551 research outputs found

    General-relativistic resistive-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron stars

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    We have studied the dynamics of an equal-mass magnetized neutron-star binary within a resistive magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) approach in which the highly conducting stellar interior is matched to an electrovacuum exterior. Because our analysis is aimed at assessing the modifications introduced by resistive effects on the dynamics of the binary after the merger and through to collapse, we have carried out a close comparison with an equivalent simulation performed within the traditional ideal magnetohydrodynamic approximation. We have found that there are many similarities between the two evolutions but also one important difference: the survival time of the hyper massive neutron star increases in a RMHD simulation. This difference is due to a less efficient magnetic-braking mechanism in the resistive regime, in which matter can move across magnetic-field lines, thus reducing the outward transport of angular momentum. Both the RMHD and the ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations carried here have been performed at higher resolutions and with a different grid structure than those in previous work of ours [L. Rezzolla, B. Giacomazzo, L. Baiotti, J. Granot, C. Kouveliotou, and M. A. Aloy, Astrophys. J. Letters 732, L6 (2011)], but confirm the formation of a low-density funnel with an ordered magnetic field produced by the black hole--torus system. In both regimes the magnetic field is predominantly toroidal in the highly conducting torus and predominantly poloidal in the nearly evacuated funnel. Reconnection processes or neutrino annihilation occurring in the funnel, none of which we model, could potentially increase the internal energy in the funnel and launch a relativistic outflow, which, however, is not produced in these simulations.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figures; animations available at http://www.southampton.ac.uk/~kd10g13/movies/index.shtm

    An explicit harmonic code for black-hole evolution using excision

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    We describe an explicit in time, finite-difference code designed to simulate black holes by using the excision method. The code is based upon the harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations and incorporates several features regarding the well-posedness and numerical stability of the initial-boundary problem for the quasilinear wave equation. After a discussion of the equations solved and of the techniques employed, we present a series of testbeds carried out to validate the code. Such tests range from the evolution of isolated black holes to the head-on collision of two black holes and then to a binary black hole inspiral and merger. Besides assessing the accuracy of the code, the inspiral and merger test has revealed that individual apparent horizons can touch and even intersect. This novel feature in the dynamics of the marginally trapped surfaces is unexpected but consistent with theorems on the properties of apparent horizons

    Quasi-periodic Oscillations in the X-ray Light Curves from Relativistic Tori

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    We use a relativistic ray-tracing code to analyze the X-ray emission from a pressure-supported oscillating relativistic torus around a black hole. We show that a strong correlation exists between the {\it intrinsic} frequencies of the torus normal modes and the {\it extrinsic} frequencies seen in the observed light curve power spectrum. This correlation demonstrates the feasibility of the oscillating-torus model to explain the multiple peaks seen in black hole high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations. Using an optically thin, monochromatic emission model, we also determine how a relativistically broadened emission line and the amplitude of the X-ray modulations are dependent on the observer's inclination angle and on the torus oscillation amplitudes. Observations of these features can provide important information about the torus as well as the black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Computing Fast and Reliable Gravitational Waveforms of Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants

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    Gravitational waves have been detected from the inspiral of a binary neutron-star, GW170817, which allowed constraints to be placed on the neutron star equation of state. The equation of state can be further constrained if gravitational waves from a post-merger remnant are detected. Post-merger waveforms are currently generated by numerical-relativity simulations, which are computationally expensive. Here we introduce a hierarchical model trained on numerical-relativity simulations, which can generate reliable post-merger spectra in a fraction of a second. Our spectra have mean fitting factors of 0.95, which compares to fitting factors of 0.76 and 0.85 between different numerical-relativity codes that simulate the same physical system. This method is the first step towards generating large template banks of spectra for use in post-merger detection and parameter estimation.Comment: Submitted to PRL. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Will black hole-neutron star binary inspirals tell us about the neutron star equation of state?

