14 research outputs found
Factors Influencing Individual Performance in an Indonesian Government Office
Reformation in Indonesian government offices leads to many substantial changes, and demands improved job performances while arguably loading employees with more work. This research aims to understand factors that potentially influence job performance in Indonesian government offices that carries on such reformation. Using adapted scales from previous studies, this research investigates the role of workload, responsibility for others (level of responsibility to care for other people) and need for achievement on employee’s performance. A survey to all full-time workers in an Indonesian government office is conducted. Contrary to expectation, workload does not influence employee’s performance. Instead, regression analysis demonstrates that, employee’s need for achievement and responsibility for others are significant factors affecting individual performance. These results are important because they highlight the significance of need for achievement for the success of reformation in this office, and by extension for reformation in Indonesia. The results are also interesting because this is the first study that points out to the role of responsibility for others in influencing individual performance in Indonesia which is characterized by collectivistic culture. This paper discusses the contributions of these results for theory and practice.  
How does proactive personality promote calling at work? A dual-path mediation model
Pada studi sebelumnya mekanisme calling sebagai adaptation result mampu dijelaskan menggunakan career construction theory (CCT) melalui adaptive readiness dan adapting response yang dimiliki dan dilakukan karyawan, namun perspektif tersebut diketahui belum memperhitungkan faktor eksternal yang mungkin dapat mempengaruhi adapting response sehingga dapat berdampak pada pembentukan calling mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan tersebut dengan menggunakan tidak hanya perspektif CCT, melainkan perspektif social exchange theory (SET) untuk melihat hubungan proactive personality dengan calling individu melalui peranan dua mediator yaitu job crafting dan LMX. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan survei daring dengan melibatkan karyawan aktif (N=222) yang telah bekerja minimal satu tahun di berbagai industri perbankan. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis model mediasi paralel dari Hayes (2017) dengan SPSS for Windows. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa proactive personality secara positif berkontribusi pada calling baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui kedua mediator (i.e job crafting dan LMX). Model mediasi jalur ganda ini memberikan perspektif baru dalam memahami bahwa job crafting dan LMX masing-masing memiliki peran tersendiri dalam menjelaskan mekanisme hubungan proactive personality dengan calling karyawan dalam pekerjaannya. Maka dari itu temuan ini dapat melengkapi literatur yang ada tentang implikasi teoritis dan praktis dari calling.In previous studies, calling mechanism as an adaptation result can be explained using the career construction theory (CCT) through the adaptive readiness and adapting response that employees have and do. However, this perspective has not accounted for external factors that might affect the adapting response impact on the formation of their calling. This study aimed at addressing this gap by using not only the CCT perspective but also the social exchange theory (SET) to see the relationship between proactive personality and individual calling through the roles of two mediators, namely job crafting and LMX. The research data were collected using an online survey involving active employees (N = 222) who have worked for at least one year in various banking industries. The data were analysed using a parallel mediation model analysis from Hayes (2017) with SPSS for Windows. The results show that proactive personality positively contributes to calling either directly or indirectly through both mediators (i.e job crafting and LMX). This dual path mediation model provides a new perspective in understanding that each job crafting and LMX has their role in explaining the mechanism of the relationship between proactive personality and the calling of the employees in their work. Therefore, this study has both theoretical and practical implications for the existing literature of calling
Anteseden leader endorsement: Perspektif teori identitas sosial
Salah satu kunci dari efektivitas kepemimpinan adalah bagaimana seorang pemimpin diterima dan didukung oleh bawahannya (leader endorsement). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi dukungan bawahan terhadap pemimpin berdasarkan teori identitas sosial. Artikel ini memiliki hipotesis bahwa prototipikalitas pemimpin (leader prototypicality) dan personal bases of power dari pemimpin (expert power dan referent power) memengaruhi dukungan bawahan terhadap pemimpinnya. Menggunakan online surveys kami berhasil mendapatkan partisipan sebanyak 135 karyawan dari berbagai perusahaan swasta di Indonesia. Reliabilitas masing-masing alat ukur yang digunakan berkisar antara 0,80 – 0,90. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) leader prototypicality tidak signifikan memengaruhi leader endorsement (β = .124; p < .05); (2) leaders’ expert power (β = .767; p < .01) dan leaders’ referent power (β = .363; p < .01) signifikan memengaruhi leader endorsement. Faktor tersebut mampu memprediksi varian leader endorsement sebesar 78,3%, F(3.94) = 56.706, p < .01. Temuan penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan teori identitas sosial bahwa pada konteks perusahaan swasta, identitas sosial pemimpin bukan menjadi faktor yang menentukan terbentuknya dukungan terhadap pemimpin
Peran Employability dalam Hubungan Job Insecurity dan Kepuasan Kerja
