3 research outputs found

    Análise da taxa de mortalidade perinatal na região metropolitana da grande Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil entre os anos de 2008 e 2017

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    Introduction: perinatal mortality is characterized by fetal deaths that occur after the 22nd week of management and neonatal deaths that precede six full days of life. This indicator has been a matter of concern and discussion on the part of entities and organizations involved in comprehensive health care for women and children. Objective: to characterize perinatal deaths in the Metropolitan Region of Greater Vitória (RMGV) in Espírito Santo and identify associated maternal factors in the period between 2008 and 2017. Methods: ecological and descriptive study with a quantitative approach, carried out in 2019 on perinatal mortality from 2008 to 2017 at RMGV. Data collection was performed by extracting data from the SIM, SINASC, IBGE databases of the Espírito Santo State Health Department, about perinatal deaths and associated maternal factors. The research respects the ethical precepts of resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council. Results: the distribution of deaths did not occur homogeneously in the municipalities in the RMGV. The municipality of Vitória had the lowest perinatal mortality rates during the study period, on the other hand, in the comparative analysis between the different municipalities that make up the RMGV, the municipality of Fundão presents the worst scenario regarding perinatal mortality over the years. Regarding the underlying causes of death, it is noted that in this study, the three causes with the highest number of occurrences are complications of the placenta, umbilical cord and maternal affections, not necessarily related to the current pregnancy and intrauterine hypoxia. Conclusion: there were no significant changes in mortality rates in the Metropolitan Region of Greater Vitória. However, the main deaths occurred in neighborhoods with greater socioeconomic inequalities. Maternal causes were highly representative of deaths, raising issues associated with the improvement of public health policies.Introdução: a mortalidade perinatal caracteriza-se pelos óbitos fetais que ocorrem a partir da 22ª semana de gestão e os óbitos neonatais que antecedem seis dias completos de vida. Este indicador tem sido motivo de preocupação e discussão por parte de entidades e organizações envolvidas na atenção à saúde integral da mulher e da criança. Objetivo: caracterizar os óbitos perinatais da Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (RMGV) no Espírito Santo e identificar fatores maternos associados, no período entre 2008 e 2017. Método: estudo ecológico e descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, realizado no ano de 2019 acerca da mortalidade perinatal entre os anos de 2008 a 2017 na RMGV. A coleta de dados foi realizada através extração dos dados das bases SIM, SINASC, IBGE da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado do Espírito Santo, acerca dos óbitos perinatais e fatores maternos associados. A pesquisa respeita os preceitos éticos da resolução 466/12 do Conselho Nacional de Saúde. Resultados: a distribuição dos óbitos não ocorreu de forma homogênea nos municípios na RMGV. O município de Vitória apresentou os menores índices de mortalidade perinatal durante o período estudado, em contrapartida, na análise comparativa entre os diferentes municípios que compõe a RMGV, o município de Fundão apresenta o pior cenário relativo à mortalidade perinatal ao longo dos anos. Acerca das causas bases de óbitos, nota-se que neste estudo, as três causas com maior número de ocorrência são complicações da placenta, do cordão umbilical e afecções maternas, não obrigatoriamente relacionadas com a gravidez atual e hipóxia intrauterina. Conclusão: não houve mudanças significativas nas taxas de mortalidade na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória. Contudo, os principais óbitos ocorreram em bairros com maiores desigualdades socieconomicas. As causas maternas representaram uma grande representatividade frente aos óbitos, levantando questões associadas a melhora de políticas públicas de saúde

    Alcohol and drugs in adolescence: work process in health in school program

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    Introduction: Adolescence is characterized as a transition period  between childhood and adult life that imposes great physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes. During that period,  the adolescent is exposed and vulnerable to the consumption of alcohol and drugs,  and has been an scenery where nurses who works in the  School Health  Programs (SHP) interact with them. In this sense, the interaction between education and health can influence adolescents to become questioners of the risks they are exposed and look  together for  better options to improve their quality of life. Objective: To analyse the perception and health practices of Nurses working in the School Health  Programs  of  prevention of alcohol and drugs during adolescence. Methods: This is a descriptive and qualitative study carried out in the city of Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil, with 18 nurses participating in the SHP, who implement actions with adolescents in schools. The data collection took place through a semi structured interview and their organization through thematic analysis. Results: The participants affirmed that the importance of their actions and work  is directed  to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs among adolescents, excluding the precepts of health promotion. They pointed out that the interaction between education and health is characterized as an effective strategy in the prevention of damages caused by the use of alcohol and drugs, emphasizing the participation of family members during the process of elaboration, application and continuity. It was also evidenced that the educational practices are performed mostly through lectures, characterizing a work centred on clinical, individual and curative practice. Conclusion: Nurses understand that the interaction between health and education is an effective strategy to prevent the use of alcohol and drugs in adolescents, emphasizing the importance of family participation in the process of construction and support of this context. However, it is possible to identify that the actions developed by these professionals are still restricted to modify some behaviours such as to improve their willing of   sharing  new knowledge

    Filhos com transtorno do espectro autista: percepção e vivência das familias

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    Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is part of neurodevelopmental disorders, which are behavioral and cognitive. These symptoms appear according to the child's development, however, most of the time, they present themselves before the age of three, and they may evolve to greater intensities or not. Objective: To analyze the experience of families with children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Methods: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach carried out at the Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional/APAE). 46 families and 10 professionals participated in the study. For the analysis of the results, the technique of content analysis proposed by Bardin was used. The research project for this study was approved by the Ethics Committee for Research with Human Beings under opinion No. 3172.942 on February 27, 2019. Results: It was evident that the family is an important instrument for the care of children with ASD and, for this reason, it should be seen in an integrated and not fragmented way in care, thus revealing the need to promote actions that take care of the caregiver and not just of the child itself, because as seen, every process that goes from birth to diagnosis and treatment of the child requires changes that can also bring harm to the health of the family. Conclusion: The experience of families of children with ASD goes through phases of acceptance and adaptation and depends on the interaction and assistance of professionals so that they can, despite life changes, perceive them as important in promoting the child's life from the motor and cognitive interaction with society.Introdução: O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) faz parte dos distúrbios do neurodesenvolvimento, que são distúrbios comportamentais e cognitivos. Esses sintomas aparecem de acordo com o desenvolvimento da criança, porém, na maioria das vezes apresentam-se antes dos três anos, podendo ser evoluídos em intensidades maiores ou não. Objetivo: Analisar a vivência das famílias com filhos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Método: Estudo exploratório de abordagem qualitativa realizada na Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE). Participaram do estudo 46 famílias e 10 profissionais. Para a análise dos resultados deu-se mediante a técnica de análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin. O projeto de pesquisa deste estudo recebeu parecer aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos sob parecer de nº 3.172.942 em 27 de fevereiro de 2019. Resultados: Evidenciou-se que a família é um instrumento importante para o cuidado com crianças com TEA e, por essa razão, está deve ser vista de forma integrada e não fragmentada no cuidado, revelando assim a necessidade de promover ações que cuidem do cuidador e não apenas da criança em si, pois como visto, todo processo que vai do nascimento ao diagnóstico e tratamento da criança requer mudanças que podem trazer agravos também a saúde da família. Conclusão: A vivência das famílias de crianças com (TEA) perpassa por fases de aceitação e adaptação e que depende da interação e assistência dos profissionais para que possam, apesar de mudanças de vida, perceberem como importantes na promoção da vida da criança desde o desenvolvimento motor e cognitivo a interação com a sociedade