908 research outputs found

    Management of Impotence After Treatment of Carcinoma of the Prostate

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    Impotence commonly occurs as a result of treatment of carcinoma of the prostate. We review the etiology, evaluation, and treatment options available for these patients as well as our experience with fifty prostate cancer patients who underwent placement of penile prostheses. Several excellent alternatives are available for patients with impotence resulting from treatment of carcinoma of the prostate

    Full parameter scan of the Zee model: exploring Higgs lepton flavor violation

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    Published: April 21, 2017We study the general Zee model, which includes an extra Higgs scalar doublet and a new singly-charged scalar singlet. Neutrino masses are generated at one-loop level, and in order to describe leptonic mixing, both the Standard Model and the extra Higgs scalar doublets need to couple to leptons (in a type-III two-Higgs doublet model), which necessarily generates large lepton flavor violating signals, also in Higgs decays. Imposing all relevant phenomenological constraints and performing a full numerical scan of the parameter space, we find that both normal and inverted neutrino mass orderings can be fitted, although the latter is disfavored with respect to the former. In fact, inverted ordering can only be accommodated if ξ₂₃ turns out to be in the first octant. A branching ratio for h → Ï„ÎŒ of up to 10⁻ÂČ is allowed, but it could be as low as 10⁻⁶. In addition, if future expected sensitivities of τ → ÎŒÎł are achieved, normal ordering can be almost completely tested. Also, ÎŒe conversion is expected to probe large parts of the parameter space, excluding completely inverted ordering if no signal is observed. Furthermore, non-standard neutrino interactions are found to be smaller than 10⁻⁶, which is well below future experimental sensitivity. Finally, the results of our scan indicate that the masses of the additional scalars have to be below 2.5 TeV, and typically they are lower than that and therefore within the reach of the LHC and future colliders.Juan Herrero-GarcĂ­a, Tommy Ohlsson, Stella Riad and Jens WirĂ©

    Effekte einer akuten Dosis Ethanol auf bestimmte AminosÀuren und verwandte Verbindungen in Plasma, Aorta, Herz, Pancreas und Bronchus von Ratten

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    Effekte einer akuten Dosis Ethanol (2g/kg, IP) auf bestimmte AminosĂ€uren und verwandte Verbindungen wurden untersucht. Die AminosĂ€urespiegel bzw. deren Verteilung ist Ă€hnlich, aber nicht gleich, in den verschiedenen Geweben. In den verschiedenen Geweben fanden wir teilweise erniedrigte Spiegel, teilweise aber auch erhöhte Spiegel nach Ethanol-Gabe. Diese VerĂ€nderungen bezogen sich 1. auf die einzelnen AminosĂ€uren oder 2. auf die unterschiedlich- en Gewebe. Eine Anzahl Korrelationen einiger Aminoverbindungen in Plasma oder Geweben wurde gefunden, waren aber oft unterschiedlich zwischen Kontroll- und Ethanolratten. Ethanol-induzierte VerĂ€nderungen in den Geweben korrelieren im Allgemeinen nicht mit den VerĂ€nderungen im Plasma und sind meistens fĂŒr die untersuchten Gewebe spezifisch

    Optical extinction in a single layer of nanorods

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    We demonstrate that almost 100 % of incident photons can interact with a monolayer of scatterers in a symmetrical environment. Nearly-perfect optical extinction through free-standing transparent nanorod arrays has been measured. The sharp spectral opacity window, in the form of a characteristic Fano resonance, arises from the coherent multiple scattering in the array. In addition, we show that nanorods made of absorbing material exhibit a 25-fold absorption enhancement per unit volume compared to unstructured thin film. These results open new perspectives for light management in high-Q, low volume dielectric nanostructures, with potential applications in optical systems, spectroscopy, and optomechanics

    One-loop renormalization of general noncommutative Yang-Mills field model coupled to scalar and spinor fields

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    We study the theory of noncommutative U(N) Yang-Mills field interacting with scalar and spinor fields in the fundamental and the adjoint representations. We include in the action both the terms describing interaction between the gauge and the matter fields and the terms which describe interaction among the matter fields only. Some of these interaction terms have not been considered previously in the context of noncommutative field theory. We find all counterterms for the theory to be finite in the one-loop approximation. It is shown that these counterterms allow to absorb all the divergencies by renormalization of the fields and the coupling constants, so the theory turns out to be multiplicatively renormalizable. In case of 1PI gauge field functions the result may easily be generalized on an arbitrary number of the matter fields. To generalize the results for the other 1PI functions it is necessary for the matter coupling constants to be adapted in the proper way. In some simple cases this generalization for a part of these 1PI functions is considered.Comment: 1+26 pages, figures using axodraw, clarifications adde

    Non-renormalizability of noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory

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    We analyze the divergent part of the one-loop effective action for the noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory coupled to the fermions in the fundamental representation. We show that the divergencies in the 2-point and the 3-point functions in the Ξ\theta-linear order can be renormalized, while the divergence in the 4-point fermionic function cannot.Comment: 15 pages, results presented at ESI 2d dilaton gravity worksho

    Comparison between chloral hydrate and propofol-ketamine as sedation regimens for pediatric auditory brainstem response testing

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    Introduction The use of diagnostic auditory brainstem response testing under sedation is currently the “gold standard” in infants and young children who are not developmentally capable of completing the test. Objective The aim of the study is to compare a propofol-ketamine regimen to an oral chloral hydrate regimen for sedating children undergoing auditory brainstem response testing. Methods Patients between 4 months and 6 years who required sedation for auditory brainstem response testing were included in this retrospective study. Drugs doses, adverse effects, sedation times, and the effectiveness of the sedative regimens were reviewed. Results 73 patients underwent oral chloral hydrate sedation, while 117 received propofol-ketamine sedation. 12% of the patients in the chloral hydrate group failed to achieve desired sedation level. The average procedure, recovery and total nursing times were significantly lower in the propofol-ketamine group. Propofol-ketamine group experienced higher incidence of transient hypoxemia. Conclusion Both sedation regimens can be successfully used for sedating children undergoing auditory brainstem response testing. While deep sedation using propofol-ketamine regimen offers more efficiency than moderate sedation using chloral hydrate, it does carry a higher incidence of transient hypoxemia, which warrants the use of a highly skilled team trained in pediatric cardio-respiratory monitoring and airway management

    Multi-scenario modelling of learning

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    International audienceDesigning an educational scenario is a sensitive and challenging activity because it is the vector of learning. However, the designed scenario may not correspond to some learners’ characteristics (pace of work, cognitive styles, emotional factors, prerequisite knowledge, 
). To personalize the learning task and adapt it gradually to each learner, several scenarios are needed. Adaptation and personalization are difficult because it is necessary on the one hand to know in advance the profiles and on the other hand to produce the multiple scenarios corresponding to these profiles. Our model allows to design many scenarios without knowing the learner profiles beforehand. Furthermore, it offers each learner opportunities to choose a scenario and to change it during their learning process. The model ensures that all announced objectives have enough resources for acquiring knowledge and activities for evaluation

    Positronium Hyperfine Splitting in Non-commutative Space at the Order α6\alpha^6

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    We obtain positronium Hyperfine Splitting owing to the non-commutativity of space and show that, in the leading order, it is proportional to Ξα6\theta \alpha^6 where, Ξ\theta is the parameter of non-commutativity. It is also shown that spatial non-commutativity splits the spacing between n=2n=2 triplet excited levels E(23S1)→E(23P2)E(2^3S_1)\to E(2^3P_2) which provides an experimental test on the non-commutativity of space.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
