1 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Sistem Pernafasan Menggunakan Metode Mind Map Untuk Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Rambah Hilir

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    This research aims to determine the development module feasibility respiratory systems using methods mind map for class VIII the state junior higt school 3 Rambah Hilir. This type of research is (of research and development). This research had been condusted in January to august until 2016. The data Collected in this research is the result of sheets of validation by experts and by the result of the questionnaire of teachers and students as well as data analized in descriptive. The result indicated that module respiratory systems using methods mind map for students of class VIII the state junior higt school 3 Rambah Hilir. Based on material expert 76,67% (worthy), linguists 75,00 % (worthy) and media experts 75,00 % (worthy). The result of the trial of individuals 88,89% (very worthy) the trial of a small scale 92,86 % (very worthy) and the trial of a large scale 91,67 % (very worthy) and teachers 85,42 % (very worthy). Based on research results above, can be concluded that the respiratory system mudules mind map using worthy used for material