14 research outputs found

    Plant Growth Response Of Subirrigated Salvia 'vista Red' To Increasing Water Levels At Two Substrates

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Subirrigation applies water and nutrients to the bottom of pots without wetting leaves, improving water use and reducing disease spread compared to overhead irrigation systems. However, water levels applied within the benches are often higher than required to promote capillary action, applying more water than needed and wasting pumping energy. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different water levels on plant growth of subirrigated salvia (Salvia splendens) 'Vista Red'in two substrates. Five water levels (0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 cm) and two substrates {pine bark: sphagnum peat moss and peat: perlite (both 75%: 25% v/v)} were tested, with four replications. Substrate moisture was monitored by capacitance-type sensors connected to a multiplexer and data logger. Volumetric water content (VWC) was higher in peat: perlite (0.34 to 0.75 m(3)/m(3)) than pine bark: sphagnum peat moss (0.21 to 0.60 m(3)/m(3)) at all water levels. Higher water levels increased VWC in both substrates. The leaf chlorophyll index was 4% lower at the 6.0 cm compared to the other treatments in peat: perlite (p 0.05), an indication that the different water levels do not affect the plant growth. However, shoot plant height increased 13% in pine bark: sphagnum peat moss (p= 0.0096) and 17% in peat: perlite (p= 0.0335) as water levels increased. Water levels of 1.5 cm and higher can be recommended for pine bark: sphagnum peat moss or peat: perlite in subirrigation, applying water according to plant needs, optimizing plant growth and reducing the nutrient solution pumping costs compared to systems that apply higher water levels.342202209Capes Foundation (Ministry of Education, Brazil) [BEX 1390/10-4]American Floral EndowmentUSDA-NIFA-SCRI award [2009-51181-05768]Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Crescimento de sálvia 'Vista Red' em subirrigação com diferentes alturas de lâmina de água em dois substratos

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    : Subirrigation applies water and nutrients to the bottom of pots without wetting leaves, improving water use and reducing disease spread compared to overhead irrigation systems. However, water levels applied within the benches are often higher than required to promote capillary action, applying more water than needed and wasting pumping energy. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different water levels on plant growth of subirrigated salvia (Salvia splendens) 'Vista Red' in two substrates. Five water levels (0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 cm) and two substrates {pine bark: sphagnum peat moss and peat: perlite (both 75%: 25% v/v)} were tested, with four replications. Substrate moisture was monitored by capacitance-type sensors connected to a multiplexer and data logger. Volumetric water content (VWC) was higher in peat: perlite (0.34 to 0.75 m3/m3) than pine bark: sphagnum peat moss (0.21 to 0.60 m3/m3) at all water levels. Higher water levels increased VWC in both substrates. The leaf chlorophyll index was 4% lower at the 6.0 cm compared to the other treatments in peat: perlite (p0.05), an indication that the different water levels do not affect the plant growth. However, shoot plant height increased 13% in pine bark: sphagnum peat moss (p=0.0096) and 17% in peat: perlite (p=0.0335) as water levels increased. Water levels of 1.5 cm and higher can be recommended for pine bark: sphagnum peat moss or peat: perlite in subirrigation, applying water according to plant needs, optimizing plant growth and reducing the nutrient solution pumping costs compared to systems that apply higher water levels.: Na subirrigação água e nutrientes são aplicados na parte inferior dos recipientes de cultivo, otimizando o uso da água e reduzindo a propagação de doenças quando comparada com sistemas de irrigação por aspersão. No entanto, as lâminas aplicadas dentro das mesas são geralmente mais elevadas que o necessário, com aplicação inadequada de água e desperdício de energia para bombeamento. O presente estudo foi realizado para avaliar o efeito de diferentes alturas de lâmina de água no crescimento de plantas subirrigadas de sálvia (Salvia splendens) 'Vista Red' em dois substratos. Foram testadas cinco alturas de água (0,75; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5 e 6,0 cm) e dois substratos {casca de pinheiro: esfagno e turfa: perlita (ambos na proporção 75%: 25% v/v)}, com quatro repetições. A umidade do substrato foi monitorada por sensores capacitivos conectados a um multiplexador e sistema automático de aquisição de dados. O conteúdo volumétrico de água (CVA) foi maior na casca de pinheiro: esfagno (0,34 a 0,75 m3/m3) do que na turfa: perlita (0,21 a 0,6 m3/m3) em todas as lâminas testadas. Alturas de água mais elevadas proporcionaram maior CVA em ambos os substratos. O indice de clorofila no tecido foliar foi 4% menor para o tratamento 6,0 cm em comparação com os outros tratamentos na turfa: perlita (p 0,05), um indicativo de que as diferentes alturas da lâmina de água não afetam o crescimento das plantas. No entanto, a altura da parte aérea aumentou em 13% para casca de pinheiro: esfagno (p=0,0096) e 17% para turfa: perlita (p=0,0335) com o aumento das lâminas. Alturas de lâmina de água maiores que 1,5 cm podem ser recomendadas para casca de pinheiro: esfagno ou turfa: perlita em subirrigação, com aplicação de água de acordo com as necessidades das plantas para otimização do crescimento vegetal e redução dos custos de bombeamento de solução quando comparado com sistemas de irrigação que aplicam lâminas de água mais elevadas.34220220