Job insecurity is often thought to cause lower job satisfaction. However, research shows that the relationship between these two variables is more complicated than previously assumed. Previous studies fail to provide conclusive results, which indicate that the relationships between job insecurity and job satisfaction may be moderated by other variables. Two variables that can explainthis relationship are employability, defined as employees' perception of their abilities to find a new job, and work status differences (i.e., permanent and contract employees). Therefore, this study hypothesizes that employability will moderate the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction for, both, permanent and contract employees. Adapting scales from previous research, this study conducted a cross-sectional survey of 172 employees, comprised of permanent and contract employees, of a logistic services company in Indonesia. Results reveal that employability moderates the relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction among permanent but not contract employees. This paper also discusses the implication of these results for the advancement of organizational behavior theory, especially for understanding the impact of job insecurity on job satisfaction. Keywords: employability, contracted employees, job Insecurity, job satisfaction, permanent employee
Acquiescent and Defensive Silence in an Indonesian Context
Although employee silence is already well-known to cause harms to both employees and organizations, less is known about the individual and situational factors that can influence it. This study reveals the relationships among acquiescent silence, defensive silence, psychological contract breaches, job-based psychological ownership, voice efficacy, psychological safety and task cohesion. Employing scales with good reliability scores (α between 0.8 to 0.95), we conducted a survey on a sample of of 260 public employees of an Indonesia's government institution. Analysis indicates that (1) individual factors (voice efficacy and psychological contract breach) and situational factors (task cohesion and psychological safety) work hand in hand to affect silence behavior; and (2) job-based psychological ownership has no relationship with acquiescent and defensive silence. This paper discusses (1) the importance incorporating individual and situational factors in understanding silence behavior; and (2) the collectivistic nature of Indonesian people that may contribute to the importance of situational factor (i.e., task cohesion) on silence behavior well and beyond psychological ownership
Employee accountability in Indonesia: The role of formalization, managerial monitoring behavior and perceived competence.
Accountability is an imperative element of organizations that Human Resource Management establishes as a behavior guideline. It encourages employees to be responsible for decisions and actions they took. Employing Social Cognitive theory, this study aims to investigate the mechanism of how formalization influences employee accountability. We hypothesize that this relationship is mediated by managerial monitoring behavior and perceived competence. Data was collected from 331 employees of a government agency in Indonesia. Structural equation modelling analysis reveals that (1) formalization directly and indirectly influences employee accountability, and its direct effect is higher than its indirect effect, suggesting the importance of formalization system in Human Resource Management; (2) the contribution of perceived competence as a mediator between formalization and employee accountability is higher than the contribution of managerial monitoring behavior, suggesting the importance of micro-foundations of Human Resource research; (3) the relationship between formalization and employee accountability was serially mediated by managerial monitoring behavior, which was preceded by managerial monitoring behavior for task performance and continued by managerial monitoring behavior for interpersonal facilitation This study contributes to international Human Resource Management literature by explaining the mechanism by which formalization affect accountability
Voice Behavior: The Role of Perceived Support and Psychological Ownership
This study aims to delineate the key socio-emotional needs important for voicebehavior. To do this, we examine individual and contextual factors as mechanismsunderlying how psychological ownership and perceived support influenceemployee voice behavior. Employing survey research of 210 employees from twobig companies in Indonesia, analyses revealed that perceived supervisor supporthad direct and indirect effects on voice behavior, and job-based psychologicalownership is a crucial mediator of the relationship between organization-basedpsychological ownership and perceived supervisor support on voice behavior. Pathanalysis offered further support for the complete model (χ= 4.25, df = 3, P-value= 0.235, RMSEA = 0.045). The present study contributes to current understandingby demonstrating that psychological ownership (i.e., an individual characteristic)and perceived supervisor support (i.e., a contextual characteristic) dynamicallyaffect voice behavior. We discuss implications for research on voice behavior byhighlighting key drivers to support employees’ emotional needs that are essentialfor voice behavior. 2</div
Merangkul karyawan berorientasi power distance tinggi untuk menampilkan voice behavior: Peranan managerial openness
This study aims to investigate the moderating role of managerial openness in the relationbetween power distance orientation and voice behavior. We have successfully collected the datathrough online survey with a total of 102 employees in the Organization XYZ Jakarta. Ouranalysis revealed that power distance orientation is negatively related to voice behavior.However, managerial openness weakened the negative relation between power distanceorientation and voice behavior. Thus, managerial openness was a significant moderator of therelationship between power distance orientation and voice behavior. This result supports thesocial exchange theory which assumed that a person’s relationship with other people isdeveloped and evaluated based on the consequences of their behaviors and the efforts exertedin maintaining the relationships. This study contributes to the understanding of the relationshipbetween power distance orientation and managerial openness in constructing voice behavior