7 research outputs found

    Sequences Evolution and Population Structure of Tunisian Date Palm (<em>Phoenix dactylifera</em> L.) Revealed by Chloroplast DNA Markers

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    Date palm is present among the vital crops of arid and semiarid countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Chloroplast DNA is the best molecule for finding the evolutionary history of plant species. In the present study, cpDNA variation in date palm was estimated using the trnL-trnF intergenic spacer and psbZ-psbC region. The high AT values in both molecular markers may clarify the high proportion of transversions observed in this species. The neutrality tests, expansion parameter estimation (mismatch distribution), and haplotype network patterns proposed that demographic expansion had occurred in recent times. Furthermore, the taxa distribution is not related to geographical origins; neighbor-joining trees are clustered independently either from their geographic origin or from the sex of trees, suggesting a common genetic basis between different cultivars. Statistical analysis of chloroplast germplasm provides a means of assessing cytoplasmic gene flow, which occurred in Tunisian Phoenix dactylifera L. In fact, Nm was important between Tunisia and Eastern Arabic region (Nm = 2.57), which reflects high levels of connectivity between these population pairs. In conclusion, genomic studies prove date palm domestication happened in the Arabian Peninsula and showed an important gene flow with North African palm populations

    Morphological variability of Mauritanian date-palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars as revealed by vegetative traits

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    The aim of this study was to use morphological markers to characterize twelve Mauritanian date-palm ecotypes currently grown by farmers. Eighteen phenotypic traits describing the vegetative systems were measured in the field in Atar Oasis. The data set was analyzed by principal components analysis (PCA) and UPGMA clustering. PCA revealed a great variability among the cultivars. Fourteen out of the 18 characters studied showed a high discriminating power suggesting their possible uses in the establishment of a Mauritanian date-palm catalogue. UPGMA Clustering revealed association between cultivars with similar fruit characteristics indicating that these ecotypes are morphologically related. Results also showed that individuals belonging to the Ahmar cultivar were morphologically distinct, suggesting it is likely a polyclonal variety

    Génotypage d’une collection tunisienne de palmier dattier par les marqueurs microsatellites

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    Introduction Les oasis tunisiennes sont caractérisées par une richesse génétique considérable comme en témoigne la présence d’au moins 250 cultivars répertoriés (Rhouma, 1994). Cependant, avec l’évolution économique et sociale du pays, les palmeraies de Djérid et de Nefzaoua sont réorganisées pour satisfaire une demande sans cesse croissante en dattes de qualité supérieure à l’instar du cultivar « élite » Deglet Nour. Cette réorganisation a fait que la phoéniciculture est passée d’un système ..

    Contribution à l’étude transcriptomique de la maladie des feuilles cassantes chez le palmier dattier en Tunisie (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    Introduction Le palmier dattier (Phœnix dactylifera L.) est considéré comme étant l’arbre de vie dans les régions sahariennes des pays de l’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient. En effet, cette plante dioïque et pérenne, constitue l’axe principal de l’agro-système oasien. A ce sujet, le palmier dattier joue un important rôle socioéconomique en Tunisie. En outre, il constitue la base de la production agricole ainsi que la principale source financière et alimentaire des oasiens. Cependant, en dép..

    Endemic insular and coastal Tunisian date palm genetic diversity

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    International audienceThe breeding of crop species relies on the valorisation of ancestral or wild varieties to enrich the cultivated germplasm. The Tunisian date palm genetic patrimony is being threatened by diversity loss and global climate change. We have conducted a genetic study to evaluate the potential of spontaneous coastal resources to improve the currently exploited Tunisian date palm genetic pool. Eighteen microsatellite loci of Phoenix dactylifera L. were used to compare the genetic diversity of coastal accessions from Kerkennah, Djerba, GabSs and continental date palm accessions from Tozeur. A collection of 105 date palms from the four regions was analysed. This study has provided us with an extensive understanding of the local genetic diversity and its distribution. The coastal date palm genotypes exhibit a high and specific genetic diversity. These genotypes are certainly an untapped reservoir of agronomically important genes to improve cultivated germplasm in continental date palm

    Biotechnologies du palmier dattier

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    Le palmier dattier est une plante d'intérêt écologique, économique et social majeur pour de nombreux pays des zones arides qui comptent parmi les plus pauvres du globe. En effet, en créant au milieu du désert un microclimat favorable au développement de cultures sous-jacentes, le palmier dattier constitue l'axe principal de l'agriculture dans les régions désertiques et représente la principale ressource vivrière et financière des populations oasiennes. Pour traiter les problématiques liées à la culture du palmier au Maghreb, en Afrique et en Europe du Sud, 60 chercheurs font ici un bilan de leurs recherches sur l'évaluation, la conservation et la valorisation des ressources génétiques du palmier dattier, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives pluridisciplinaires. L'ouvrage présente les dernières avancées scientifiques sur la production à grande échelle, les variations somaclonales et l'amélioration génétique. Enfin, il pose les bases de nouveaux projets internationaux sur la conservation des ressources génétiques du palmier dattier, un enjeu important pour développer l'agriculture oasienne