41 research outputs found

    Doublet→quartet and doublet→doublet electronic transitions in NO2 by electron impact

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    The electron-impact energy-loss spectrum of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) has been measured at impact energies of 25, 50, and 75 eV, and scattering angles varying from 5° to 80°. A previously unreported spin-forbidden doublet→quartet transition was observed at 4.49 eV, in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations. Doublet→doublet transitions were observed at 2.95, 5.81, 7.48, 8.64, 9.69, 10.52, 10.68, 10.94, and 11.20 eV, in agreement with previous experimental and theoretical work. In addition, numerous doublet→doublet transitions to superexcited states were observed

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pergantian Kantor Akuntan Publik (Auditor Switching)

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    This study examined the effects of going concern audit opinion, management change, KAP size, client size and financial distress on auditor switching.The sample of this study is 44 of Manufacturing Companies Listed On The Stock Exchange (BEI) during 2011-2013. Analytical techniques used to perform the hypothesis testing is purposive sampling. Data are analyzed using logistic regression method using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) 17 version.The results showed that the going concern audit opinion, KAP size, client size and financial distress had a effect to auditor switching. But management change had not effect to auditor switching. Going concern audit opinion showed coefficient -0,291 with the signification values 0,003. This the decision made is to accept hypothesis H1. Management change showed coefficient -0,204 with the signification values 0,287. This the decision made was to reject hypothesis H2. KAP size showed coefficient -0,106 with the signification values 0,000. This the decision made is to accept hypothesis H3. Client size showed coefficient -2,501 with the signification values 0,013. This the decision made was to reject hypothesis H4. And the financial distress showed coefficient 1,453 with the signification values 0,034. This the decision made is to accept hypothesis H5.Keywords : auditor switching, going concern audit opinion, management change, KAP size, client size, financial distress

    Management of MDR-TB in HIV co-infected patients in Eastern Europe: Results from the TB:HIV study

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    Objectives Mortality among HIV patients with tuberculosis (TB) remains high in Eastern Europe (EE), but details of TB and HIV management remain scarce. Methods In this prospective study, we describe the TB treatment regimens of patients with multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Results A total of 105 HIV-positive patients had MDR-TB (including 33 with extensive drug resistance) and 130 pan-susceptible TB. Adequate initial TB treatment was provided for 8% of patients with MDR-TB compared with 80% of those with pan-susceptible TB. By twelve months, an estimated 57.3% (95%CI 41.5\u201374.1) of MDR-TB patients had started adequate treatment. While 67% received ART, HIV-RNA suppression was demonstrated in only 23%. Conclusions Our results show that internationally recommended MDR-TB treatment regimens were infrequently used and that ART use and viral suppression was well below the target of 90%, reflecting the challenging patient population and the environment in which health care is provided. Urgent improvement of management of patients with TB/HIV in EE, in particular for those with MDR-TB, is needed and includes widespread access to rapid TB diagnostics, better access to and use of second-line TB drugs, timely ART initiation with viral load monitoring, and integration of TB/HIV care

    Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada PT Rajasaland Bandung

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini yaitu ada konflik yang dihadapi PT Rajasaland Bandung terkait kompensasi, lingkungan kerja fisik serta kinerja pegawai. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini berfungsi sebagai analisis juga menguji pengaruh antar variabel antara lain kompensasi, lingkungan kerja fisik, serta kinerja pegawai pada PT Rajasaland Bandung. Pada penelitian ini, menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Teknik sampling yang digunakan yaitu sampling jenuh. Populasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu semua pegawai PT Rajasaland Bandung serta mengambil sampel yang menggunakan cara sampling jenuh dengan total perespon dalam meneliti ialah terdapat responden yang berjumlah 50. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu kompensasi masuk kedalam kategori cukup baik, lingkungan kerja fisik berada pada kategori cukup baik, dan kinerja pegawai pada kategori sangat baik. Dari penelitian ini membuktikan kompensasi tidak mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai secara parsial, lingkungan kerja fisik berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai secara parsial. Dan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kompensasi dan lingkungan kerja fisik terhadap kinerja pegawai secara simultan. Kata Kunci: Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik, Kinerja Karyawan, Bisnis Propert

    Analysis of Preference Consumers Against Coffee Local at Regency Muna

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    The study aims to determine factors that influence the preference of consumers to coffee locally in Regency Muna, to determine the priority choice of consumers to coffee locally in Regency Muna, and to determine a shift in the balance of consumers to coffee Local in Regency Muna.The population in this study are consumers who buy and consume coffee at the study site, the determination of the sample is done by random sampling to obtain 75 respondents. Data collection is done through interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis using multivariate regression analysis with the help of SPSS 16 for windows, analysis of exponential comparison methods and markov analysis. The results of this study indicate that consumer preferences for local coffee on taste variables have a significant effect with a significant value of n 0,000 <0.05, aroma variables have a significant effect 0,000 <0.05, and color variables have a significant effect 0,000 <0.05, MPE analysis shows that local kahawai coffee still has a great opportunity as a priority for consumers in the consumption of coffee in the Maabholu Village, and Markov analysis shows the equilibrium point in the 16th period namely local kahawai coffee 0.243, instant ABC Mocca coffee 0.387, instant coffee boat fire 0.230, and instant coffee Tora Bika 0.054

    Telaah Norma Terhadap Dispensasi Kawin Dalam Sistem Hukum Indonesia Untuk Kepentingan Si Anak

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    Pemberlakuan Perma ini ialah sebagai antisipasi dan standarisasi agar putusan atau penetapan pengadilan lebih merperhatikan banyak aspek ketika hendak memberikan izin kepada anak untuk melangsungkan perkawinan. Sehingga produk yang dihasilkan nanti dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum maupun akademik. Dan yang terpenting dari penetapan dispensasi kawin yang dikeluarkan pengadilan agama ialah berdasarkan kepentingan terbaik untuk anak (for the best interest of the child). Karenanya anggapan bahwa pengadilan agama senantiasa mempermudah bahkan melegalkan pernikahan dini merupakan anggapan yang sangat keliru. Sebagai kewenangan Pengadilan Agama, perkara dispensasi kawin sangat dilematis dan debatable karena secara simultan perkara tersebut bias nilai, antara kemaslahatan, kemudharatan, dan perilaku masyarakat. Secara sosiologi, masyarakat senantiasa mengalami Perubahan dan yang menjadi pembeda hanyalah pada sifat atau tingkat Perubahannya. Salah satu aspek mendasar dari cerminan putusan-putusan Peradilan Agama yang mengedepankan upaya pencegahan pernikahan anak adalah mempersempit ruang gerak pengajuan perkara pernikahan anak, memeriksa perkara secara lebih cermat dengan menambah beban pembuktian, serta komitmen para pihak merespon akibat negatif yang ditimbulkan dalam pernikahan anak. Kata Kunci : Dispensasi Perkawinan, Antisipasi, Standarisas