6) g/day in men and 2.0 (0.8) g/day in women (mean 2.2 (0.8) g/day). The ratio of sodium to potassium was 1.53 (0.48). The salt intake among residents of retirement homes in the Goriška region, especially in men, exceeds the WHO recommended daily intake of <5 g. The mean daily potassium intake was below the WHO recommendations of 3.5 g/day

    Sodium and potassium intake in residents of retirement homes

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    Excessive salt intake and its impact on health is a public health problem in many regions of the world. The currently estimated dietary intake of salt among free-living adults is well above the WHO recommendations. Over the years, the number of residents in retirement homes has increased. Besides this, the nutrition of elderly people may be affected by physiological changes that occur with aging. The question is whether residents of retirement homes receive a more balanced diet, or whether the trend of excessive salt consumption continues even among institutionalised elderly people. Salt and potassium intake were assessed by measuring sodium and potassium excretion over 24 h in urine collected from a sample of residents of three retirement homes in the Goriška region, Slovenia. The average salt intake was 8.3 (2.9) g/day, which was significantly higher (p < 0.001) in men than in women (10.1 (3.1) vs. 7.3 (2.2) g/day, respectively). The estimated total daily potassium intake was 2.6 (0.6) g/day in men and 2.0 (0.8) g/day in women (mean 2.2 (0.8) g/day). The ratio of sodium to potassium was 1.53 (0.48). The salt intake among residents of retirement homes in the Goriška region, especially in men, exceeds the WHO recommended daily intake of <5 g. The mean daily potassium intake was below the WHO recommendations of 3.5 g/day