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    The strong tidal forces that arise during the last stages of the life of a black hole-neutron star binary may severely distort, and possibly disrupt, the star. Both phenomena will imprint signatures about the stellar structure in the emitted gravitational radiation. The information from the disruption, however, is confined to very high frequencies, where detectors are not very sensitive. We thus assess whether the lack of tidal distortion corrections in data-analysis pipelines will affect the detection of the inspiral part of the signal and whether these may yield information on the equation of state of matter at nuclear densities. Using recent post-Newtonian expressions and realistic equations of state to model these scenarios, we find that point-particle templates are sufficient for the detection of black hole-neutron star inspiralling binaries, with a loss of signals below 1% for both second and third-generation detectors. Such detections may be able to constrain particularly stiff equations of state, but will be unable to reveal the presence of a neutron star with a soft equation of state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Mass Ejection from Binary Neutron Star Mergers

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    We present fully general-relativistic simulations of binary neutron star mergers with a temperature and composition dependent nuclear equation of state. We study the dynamical mass ejection from both quasi-circular and dynamical-capture eccentric mergers. We systematically vary the level of our treatment of the microphysics to isolate the effects of neutrino cooling and heating and we compute the nucleosynthetic yields of the ejecta. We find that eccentric binaries can eject significantly more material than quasi-circular binaries and generate bright infrared and radio emission. In all our simulations the outflow is composed of a combination of tidally- and shock-driven ejecta, mostly distributed over a broad 60\sim 60^\circ angle from the orbital plane, and, to a lesser extent, by thermally driven winds at high latitudes. Ejecta from eccentric mergers are typically more neutron rich than those of quasi-circular mergers. We find neutrino cooling and heating to affect, quantitatively and qualitatively, composition, morphology, and total mass of the outflows. This is also reflected in the infrared and radio signatures of the binary. The final nucleosynthetic yields of the ejecta are robust and insensitive to input physics or merger type in the regions of the second and third r-process peaks. The yields for elements on the first peak vary between our simulations, but none of our models is able to explain the Solar abundances of first-peak elements without invoking additional first-peak contributions from either neutrino and viscously-driven winds operating on longer timescales after the mergers, or from core-collapse supernovae.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. We corrected a problem in the formulation of the neutrino heating scheme and re-ran all of the affected models. The main conclusions are unchanged. This version also contains one more figure and a number of improvements on the tex

    Accurate evolutions of inspiralling and magnetized neutron-stars: equal-mass binaries

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    By performing new, long and numerically accurate general-relativistic simulations of magnetized, equal-mass neutron-star binaries, we investigate the role that realistic magnetic fields may have in the evolution of these systems. In particular, we study the evolution of the magnetic fields and show that they can influence the survival of the hypermassive-neutron star produced at the merger by accelerating its collapse to a black hole. We also provide evidence that even if purely poloidal initially, the magnetic fields produced in the tori surrounding the black hole have toroidal and poloidal components of equivalent strength. When estimating the possibility that magnetic fields could have an impact on the gravitational-wave signals emitted by these systems either during the inspiral or after the merger we conclude that for realistic magnetic-field strengths B<~1e12 G such effects could be detected, but only marginally, by detectors such as advanced LIGO or advanced Virgo. However, magnetically induced modifications could become detectable in the case of small-mass binaries and with the development of gravitational-wave detectors, such as the Einstein Telescope, with much higher sensitivities at frequencies larger than ~2 kHz.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Added two new figures (figures 1 and 7). Small modifications to the text to match the version published on Phys. Rev.

    Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics - MICRA2009, Niels Bohr International Academy, Copenhagen, 24–28 August 2009

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    This special section is devoted to the workshop `Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics - MICRA2009', which took place at the Niels Bohr International Academy, in Copenhagen, 24–28 August 2009

    On the iterated Crank-Nicolson for hyperbolic and parabolic equations in numerical relativity

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    The iterated Crank-Nicolson is a predictor-corrector algorithm commonly used in numerical relativity for the solution of both hyperbolic and parabolic partial differential equations. We here extend the recent work on the stability of this scheme for hyperbolic equations by investigating the properties when the average between the predicted and corrected values is made with unequal weights and when the scheme is applied to a parabolic equation. We also propose a variant of the scheme in which the coefficients in the averages are swapped between two corrections leading to systematically larger amplification factors and to a smaller numerical dispersion.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Accurate evolutions of inspiralling neutron-star binaries: assessment of the truncation error

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    We have recently presented an investigation in full general relativity of the dynamics and gravitational-wave emission from binary neutron stars which inspiral and merge, producing a black hole surrounded by a torus (see arXiv:0804.0594). We here discuss in more detail the convergence properties of the results presented in arXiv:0804.0594 and, in particular, the deterioration of the convergence rate at the merger and during the survival of the merged object, when strong shocks are formed and turbulence develops. We also show that physically reasonable and numerically convergent results obtained at low-resolution suffer however from large truncation errors and hence are of little physical use. We summarize our findings in an "error budget", which includes the different sources of possible inaccuracies we have investigated and provides a first quantitative assessment of the precision in the modelling of compact fluid binaries.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes to match published version. Added figure 5 right pane