83 research outputs found

    Diverse high-torque bacterial flagellar motors assemble wider stator rings using a conserved protein scaffold

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    Although it is known that diverse bacterial flagellar motors produce different torques, the mechanism underlying torque variation is unknown. To understand this difference better, we combined genetic analyses with electron cryo-tomography subtomogram averaging to determine in situ structures of flagellar motors that produce different torques, from Campylobacter and Vibrio species. For the first time, to our knowledge, our results unambiguously locate the torque-generating stator complexes and show that diverse high-torque motors use variants of an ancestrally related family of structures to scaffold incorporation of additional stator complexes at wider radii from the axial driveshaft than in the model enteric motor. We identify the protein components of these additional scaffold structures and elucidate their sequential assembly, demonstrating that they are required for stator-complex incorporation. These proteins are widespread, suggesting that different bacteria have tailored torques to specific environments by scaffolding alternative stator placement and number. Our results quantitatively account for different motor torques, complete the assignment of the locations of the major flagellar components, and provide crucial constraints for understanding mechanisms of torque generation and the evolution of multiprotein complexes

    BosR (BB0647) Controls the RpoN-RpoS Regulatory Pathway and Virulence Expression in Borrelia burgdorferi by a Novel DNA-Binding Mechanism

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    In Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb), the Lyme disease spirochete, the alternative σ factor σ54 (RpoN) directly activates transcription of another alternative σ factor, σS (RpoS) which, in turn, controls the expression of virulence-associated membrane lipoproteins. As is customary in σ54-dependent gene control, a putative NtrC-like enhancer-binding protein, Rrp2, is required to activate the RpoN-RpoS pathway. However, recently it was found that rpoS transcription in Bb also requires another regulator, BosR, which was previously designated as a Fur or PerR homolog. Given this unexpected requirement for a second activator to promote σ54-dependent gene transcription, and the fact that regulatory mechanisms among similar species of pathogenic bacteria can be strain-specific, we sought to confirm the regulatory role of BosR in a second virulent strain (strain 297) of Bb. Indeed, BosR displayed the same influence over lipoprotein expression and mammalian infectivity for strain Bb 297 that were previously noted for Bb strain B31. We subsequently found that recombinant BosR (rBosR) bound to the rpoS gene at three distinct sites, and that binding occurred despite the absence of consensus Fur or Per boxes. This led to the identification of a novel direct repeat sequence (TAAATTAAAT) critical for rBosR binding in vitro. Mutations in the repeat sequence markedly inhibited or abolished rBosR binding. Taken together, our studies provide new mechanistic insights into how BosR likely acts directly on rpoS as a positive transcriptional activator. Additional novelty is engendered by the facts that, although BosR is a Fur or PerR homolog and it contains zinc (like Fur and PerR), it has other unique features that clearly set it apart from these other regulators. Our findings also have broader implications regarding a previously unappreciated layer of control that can be involved in σ54–dependent gene regulation in bacteria

    Diversification of campylobacter jejuni flagellar C-Ring composition impacts its structure and function in motility, flagellar assembly, and cellular processes.

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    Bacterial flagella are reversible rotary motors that rotate external filaments for bacterial propulsion. Some flagellar motors have diversified by recruiting additional components that influence torque and rotation, but little is known about the possible diversification and evolution of core motor components. The mechanistic core of flagella is the cytoplasmic C ring, which functions as a rotor, directional switch, and assembly platform for the flagellar type III secretion system (fT3SS) ATPase. The C ring is composed of a ring of FliG proteins and a helical ring of surface presentation of antigen (SPOA) domains from the switch proteins FliM and one of two usually mutually exclusive paralogs, FliN or FliY. We investigated the composition, architecture, and function of the C ring of Campylobacter jejuni, which encodes FliG, FliM, and both FliY and FliN by a variety of interrogative approaches. We discovered a diversified C. jejuni C ring containing FliG, FliM, and both FliY, which functions as a classical FliN-like protein for flagellar assembly, and FliN, which has neofunctionalized into a structural role. Specific protein interactions drive the formation of a more complex heterooligomeric C. jejuni C-ring structure. We discovered that this complex C ring has additional cellular functions in polarly localizing FlhG for numerical regulation of flagellar biogenesis and spatial regulation of division. Furthermore, mutation of the C. jejuni C ring revealed a T3SS that was less dependent on its ATPase complex for assembly than were other systems. Our results highlight considerable evolved flagellar diversity that impacts motor output, biogenesis, and cellular processes in different species.IMPORTANCE The conserved core of bacterial flagellar motors reflects a shared evolutionary history that preserves the mechanisms essential for flagellar assembly, rotation, and directional switching. In this work, we describe an expanded and diversified set of core components in the Campylobacter jejuni flagellar C ring, the mechanistic core of the motor. Our work provides insight into how usually conserved core components may have diversified by gene duplication, enabling a division of labor of the ancestral protein between the two new proteins, acquisition of new roles in flagellar assembly and motility, and expansion of the function of the flagellum beyond motility, including spatial regulation of cell division and numerical control of flagellar biogenesis in C. jejuni Our results highlight that relatively small changes, such as gene duplications, can have substantial ramifications on the cellular roles of a molecular machine

