25 research outputs found

    Best evidence rehabilitation for chronic pain, part 3 : low back pain

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    Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is a major and highly prevalent health problem. Given the high number of papers available, clinicians might be overwhelmed by the evidence on CLBP management. Taking into account the scale and costs of CLBP, it is imperative that healthcare professionals have access to up-to-date, evidence-based information to assist them in treatment decision-making. Therefore, this paper provides a state-of-the-art overview of the best evidence non-invasive rehabilitation for CLBP. Taking together up-to-date evidence from systematic reviews, meta-analysis and available treatment guidelines, most physically inactive therapies should not be considered for CLBP management, except for pain neuroscience education and spinal manipulative therapy if combined with exercise therapy, with or without psychological therapy. Regarding active therapy, back schools, sensory discrimination training, proprioceptive exercises, and sling exercises should not be considered due to low-quality and/or conflicting evidence. Exercise interventions on the other hand are recommended, but while all exercise modalities appear effective compared to minimal/passive/conservative/no intervention, there is no evidence that some specific types of exercises are superior to others. Therefore, we recommend choosing exercises in line with the patient's preferences and abilities. When exercise interventions are combined with a psychological component, effects are better and maintain longer over time

    Pediatric pain : the impact of parental responses and pain science education upon pain-related outcomes

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    Spreading the word : pediatric pain education from treatment to prevention

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    Pain affects everyone hence one can argue that it is in each individual’s interest to understand pain in order to hold correct and adaptive beliefs and attitudes about pain. In addition, chronic pain is reaching pandemic proportions and it is now well known that people living with chronic pain have a reduced life expectancy. To address and to prevent the growth of this public health disaster, we must start looking beyond adulthood. How children view pain has an impact on their behavioral coping responses which in turn predict persistent pain early in the lifespan. In addition, children who suffer from chronic pain and who are not (properly) treated for it before adolescence have an increased risk of having chronic pain during their adult life. Explaining pain to children and youth may have a tremendous impact not only on the individual child suffering from chronic pain but also on society, since the key to stop the pain pandemic may well lie in the first two decades of life. In order to facilitate the acquisition of adaptive behavioral coping responses, pain education aims to shift people’s view on pain from being an apparent threat towards being a compelling perceptual experience generated by the brain that will only arise whenever the conceivable proof of danger to the body is greater than the conceivable proof of safety to the body. Nowadays a lot of pain education material is available for adults, but it is not adapted to children’s developmental stage and therefore little or not suitable for them. An overview of the state-of-the-art pain education material for children and youth is provided here, along with its current and future areas of application as well as challenges to its development and delivery. Research on pediatric pain education is still in its infancy and many questions remain to be answered within this emerging field of investigation

    The Influence of Children’s Pain-Related Attention Shifting Ability and Pain Catastrophizing Upon Negatively Biased Pain Memories in Healthy School Children

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    The current study investigated the influence of children's ability to flexibly shift attention toward and away from pain information on the development of negatively biased pain memories, thereby employing a direct measure of attention control reliant on behavioral responses in the context of pain (ie, an attention switching task). The direct influence of children's attention-shifting ability and pain catastrophizing as well as the moderating role of this shifting ability in the relationship between pain catastrophizing and the development of negatively biased pain memories was examined. Healthy school children (N = 41; 9–15 years old) received painful heat stimuli and completed measures of state and trait pain catastrophizing. They then performed an attention-switching task wherein they had to shift attention between personally relevant pain-related and neutral cues. Two weeks after the painful task, children's pain-related memories were elicited via telephone. Findings indicated that children's reduced ability to disengage attention away from pain information predicted more fear memory bias 2 weeks later. Children's pain-related attention-shifting ability did not moderate the relationship between children's pain catastrophizing and negatively biased pain memories. Findings highlight the contribution of children's attention control skills in the development of negatively biased pain memories. Perspective: Results of the current study indicate that children with a reduced ability to shift attention away from pain information are at risk for developing negatively biased pain memories. Findings can inform interventions to minimize the development of these maladaptive negatively biased pain memories by targeting pain-relevant attention control skills in children

    The relation between children's attention bias to pain and children's pain-related memory biases is moderated by parental narrative style

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    Children's heightened attention to pain and parental narrative style have been linked to the development of negatively-biased pain memories in children (i.e., recalling higher levels of pain and fear than initially reported, which robustly predicts maladaptive pain outcomes). However, the interplay between child attention bias and parental narrative style remains to be assessed. This study aims to fill this gap using enhanced paradigms assessing children's cognitive biases for cues signaling actual pain. Healthy school children (N = 63; 9-15 years old) received painful heat stimuli while performing a spatial cueing task measuring attention bias to cues signaling actual pain. Parent-child interaction upon completion of the painful task, was coded for parental narrative style (i.e., elaboration, repetition and evaluation). Children's pain-related memories were elicited two weeks later. Findings indicated that children showed an attention bias to cues signaling pain. Furthermore, children who were hypervigilant to pain cues benefitted from parents elaborating more about the pain experience, while children who avoided pain cues developed more negatively-biased pain memories if parents had a more elaborative style compared to a more evaluative parental style. In conclusion, this study suggests that optimal ways to talk about children's pain depend upon child characteristics (i.e., children's attention bias to pain)

