1,707 research outputs found

    Marshall University Department of Music presents a Faculty Recital

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    Marshall University Department of Music and First Presbyterian Church present MUSIC ALIVE! Chamber Series

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    Marshall University Music Department Presents the Violauta Duo, Julio Ribeiro Alves, guitar, & Wendell Dobbs, flute

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    Marshall University Music Department Presents a Chamber Choir Invitational, Music 2015

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the pre-exhaustion method on the electromyographic activity (temporal and spectral domain) at different intervals of a set of resistance training. Twenty adults with little or no experience in strength training performed two sets of the seated row exercise at 70%1RM until muscular failure, in a randomized order. Surface electrodes were placed over the latissimus dorsi, teres major, biceps brachii, and posterior deltoid muscles of the dominant side. Results showed that the pre-exhaustion did not increase EMG activity of all muscle analyzed at any intervals of a set. Furthermore, the EMG median frequency decreased in teres major and posterior deltoid muscles during initial and intermediate repetitions. Results suggest that the pre-exhaustion induces more fatigue when compared to traditional training

    DNA content of a functioning chicken kinetochore

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    © The Author(s) 2014. In order to understand the three-dimensional structure of the functional kinetochore in vertebrates, we require a complete list and stoichiometry for the protein components of the kinetochore, which can be provided by genetic and proteomic experiments. We also need to know how the chromatin-containing CENP-A, which makes up the structural foundation for the kinetochore, is folded, and how much of that DNA is involved in assembling the kinetochore. In this MS, we demonstrate that functioning metaphase kinetochores in chicken DT40 cells contain roughly 50 kb of DNA, an amount that corresponds extremely closely to the length of chromosomal DNA associated with CENP-A in ChIP-seq experiments. Thus, during kinetochore assembly, CENP-A chromatin is compacted into the inner kinetochore plate without including significant amounts of flanking pericentromeric heterochromatin. © 2014 The Author(s).Wellcome Trust [grant number 073915]; Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology (core grant numbers 077707 and 092076); Darwin Trust of Edinburg

    Análise do chá de hibisco da life natural

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    Hibiscus is a plant in the Malvaceae family. In Brazil, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), through Ordinance No. 519, of 1998, which allows the use of hibiscus flowers to be consumed as tea, prepared through infusion or decoction. Thus, the aim of this study and evaluation of the effects of the hibiscus tea product from the Life Natural® company. This study is a literature review carried out through the following databases: PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar. Its benefits can be affirmed in reducing blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, localized reduction and improvement of aging and acting as an adjunct to treatments for depression.O hibisco é uma planta da família Malvaceae. No Brasil, a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), através da Portaria nº 519, de 1998, permite o uso das flores do hibisco para serem consumidas como chá, preparadas através de infusão ou decocção. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os efeitos do produto chá de hibisco da empresa Life Natural®. O presente estudo se trata de uma revisão de literatura realizada por meio das seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, Scielo e Google Acadêmico. É possível afirmar seus benefícios na redução da pressão arterial, colesterol LDL, gordura localizada, melhora dos sinais clínicos do envelhecimento e atuante como um complemento nos tratamentos de depressão

    Strong CD4 T cell responses to Zika virus antigens in a cohort of Dengue virus immune mothers of congenital Zika virus syndrome infants

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    Background: There is an urgent need to understand the complex relationship between cross-reactive anti-viral immunity, disease susceptibility, and severity in the face of differential exposure to related, circulating Flaviviruses. Co-exposure to Dengue virus and Zika virus in Brazil is a case in point. A devastating aspect of the 2015-2016 South American Zika outbreak was the dramatic increase in numbers of infants born with microcephaly to mothers exposed to Zika virus during pregnancy. It has been proposed that this is more likely to ensue from Zika infection in women lacking cross-protective Dengue immunity. In this case series we measure the prevalence of Dengue immunity in a cohort of mothers exposed to Zika virus during pregnancy in the 2015-2016 Zika outbreak that gave birth to an infant affected by microcephaly and explore their adaptive immunity to Zika virus. Results: Fifty women from Sergipe, Brazil who gave birth to infants with microcephaly following Zika virus exposure during the 2015-16 outbreak were tested for serological evidence of Dengue exposure and IFNγ ELISpot spot forming cell (SFC) response to Zika virus. The majority (46/50) demonstrated Dengue immunity. IFNγ ELISpot responses to Zika virus antigens showed the following hierarchy: Env>NS1>NS3>C protein. Twenty T cell epitopes from Zika virus Env were identified. Responses to Zika virus antigens Env and NS1 were polyfunctional with cells making IFNγ, TNFα, IL-4, IL-13, and IL-10. In contrast, responses to NS5 only produced the immune regulatory TGFβ1 cytokine. There were SFC responses against Zika virus Env (1-20) and variant peptide sequences from West Nile virus, Dengue virus 1-4 and Yellow Fever virus. Conclusion: Almost all the women in our study showed serological evidence of Dengue immunity, suggesting that microcephaly can occur in DENV immune mothers. T cell immunity to Zika virus showed a multifunctional response to the antigens Env and NS1 and immune regulatory responses to NS5 and C protein. Our data support an argument that different viral products may skew the antiviral response to a more pro or anti-inflammatory outcome, with an associated impact on immunopathogenesis
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