57 research outputs found

    Synaptic connections of hilar basal dendrites of dentate granule cells in a neonatal hypoxia model of epilepsy.

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    Numerous animal models of epileptogenesis demonstrate neuroplastic changes in the hippocampus. These changes occur not only for the mature neurons and glia, but also for the newly generated granule cells in the dentate gyrus. One of these changes, the sprouting of mossy fiber axons, is derived predominantly from newborn granule cells in adult rats with pilocarpine-induced temporal lobe epilepsy. Newborn granule cells also mainly contribute to another neuroplastic change, hilar basal dendrites (HBDs), which are synaptically targeted by mossy fibers in the hilus. Both sprouted mossy fibers and HBDs contribute to recurrent excitatory circuitry that is hypothesized to be involved in increased seizure susceptibility and the development of spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS) that occur following the initial pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. Considering the putative role of these neuroplastic changes in epileptogenesis, a critical question is whether similar anatomic phenomena occur after epileptogenic insults to the immature brain, where the proportion of recently born granule cells is higher due to ongoing maturation. The current study aimed to determine if such neuroplastic changes could be observed in a standardized model of neonatal seizure-inducing hypoxia that results in development of SRS. We used immunoelectron microscopy for the immature neuronal marker doublecortin to label newborn neurons and their HBDs following neonatal hypoxia. Our goal was to determine whether synapses form on HBDs from neurons born after neonatal hypoxia. Our results show a robust synapse formation on HBDs from animals that experienced neonatal hypoxia, regardless of whether the animals experienced tonic-clonic seizures during the hypoxic event. In both cases, the axon terminals that synapse onto HBDs were identified as mossy fiber terminals, based on the appearance of dense core vesicles. No such synapses were observed on HBDs from newborn granule cells obtained from sham animals analyzed at the same time points. This aberrant circuit formation may provide an anatomic substrate for increased seizure susceptibility and the development of epilepsy

    Synaptic input to dentate granule cell basal dendrites in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.

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    In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy some dentate granule cells develop basal dendrites. The extent of excitatory synaptic input to basal dendrites is unclear, nor is it known whether basal dendrites receive inhibitory synapses. We used biocytin to intracellularly label individual granule cells with basal dendrites in epileptic pilocarpine-treated rats. An average basal dendrite had 3.9 branches, was 612 microm long, and accounted for 16% of a cell's total dendritic length. In vivo intracellular labeling and postembedding GABA-immunocytochemistry were used to evaluate synapses with basal dendrites reconstructed from serial electron micrographs. An average of 7% of 1,802 putative synapses were formed by GABA-positive axon terminals, indicating synaptogenesis by interneurons. Ninety-three percent of the identified synapses were GABA-negative. Most GABA-negative synapses were with spines, but at least 10% were with dendritic shafts. Multiplying basal dendrite length/cell and synapse density yielded an estimate of 180 inhibitory and 2,140 excitatory synapses per granule cell basal dendrite. Based on previous estimates of synaptic input to granule cells in control rats, these findings suggest an average basal dendrite receives approximately 14% of the total inhibitory and 19% of excitatory synapses of a cell. These findings reveal that basal dendrites are a novel source of inhibitory input, but they primarily receive excitatory synapses

    Microglia-associated granule cell death in the normal adult dentate gyrus

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    Microglial cells are constantly monitoring the central nervous system for sick or dying cells and pathogens. Previous studies showed that the microglial cells in the dentate gyrus have a heterogeneous morphology with multipolar cells in the hilus and fusiform cells apposed to the granule cell layer both at the hilar and at the molecular layer borders. Although previous studies showed that the microglia in the dentate gyrus were not activated, the data in the present study show dying granule cells apposed by Iba1-immunolabeled microglial cell bodies and their processes both at hilar and at molecular layer borders of the granule cell layer. Initially, these Iba1-labeled microglial cells surround individual, intact granule cell bodies. When small openings in the plasma membrane of granule cells are observed, microglial cells are apposed to these openings. When larger openings in the plasma membrane occur at this site of apposition, the granule cells display watery perikaryal cytoplasm, watery nucleoplasm and damaged organelles. Such morphological features are characteristic of neuronal edema. The data also show that following this localized disintegration of the granule cell’s plasma membrane, the Iba1-labeled microglial cell body is found within the electron-lucent perikaryal cytoplasm of the granule cell, where it is adjacent to the granule cell’s nucleus which is deformed. We propose that granule cells are dying by a novel microglia-associated mechanism that involves lysis of their plasma membranes followed by neuronal edema and nuclear phagocytosis. Based on the morphological evidence, this type of cell death differs from either apoptosis or necrosis