    Subirrigação automatizada por sensores capacitivos para produção de sálvia

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    Subirrigation is typically controlled using timers to periodically irrigate plants based on a pre-determined schedule. The objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of capacitance-type sensors to monitor substrate water content and to control subirrigation automatically for salvia production in greenhouse. Additionally, we quantified the effect of different substrate volumetric water content (VWC) on growth of plants cultivated in 15-cm diameter × 13.75-cm height pots. Automation was performed using three EC-5 capacitance soil moisture sensors per experimental unit, connected to a system with a CR10X data logger, AM16/32 multiplexer, SDM-CD16AC relay driver and NK-2 submersible pumps. Substrate moisture readings were taken every 15 minutes, and plants were irrigated only if the readings dropped below pre-set VWC thresholds. We evaluated five levels of substrate VWC (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 m3 m-3), with two replications, in a completely randomized design. The system effectively monitored and recorded VWC, and controlled irrigation accordingly. Substrate VWC ranged from 0.1 to 0.41, 0.2 to 0.39, 0.3 to 0.41, 0.4 to 0.43 and 0.5 to 0.53 m3 m-3, in ascending order of the treatments, with the highest values recorded after irrigation events. The number of irrigation events, total volume of nutrient solution applied, net photosynthesis, dry weight, number of branches and leaves, shoot height, leaf area, canopy light interception, and leaf chlorophyll content all increased significantly with the increase in VWC (p<0.0001). The VWC of 0.5 m3m-3 provided the highest plant growth (p<0.0001). Capacitance sensors can be used to both monitor soil moisture and control subirrigation for salvia production in soilless substrate, reducing the possibility of water stress caused by daily irrigation schedule using timers.323314320COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESSem informaçãoAtualmente o controle da subirrigação é realizado por meio de temporizadores, usando calendário fixo para acionamento periódico da irrigação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de sensores capacitivos no monitoramento da umidade do substrato e no controle automatizado da subirrigação para a produção de sálvia em ambiente protegido. Adicionalmente, quantificou-se o efeito de diferentes conteúdos volumétricos de água (CVA) do substrato no crescimento de plantas cultivadas em vasos com 15 cm de diâmetro × 13,75 cm de altura. A automação foi realizada por três sensores de umidade EC-5 por unidade experimental, conectados a um sistema constituído por sistema de aquisição de dados CR10X, multiplexador AM16/32, controlador de saídas SDM-CD16AC e bombas submersas NK-2. As determinações da umidade eram realizadas a cada 15 minutos, com acionamento da irrigação somente quando as leituras eram inferiores aos valores estabelecidos como tratamentos. Foram utilizados cinco CVA do substrato (0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4 e 0,5 m3 m-3), com duas repetições e em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O sistema monitorou a umidade do substrato e controlou a subirrigação adequadamente ao longo do tempo. A umidade do substrato variou de 0,1 a 0,41; 0,2 a 0,39; 0,3 a 0,41; 0,4 a 0,43 e 0,5 a 0,53 m3 m-3, na ordem crescente dos tratamentos, com os resultados mais altos registrados imediatamente após as irrigações. O número de irrigações, volume total de solução nutritiva aplicado, fotossíntese líquida, massa seca, número de ramos e de folhas, altura da parte aérea, área foliar, interceptação luminosa pelo dossel e teor relativo de clorofila aumentaram significativamente com o aumento do CVA (p<0,0001). O CVA de 0,5 m3 m-3 proporcionou maior crescimento das plantas (p<0,0001). Sensores capacitivos podem ser utilizados no monitoramento da umidade e controle da subirrigação na produção de sálvia, reduzindo a possibilidade de estresse hídrico causado por irrigações diárias usando temporizadores