    Time for a motor check

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    Phospholipase A<sub>2</sub>-activating protein-An important regulatory molecule in modulating cyclooxygenase-2 and tumor necrosis factor production during <span style="font-size:14.0pt;line-height:115%;font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";color:#151515;mso-ansi-language:EN-IN; mso-fareast-language:EN-IN;mso-bidi-language:HI" lang="EN-IN">inflammation</span>

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    129-138<span style="font-size:14.0pt;line-height: 115%;font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;;mso-fareast-font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;; color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-IN;mso-fareast-language:EN-IN;mso-bidi-language: HI" lang="EN-IN">Inflammation is a complex multifactorial process and a hallmark of many inflammatory diseases. Most of the tissue destruction that occurs in these diseases is the result of an aberrant or often uncontrolled immune response. Factors that play an important role in such diseases include pro- inflammatory cytokines, complement, and eicosanoids. This review focuses on eicosanoids and their regulation via phospholipase A2-activating protein, which could be targeted as a new therapeutic tool to control inflammatory diseases.</span

    Role of Streptococcus pyogenes Two-Component Response Regulators in the Temporal Control of Mga and the Mga-Regulated Virulence Gene emm

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    We examined the role of Streptococcus pyogenes two-component response regulators (SptR) in expression of Mga and the Mga-regulated gene emm. Both serotype M6 and serotype M1 mutants in 12 of the 13 identified sptR genes exhibited levels of emm transcripts and Mga protein comparable to those of the wild type during exponential and stationary phases of growth. Thus, temporal control of these virulence genes does not require Spt response regulators

    A Chaperone for the Stator Units of a Bacterial Flagellum

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    The bacterial flagellum is a reversible rotating motor powered by ion transport through stator units, which also exert torque on the rotor component to turn the flagellum for motility. Species-specific adaptations to flagellar motors impact stator function to meet the demands of each species to sufficiently power flagellar rotation. We identified another evolutionary adaptation by discovering that FlgX of Campylobacter jejuni preserves the integrity of stator units by functioning as a chaperone to protect stator proteins from degradation by the FtsH protease complex due to the physiology of the bacterium. FlgX is required to maintain a level of stator units sufficient to power the naturally high-torque flagellar motor of C. jejuni for motility in intestinal mucosal layers to colonize hosts. Our work continues to identify an increasing number of adaptations to flagellar motors across bacterial species that provide the mechanics necessary for producing an effective rotating nanomachine for motility.The stator units of the flagellum supply power to the flagellar motor via ion transport across the cytoplasmic membrane and generate torque on the rotor for rotation. Flagellar motors across bacterial species have evolved adaptations that impact and enhance stator function to meet the demands of each species, including producing stator units using different fuel types or various stator units for different motility modalities. Campylobacter jejuni produces one of the most complex and powerful flagellar motors by positioning 17 stator units at a greater radial distance than in most other bacteria to increase power and torque for high velocity of motility. We report another evolutionary adaptation impacting flagellar stators by identifying FlgX as a chaperone for C. jejuni stator units to ensure sufficient power and torque for flagellar rotation and motility. We discovered that FlgX maintains MotA and MotB stator protein integrity likely through a direct interaction with MotA that prevents their degradation. Suppressor analysis suggested that the physiology of C. jejuni drives the requirement for FlgX to protect stator units from proteolysis by the FtsH protease complex. C. jejuni ΔflgX was strongly attenuated for colonization of the natural avian host, but colonization capacity was greatly restored by a single mutation in MotA. These findings suggest that the likely sole function of FlgX is to preserve stator unit integrity for the motility required for host interactions. Our findings demonstrate another evolved adaptation in motile bacteria to ensure the equipment of the flagellar motor with sufficient power to generate torque for motility