6 research outputs found

    How to develop strategic and operational plan for research institute; a qualitative approach

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    Background: Spiritual health is recognized as one of the dimensions of health in Iran and in recent years many studies are conducted in this field in the country. This study aimed to review the experience of developing a five-year strategic plan and a one-year operational plan for the Spiritual Health Research Center (SHRC) of Iran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The study was conducted in three phases in a qualitative approach. first, researches on spiritual health in Iran, upstream documents, and stakeholders in this area were reviewed. Then the situation of SHRC was analyzed. Based on the information obtained in the previous phases, the center’s strategic plan was developed including vision, mission, and values ​​of the SHRC along with strategic objectives until 2023. The plan was presented during a focused group discussion meeting to the members of the research council of SHRC and finalized after receiving feedback. Results: Totally, 23 strategic five-year objectives were set for the SHRC to be archived by 2023. Then, the specific goals, activities, outcomes and indicators for the evaluation for the first year were determined. Conclusions: This study proposed a methodology for developing strategic and operational plan for research institutes. The methodology presented here can be applied to other national and international bodies and institutions

    Transition of Mental Health to a more Responsible Service in Iran

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    Objective: This study proposed a model for provision of an effective universal coverage for mental health services based on global and national experiences, available resources and the nature of primary health care system of Iran to reduce the burden of mental health conditions. Method: A framework with prioritized mental and social health services was devised through a review of literature and policy documents. It was then adapted using inputs from the stakeholders and experts. Results: The new model included 2 basic and specialized service strata: a PHC-based infrastructure and essential requirements needed to establish the service. Our proposed socio-mental health approach is based on a WHO recommendation. Conclusion: The key features of the model, which is going to be tested in a pilot study in 2015, are setting up a system for organized referrals to specialized mental facilities and compatibility with the existing primary health care system. Moreover, to achieve this goal, socio-mental health technicians should be employed

    Assessment of the Situation and the Cause of Junk Food Consumption in Iran and Recommendation of Interventions for Reducing its Consumption

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    Background and Objective: The consumption of junk food in Iran is alarmingly increasing. This study aimed to determine the influencing factors of junk food consumption and amendable interventions for decreasing  the consumption.Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study, Valid documentations were collected by searching the database using related key words and the key points were imported in a checklist and after identifying and prioritizing stakeholders through stakeholder analysis method, it was provided to stakeholders in the form of a questionnaire. The qualitative Method was Delphi. The questionnaire was sent by email to stakeholders and they asked to select and prioritize problems and required interventions. Consensus was reached after three rounds.      Results: The study showed that mean junk food consumption was high in Iran, especially in children and adolescents and the most important influencing factors was availability, low price, the impact of media, taste preferences, diversity and attractiveness of the package, inadequate awareness and lifestyle changes. Recommended interventions by stakeholders was including creation of a supportive environment, educational interventions, increased access to healthy food and control junk-food advertising in the media and imposed major changes in supportive priorities of  ministry of industry and mining toward producing healthy snacks.Conclusion: According to the findings, in line with public Policymaking, presentation of the results of this study as an advocacy paper to health policymakers and integrating it in the operational programs of the ministries of Health and Education and the media and holding supportive meetings with the producers of alternative products is proposed.</p

    Designing a Health-Orientation Ranking Model for Employers in Iran

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    Background and Objective: Employment is amongst fundamental social determinants of health. It is in the center of attention of major national policies and strategies of the countries considering economics, equity in health, employment and decent work. The purpose of this study was to design a model for ranking the health-orientation of employers in order to increase their social accountability. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in a qualitative approach. Data were collected via review of the literature, and focused group discussions with nine experts form five related areas. Based on the results of the group discussion, a draft of the charter for health ranking of the employers was drafted and finalized by the technical steering committee meeting. The final product of this study is the health-orientation ranking of the employers and the corresponding indicators. Results: The charter consists of three main components including goal, process, and regulatory necessities. Twenty four indicators in four groups were proposed for assessing the health-orientation of the employers including 1. Management interventions in workplace, 2. Safety interventions and accident reduction, 3. Interventions for reducing risk factors for employees and families, and 4. Compliance with environmental principles in the production cycle to the consumption of the product. Conclusion: The integration of all four dimensions of health and effective factors, and the social accountability in this ranking model, as well as the participation of the High Association of Employers in the country and the Higher Workers Association are the key qualities of this study. It is suggested that the implementation of the model be by self-declaration in the first year. DOI: http://doi.org/10.22037/ch.v5i4.1905

    The impact of urban family physician program on health service access and utilization in Iranian children and adolescents: Results of the national health services utilization survey in 2015

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    Background. The Urban Family Physician Program (UFPP) has been implemented in Fars and Mazandaran provinces of Iran since 2013 with the aim of improving access and utilization of health services, with a particular focus on children and adolescents. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in achieving this goal, this study aimed to compare the access and utilization of health services among children living in areas covered by the UFPP with those living in other regions of Iran. Methods. A secondary analysis was performed using data from the 2015 National Health Utilization Survey. The data of people aged under 18 were extracted and indicators on the use of health services based on three main models of health service provisions were compared: (1) cities in Fars and Mazandaran provinces (UFPP implemented); (2) cities in other Iranian provinces (excluding Fars and Mazandaran); and (3) villages and cities with a population under 20,000. Results. The study included 20,689 children. The outpatient and inpatient visits in children living in Fars and Mazandaran provinces were higher than in children from other provinces and smaller towns (11.89 vs. 7.92 and 7.21 for outpatient and 4.74 vs. 3.51 and 4.27 for inpatient, respectively). Furthermore, UFPP was found to be associated with a higher utilization of health services in children residing in cities (odds ratio=1.50 (1.98-1.15)). Additionally, the cost of outpatient and inpatient health services in areas where the UFPP was implemented was lower compared to other parts of the country. Conclusion. The urban family physician program has been successful in increasing the access to health services and reducing health costs in children. Practical Implications. The findings suggest that the urban family physician program can be an effective strategy for improving healthcare access and reducing costs, especially in areas with high population density. Policymakers and healthcare providers can use the results of this study to inform the development and implementation of similar programs in other countries, with the aim of improving healthcare access and reducing healthcare costs in children and adolescents