    Water height and irrigation time effect on substrate water content in subirrigation

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    CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOA subirrigação reduz o descarte inadequado de água e nutrientes nos solos e lençóis freáticos por ser um sistema fechado, com recirculação de solução nutritiva. O sistema é utilizado comercialmente na indústria de plantas ornamentais. Porém, informações s352186194CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO479.665/2009-52012/01734-

    Method to evaluate the efficiency of manual overhead irrigation in citrus rootstock liner production

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    Brazil produces grafted citrus seedlings in closed screen houses to reduce pest and disease incidence. Irrigation is usually performed by hand using either breaker nozzles or drilled polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe wands on garden hoses. Rootstocks are produced in cone-shaped containers filled with soilless potting mix. Since the containers have a small upper diameter, nutrient solution capture is reduced with the potential to cause environmental contamination from inefficient fertigation. This study provides a method to assess the efficiency of manual overhead irrigation systems used in liner production. The method consists of determining both the volume of water applied and volume lost (i.e., directly and by percolation) in order to obtain an estimate of the percentage of water loss, irrigation efficiency, and the drainage fraction. The method was tested in a commercial facility under standard production practices. The method's attributes included simplicity, quick sampling and data collection, and accuracy. The evaluated nursery was found to have low irrigation efficiency (27.14%) and excessive nutrient solution losses (72.86%). Considering an average production of 300,000 liners per year on 20,000 m(2), we determined an annual solution loss of 221.8 m(3) with an average environmental release of 158.9 kg of fertilizer. Therefore, more efficient irrigation systems are necessary for sustainable citrus rootstock liners production.364724735CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPES479,394/2006-7; 479,665/2009-5Sem informaçã

    Effect of Huanglongbing or Greening Disease on Orange Juice Quality, a Review

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    Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening is the most severe citrus disease, currently devastating the citrus industry worldwide. The presumed causal bacterial agent Candidatus Liberibacter spp. affects tree health as well as fruit development, ripening and quality of citrus fruits and juice. Fruit from infected orange trees can be either symptomatic or asymptomatic. Symptomatic oranges are small, asymmetrical and greener than healthy fruit. Furthermore, symptomatic oranges show higher titratable acidity and lower soluble solids, solids/acids ratio, total sugars, and malic acid levels. Among flavor volatiles, ethyl butanoate, valencene, decanal and other ethyl esters are lower, but many monoterpenes are higher in symptomatic fruit compared to healthy and asymptomatic fruit. The disease also causes an increase in secondary metabolites in the orange peel and pulp, including hydroxycinnamic acids, limonin, nomilin, narirutin, and hesperidin. Resulting from these chemical changes, juice made from symptomatic fruit is described as distinctly bitter, sour, salty/umami, metallic, musty, and lacking in sweetness and fruity/orange flavor. Those effects are reported in both Valencia and Hamlin oranges, two cultivars that are commercially processed for juice in Florida. The changes in the juice are reflective of a decrease in quality of the fresh fruit, although not all fresh fruit varieties have been tested. Earlier research showed that HLB-induced off-flavor was not detectable in juice made with up to 25% symptomatic fruit in healthy juice, by chemical or sensory analysis. However, a blend with a higher proportion of symptomatic juice would present a detectable and recognizable off flavor. In some production regions, such as Florida in the United States, it is increasingly difficult to find fruit not showing HLB symptoms. This review analyzes and discusses the effects of HLB on orange juice quality in order to help the citrus industry manage the quality of orange juice, and guide future research needs

    Valuation of vegetable crops produced in the UVI Commercial Aquaponic System

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    The UVI Commercial Aquaponic System is designed to produce fish and vegetables in a recirculating aquaculture system. The integration of these systems intensifies production in a small land area, conserves water, reduces waste discharged into the environment, and recovers nutrients from fish production into valuable vegetable crops. A standard protocol has been developed for the production of tilapia yielding 5 MT per annum. The production of many vegetable crops has also been studied but, because of specific growth patterns and differences of marketable product, no single protocol can be promoted. Each crop yields different value per unit area and this must be considered when selecting varieties to produce to provide the highest returns to the farmer. Variables influencing the value of a crop are density (plants/m2), yield (unit or kg), production period (weeks) and unit value ().Combiningthesevariablestooneunit,). Combining these variables to one unit, /m2/week, provides a common point for comparison among crops. Farmers can focus production efforts on the most valuable crops or continue to produce a variety of crops meeting market demand with the knowledge that each does not contribute equally to profitability