    The Impact of Parental Presence on their Children during Painful Medical Procedures:A Systematic Review

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    Objective: Whether parental presence during their children's painful medical procedures is advantageous with regard to child's pain-related outcomes is questionable. Research regarding this topic is equivocal and additional questions, such as whether levels of parental involvement may play a role as well, remain to be assessed. The purpose of this systematic review is to summarize and critically appraise the literature regarding the impact of parental presence versus absence during their children's painful medical procedures on the child's pain-related outcomes. Methods: The review protocol was registered on Prospero (ID CRD42018116614). A systematic search in PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycArticles resulted in 22 eligible studies incorporating 2157 participants. Studies were considered eligible if they included children (≤ 18 years old) undergoing a painful medical procedure and compared parental presence and/or involvement with parental absence during the procedure. Results: The children's pain-related outcomes included self-reported pain intensity, self-reported fear, anxiety and distress, observed pain-related behavior, and physiological parameters. Overall, evidence points in the direction of beneficial effects of parental presence versus absence with regard to children's self-reported pain intensity and physiological parameters, whereas mixed findings were recorded for children's self-reported fears, anxiety and distress, and observed pain-related behaviors. Conclusions: : In order to provide clear recommendations on how to involve the parent during the procedure, as well as for which type of children and parents parental presence has the best effects, further research is needed, as indicated in this review

    The effect of a pain educational video intervention upon child pain-related outcomes: A randomized controlled study

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    Background: Pain neuroscience education (PNE) has received increasing research attention demonstrating beneficial effects on pain-related outcomes in adults. Conversely, studies on the effectiveness of PNE in children are scarce. Methods: This study investigated the effect of a pain educational video intervention on child pain-related outcomes (i.e. experienced pain intensity, pain-related fear and catastrophic worry about pain, pain threshold and pain knowledge) in healthy children undergoing an experimental pain task. Furthermore, the moderating role of children's demographic (i.e. sex and age) and psychological (i.e. baseline pain knowledge and anticipated pain intensity, pain-related fear and catastrophic worry) characteristics was examined. Participants were 89 children (Mage = 11.85, SD = 1.78), randomly assigned to either a condition whereby they were instructed to watch a brief pain educational video (i.e. experimental group) or to a control condition whereby they did not watch any video. Results: Study findings revealed that accurate pain knowledge and pain threshold were higher amongst children in the experimental group compared to the control group. In contrast with expectations, no main effects of the video intervention were observed for experienced pain intensity, pain-related fear and catastrophic worry. Moderation analyses indicated that the video intervention contributed, in comparison with the control condition, to higher levels of pain knowledge amongst younger children only and to higher pain thresholds amongst boys only. Conclusions: Further investigation is needed to optimize pain educational video interventions and to determine whether more beneficial outcomes can be found in clinical (i.e. non-experimental) situations and in children with persistent or recurring pain problems. Significance: Examining the impact of pain educational interventions within a non-clinical setting is deemed particularly important given that adaptive pain coping strategies likely play an important role in preventing the development and maintenance of future maladaptive pain-related behaviour. Further, study findings provide preliminary evidence of baseline and demographic (i.e. age and sex) characteristics explaining differences in the effect of a pain educational video intervention in pain knowledge and pain-related experiences during experimental pain

    Do parental pain knowledge, catastrophizing, and hypervigilance improve following pain neuroscience education in healthy children?

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    Pediatric chronic pain is a challenging problem for children and their families, although it is still under-recognized and under-treated. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a pain neuroscience education program for children (PNE4Kids) delivered to healthy children aged 8 to 12 years old and attended by their parents would result in improved parental knowledge about pain neurophysiology, decreased parental pain catastrophizing about their own pain and their children’s, decreased parental pain vigilance and awareness, and decreased fear of pain in children. Twenty-seven healthy child–parent dyads received a 45 min PNE4Kids session. Demographic data were collected, and the Neurophysiology of Pain Questionnaire (NPQ), Fear of Pain Questionnaire—Parent Proxy Report (FOPQ-P), Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Parents (PCS-P), and the Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire (PVAQ) were completed by the parents before and after the PNE4Kids session. Twenty-six dyads completed study participation. In response to the PNE4Kids session, significant short-term (1 week) improvements were shown in the NPQ (p < 0.001) and the FOPQ-P (p = 0.002). Parents’ level of pain knowledge and children’s fear of pain, reported by their parents, improved after a 45 min PNE4Kids session. Thus, PNE4Kids should likewise be further investigated in healthy child–parent dyads as it might be useful to target parental and children’s pain cognitions at a young age